Charles story

Any update from you guys (ithappens & italysideeffect)?

I knew there was a connection between PFS and sleep. Around 2 months ago I was awake for around 38 hours- up all night and day in the library to work on a university deadline. That night when I got home, I slept the best I ever have since taking fin because I was so exhausted. The next morning I woke up and felt mentally alert. Now I can barely get 5 hours a night and wake up feeling like shit. Hmm, getting deep sleep consistently may be a step forward in helping the body recover. Everybody is experimenting with supplements, why not experiment with sleep?

The connection is likely neurosteriods. Between just the general inablility to get comfortable and sleep and the constant urination I literally don’t recall more than two or three hours of uninterupted sleep over the last two and a half years.

Jamie, I had a lot of trouble with sleep for about 14-18 months after quitting Finasteride. But within 2-3 years, my sleep is fairly normal. I’ll admit that it’s possible that I don’t remember dreaming as much, but that’s debatable. However, my genitals are still mostly numb and definitely my dick is small unerect and not sensitive or full/fat as it was before Finasteride. My memory is still also poor. My beard grows slowly and my skin is still dry.

I found many reports on the dangers of ghb use on the net. There are many people who found this drug highly addictive, but, at least in the cases I’ve read, these people already had a long history of drug abuse and used ghb in huge amounts several times a day.

Xyrem is prescribed for narcolepsy with a dose ranging from 4.5g to 9g in my country. I found recommendations of 0.75g to 1.5g, which is a comparatively small amount if you take it twice a week(like ithappens). According to some reports on the net it’s very tricky to find the right dose. Too much or too little can change the effect and small changes can make a huge difference.

Does anybody know how much ithappens has taken?

I believe he took up to 4g a night, which from what I know is about 20ml. Don’t quote me on that though. I can attest to the benefits of GHB for sleep and also this condition in it’s entirety. Unfortunately in my case I am still not recovered, with a range of horrible symptoms in all categories. I’m still experimenting though, searching for the answer constantly, in both my mind, in books and in practice. GHB remains a prominent part of my recovery programme though, because there is something about GHB that completely opposes and reduces every one of my PFS symptoms. It doesn’t seem to turn the table and make it stick however, which leads me to believe that I (we) need something else in combination. I’m not quite sure what that is yet.

Interesting, it’s good that GHB seems to help and could be part of a successful treatment plan, even if it’s not actually a cure. Does anyone know if there are any good legal alternatives to GHB, or failing that have any advice on obtaiing it (e.g. through sleep studies)? It does seem harsh that the one supplement which shows real promise is actually illegal. In the future, if there were a medical study on how GHB benefitted PFS sufferers, then specialists may be able to prescribe it for us. This seems some way off, but I don’t know if there’s anyway the scientists researching PFS could look into it…

I’ve tried GABA and Picamilon without success. Picamilon actually has a rebound effect that strangely caused hemorrhoids.

GABApentin is another, stronger option. A few PFS guys have tried it, but they did not take near enough of it to really judge its efficiency. I have a legit and cheap source for it if you are wanting to test it.

Hello everyone, after crying for two straight days I managed to start laughing at myself. I’ve poured over all these post, they all give valuable insight, some depress me and some uplift me. I just stopped taking Finasteride after 2 years, I’m going to do the Master Cleanse for 14-20 days. I took my last pill 4 days ago and haven’t had an erection since. I don’t know if I can’t get hard because of what I’ve read, nonetheless I begin the battle for my life back. I hope the cleanse restores my body to pre-finasteride days, but if not the most promising thread I have read has been by ITHAPPENS. I’m uninsured and buying GHB off the street sounds like risky business. ITHAPPENS writes about XYREM, but how do you get it prescribed to you? Can it be bought in Mexico? I tried Cialis a couple of days ago, absolutely no reaction, but it did leave me with a nice big headache. Peace to you my brothers.

Can anyone recommend somewhere to buy GHB online ?

Have a look at this site. … pplements/

which recommends:

  • Magnesium/calcium butyrate, or Sodium/potassium butyrate supplement
  • Vitamin E
  • Melatonin
  • huperzine
  • Piracetam /Oxiracetam
  • Choline
  • DHEA
  • Magnesium
  • 5-HTP (maybe)
  • MCT Oil
  • Vitamin D

I can recommend the magnesium/calcium butyrate in intermittent dosages. Also choline.
My sleep has definitely improved after cycling these supplements intermittently.
Also high grade fish oil (containing EPA/DHA).

