Charles story

Hey ithappens, i just got my prescription for xyrem and have been taking it for 4 days now but have not seen that miraculous recovery that you experienced. Did you end up taking Melatonin with the Xyrem program? I notice that there are bags under my eyes probably due the salt content of GHB. Waking up in the morning, I still feel tired and have a slight headache (almost negligible) during the early morning hours. Did u feel the same thing. What supplements and/or medications were you on for the first 2 weeks on the xyrem program?

For me, i noticed that my morning erections went away and/or was reduced to 10% throughout the night. After waking up, I still feel groggy after having 8 hrs of sleep but can’t even fall back to sleep. I feel that GHB depletes the serotonin reservoir which is why i can only sleep to a certain point then i have to wake up. Since Melatonin uses serotonin as a precursor and if you took it with xyrem then it deminishes your body’s need to convert serotonin into Melatonin and help you sleep better.

It is still too early to say if Xyrem will help me recover, but i’m hoping that you and paul waters are right about this drug. Like, you said, it wasn’t easy getting this drug but i had moderate sleeping issues, so it made it easier to get xyrem after a sleep study.

Please give me any important advice while i’m taking this medication.

ithappens: when u decided to stop GHB,did u stop it suddenly or u just slowed down the dose day by day?

hey italysideeffect, are you actively taking Xyrem (GHB)… how are things for you? did you find any improvements?

Yes I have the prescription and on monday/tues i ll start it ,but it is not xyrem .but it contains ghb so i ll take a high dosage compared to xyrem’s treatment.i ll post .

about u,give ghb the time it needs to work,meds need their time to start to work…

from what ur description is,i understand tat u have severe fatigue,no restored sleep after sleeping,brain fog + sexual problems;if it is like this,for sure it ll take some time to work…give it time; (i didn’t understand exactly but paul took 6 mouth to recover and probably some mouths with ghb use.

anyway i ll post what happen to me next eweek.

On xyrem I never took Melatonin as I didn’t really need it to sleep per say. I can relate though to the not being able to fall back asleep during the day and upon waking up at night after using it, but compared to the horrendous sleep I was getting before I was fine with it. I would say you have to give it a lot more time than just 4 days to see if it would help especially if you are at the lowest dose. While it did help me right away the more pronounced effects didn’t come till a couple weeks on it etc. I did however have erections upon waking up with it so I don’t know there. Overall, while xyrem was wonderful it didn’t cure me instantly at all or made me feel great, it more or less allowed my symptoms to fade enough to the point where I broke out of hell and was allowed to live a somewhat normal life again.

I decided to stop taking more or less suddenly after a couple of months of use. I just felt that I didn’t I need it anymore regularly more or less. I did however use it when needed during the next few months.

also quick update I’m basically almost recovering again with my new routine and i have the feeling it’s gonna last this time. Over the past week or so everything is starting more and more to return to normal and overall besides maybe the brief few days of recovery before this is the best I’ve felt since this all happened.

For me, i notice that the first day on xyrem that I felt a tingly sensation in my testis, so i thought that the drug was working. But 5 days later with a little hind sight it appeared that it was robbing me of nocturnal and morning erections. So, I stopped xyrem on the sixth day to see if my noctural and morning erections would come back which it did, but it only came back at 40%. On the sixth day, I took 5-htp and melatonin to help me sleep as well as had a big turkey dinner (getting a good dose of tryptophan) left over from Thanksgiving. Also, I applied to progestrone to my nuts b/c I saw that paulwaters2006 (supplemented with progestrone pills) and ithappens (just had naturally high progestrone and suffered from gyno) which could be the key why I didn’t experience the same results as it did with ithappens. User 19 tried xyrem and from what i read he didn’t experience any marked improvements, so there could be a correlation between body chemistry and what is needed to get the full potential out of Xyrem.

Right now, i’m going to experiment by bring my back to the baseline which is using supplements (zmk, melatonin, and 5-htp) to get good sleep and get nocturnal/morning erections back. In the meantime, I will use progestrone cream to build up my progestrone count which may help with the production of allopregnanolone ( to work in concert with Xyrem to affect the GABA-A receptor. After a couple of days, I’ll give xyrem a shot again but i may go off the reservation from what the doctor prescibed and use it for taking naps, only if it doesn’t show any good results after take it twice a night for about 5-10 days. For those who wants to know, I’m putting the progestrone cream on my balls and under my arm pits.[/url]

One day what do you mean by “progestrone” are you reffering to
“progesterone” ?