I have not tried Huperzine or Piracetam, but hope to try these over the next few weeks.
Melatonin is a banned substance in the UK, so its not an option for me.

MCT Oil may be a 5AR inhibitor, so may be best to research it before taking it.
DHEA is something i would only take under guidance of a doctor.

2 years off propecia and my sleep has still not returned to normal … !

Hi There,

Can I ask where you get your GABApentin from is it available to buy online ?


Hi Mark,

try to get a prescription from your doctor. I got one - try a psychatrist.

GBL is legal in some countries. I used it for one week a long time ago, and it wasn’t a good experience. But some weeks after my condition improved in some of my problems, though i don’t know if it was because of this.

GHB activates is own eponymous receptor, not just the GABA receptors.

I’ve tried GABA and Picamilon without success. Picamilon actually has a rebound effect that strangely caused hemorrhoids.

GABApentin is another, stronger option. A few PFS guys have tried it, but they did not take near enough of it to really judge its efficiency. I have a legit and cheap source for it if you are wanting to test it.[/quote]

Moonman, could you please message me with regards to the above?

Hey. i think its this article is totally correct because all of these PF Side effects got serious when i got insomniac. i could fall into sleep but i wake up 7 to 8 times!!! during the night. at that time i didn’t know its the PFS so i was takin’ both thyroid and sleeping pills every day and night for 4 years!!! yes stupid doctors
and lying brochures. any way the thing is i could sleep easily with very little amount of “clozapine 25 mg” ( the weakest in dosage)i mean very little, just 1/10 of each pill before bed!!! i know you may say non of it could get to the brain but it worked. anyway i could sleep with this amount continuously till morning but that little amount had its side effects after i wake up but some days i was alright and i new it if i could sleep deep there was no problem at all during that day and sometimes with naps i could get better and i was wondering what this naps could do that 8 hours of sleep didn’t do ( i thought it my thyroid ).
know i look old and tired like a junky and lost those happy days and full of muscle body because of misdiagnose. i mean takin levothyroxin and schizophrenia pills
for these years without stopping that junk finasteride :frowning:
i say the PFS are very alike chronic insomnia:
Hormonal imbalance, fatigue, cardiovascular problems, depression, memory loss, anhedonia, inability to concentrate and remember words, weight loss or weight gain (because brain has more appetite for glucose and fat), elevated LDL and lack of HDL, nutrition deficiency specially Vitamin D. needless to say some of these are symptoms and some are causes but you can find em always together.
Despite these years days after a good sleep i don’t see the world a s**t hole. BUT after a sleepless night with full of wake ups in silence and darkness and the train of thoughts …

Hi ogadwolverine,

What dose of XYREM did you take ?

My theory is that–among other things-- we are waiting for the research on how to flush-out junk protein built-up in the brain from insomnia. I think some of you have seen news about research that confirms this junk protein being the major culprit in the development of Alzheimer’s. The objective is to surely accelerate the protein-flushing effects of sleep --which the research confirms as function of sleep. Interesting, your experience of using GHB in this context because maybe researchers will find something about GHB during this oncoming research.

the second article here mentions that the research involved 70 adults. … sease.aspx … story.html … lzheimers/

Following on my previous post, I believe that flushing out this plaque in the central nervous system will be highly beneficial for us with PFS.

Think about what happened in your own history of PFS. For myself, the small progress that has occurred concerned sleep and anxiety. I believe that my brain could not handle an excess of stimuli nor thoughts for many months following the onset of PFS. The first year was hell for me. But, toward the end of 2009, I began sleeping somewhat better and my anxiety also decreased around that time.

The things that have not yet happened for me are: regaining genital sensitivity, moist skin and short-term memory function–along with shedding pockets of fat that developed on the face, neck, abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. I don’t think for a moment that flushing junk protein out of the CNS will solve all these problems, but surely re-gaining short-term memory function would make a great difference for all of us (not to mention an improved capacity for sensory and thought-response).