You do know that progesterone block the creation of DHT right ?
at least if you still insist on trying the progesterone theory don’t rub it
on your balls the risk is high.

There are many androgen receptors on that area that convert testosterone into DHT, putting the cream on the site would mean you could disrupt this process.

kemangd, that is a good point and i read an online article ( about it. Then is it possible to rub progesterone on our heads to inhibit the DHT on the scalp, so that our hair may grow back thicker? I’ve had thoughts about that and may try it someday. I won’t be rubbing progesterone cream on my nuts anymore. Thanks for the input.

oneday, for me personally anything that can block the formation of DHT
is dangerous and i would not touch it. Just remember DHT is also needed
in male’s brain and that it’s function is very complex.

i’m using ghb from 4 nights and i can see better/spontaneous erections at night and morning but when i wake up,it s hard for me to get an erections,dipends from the moment…i ll stay more time on ghb seeing what happens.

having night /mornig erection fuller but not during the day… what do u guys think ? should i stay more time on ghb ?


Ghb is good for your adrenals, and i just like the feeling of relaxation on it, it certainly has some possitive effects, and i dont get arroused by alot.
GHB=Libido for most.

But be carefull because its adictive also, some people drink up to 0.5 liters a week, and somehow get in trouble :unamused: , in that case you would have to use a lot, or for a long time, than it becomes dangerous!!! could kill yourself with it.

nice links;

Its the most indestructive drug i know, yet you should use it wisely, but that goes for all drugs no.

Your body will tell you when its enough, and your not addicted easily.
Even when you become an addict, it looks like the simplest addiction to rid yourself of.(in under few weeks of withdrawel, instead off years)

Besides that, we have learned from our fina experiance and have become more cautious.

Learn and understand and take your profit, fina is far more dangerous!

popo:did u have sexual problems?i dn t remember

how long are u using ghb?

first week on ghb,i really dn t know if it is doing good or bad for me.

i feel pain on my testis and just sometimes get erections in the night/morning… i dn t understand if it could be a good signal or not .

about energy i feel normal,but still depressed and anxiety-

guys,don t feeling good and tomorrow i ll go to Paolo Peccoz for a vistit…hope he ll give me some good treatments…

i ve been to paolo peccoz ,he knows about fina and looked my bloodtests but didn t say nothing ,so i told him i took acth and than said me to take bloodtest at 15 of genuary and go back to him and he ll give me some treatments.
He didn t say nothing about the tratments but i asked him can i reverse these sides and he said me that meds can work but there also is psycological issue to remove and he doesn t think i can go back 100% but he can t say anything now…will see what happens !

searching about ghb…

message for ithappens :

onestly i want to thank you for all updates u gave us and private messages u sent to me … thank u so much but homie, we really need to know what u are doing to recover and what about ur bloodtests , we don’t know u and u don’t know us but I think that showing us ur new bloodtests could help so much to understand what the problem is .

I hope u ll come on the forum one more time -


hey to everyone
anyway i just wanted to say that as far as i can tell i am very very close from being over all of this. when i recovered last time for a period of a couple weeks it happened rather suddenly and then went away so i’m hoping that since this time it’s been more gradual it will last. What i was basically doing besides taking xyrem when needed was just doing prostate massages along with taking anti-inflammatory supplements. I decided not to post anything because i was having some reactions and wasn’t sure if what i was doing was the right course of action or not. I’m glad I did this cause I can say in my case that the while it did help at first the massages proved to be counter productive and unnecessary. anyway, my whole deal with this is that i’m at a stage where my sleep is almost back to normal, I’m sleeping 8 solid hours again on a normal schedule waking up feeling good etc, and otherwise things are pretty good in general. i have a couple big time job oppurtunities too on top of this so I’m hoping to land one of them right now. There’s still some things i want to go away like some of the weight gain and a few other things, but all in all I feel like i have control of my life again.