Charles story

more to ITHAPPENS : the theory could be right… only bloodtests could prove it … are u planning to get them or u think u’ll not?

Your adrenals are screwed up, italy. Yea, one day you’ll have full license to be reckless again. But you need to fully heal your body first. It can take a few months.

It’s like someone (Merck & the Medical community) stabbed you in the back & punctured a vital organ. Doc says you’ll be okay, but you need to rest for 3 months. You would not go out partying and risk a worse situation; you’d heal up cuz you’d know you were wounded. Just give it time.

Also, I would like to say that, while I admire and am intrigued by all of these in-depth analyses of the inter-connected nature of these hormones and enzymes, currently I believe at least 80-90% of this syndrome can all be put down as a GABA deficiency causing endocrine shutdown. There is a role GABA plays in the HPTA & anterior pituitary (source of ACTH, LH, FSH etc) that has not properly been posted in the Studies area yet. Combine GABA deficiency with adrenal burnout, catecholamine depletion, hypogonadal LH and FSH levels, I think this topical theory is more apparent - especially as I, and many others, appear to be testaments to the notion. However, of course, perhaps it does not explain all, and this deep digging is what is needed. For myself, I have no current need to dig deeper yet, and am merely taking it step by step.

(Note: I just read the theory here-in and see it essentially is what I said. However, I don’t think applying DHT or using a DA agonist is necessarily a cure - but restoring GABA likely is. Allow your body to resume its normal production independently. The DA, DHT should all normalize with continued treatment & proper sleep, IMO. Remember also…5ar2 is impaired for weeks after fin use, so a shutdown - assisted by stressors - is so easy its ridiculous.).

Hi ithappens,just would like to know what about your % sex ability now …

i have brainfog with no sexual sides and my dht is normal… how can this be?

I m just back from PAOLO PECCOZ and he said me that my axis looks fine so he dsn’t think I ve an hormonal issue…I told him about my brain problems and he said maybe the issue could be neurological… so I ll try GHB again…hope to recover .

Tonight (in 1 hour) 'll be my 1st night on GHB again and this time I want t o stay on it at least 1 mouth or more . I just can say GOOD LUCK TO ME !
…my biggest prblem to start this GHB routine is how can I say to friends I dn’t want to go out anymore … I used to be a street boy,always around my city … I’ll post soon . God helps me .

I dont think it,s wise to stay on ghb that long.

Ghb normalizes you, quick.

It,s hard to find negativ,s about ghb no hangover, and an improvement in almost every apect in live.

This is why you could get addicted easily, I would take no more than 2 times a week at evening times, not before you go too bed, take it at 18.00 or 19.00 hours on prefebly an empty stomach this way you will sleep al night, it has to do with the dopamine rebound after 3 hours you,will wake up, if taken before bedtime.

Xyrem has about 42% ghb arround the same as illegal ghb does.
Only xyrem has no impurities wich illegal ghb has.

Best thing to do is using it 2 times a week max, maximum benefits.
More and more people become addicted on this stuff, they keep on taking it because they cannot find any negativ,s therefore taking more and more.

Do more research

I have found in the beginning 25 times i used, i think it helped me recover somewhat, pain in the nuts like they were activated again, maximum hornyness, maximum joy in life. Made my receptors work overtime instead of the other way arround. Made real improvements in short timeframe that stayed when not on.

After those times i dont think it helped me further, so maybe a short periode of trying could be done, but i dont see mayjor benefits of using it further. Though every time you take it, you wil feel good.

Its like with all hormones, ghb is already in your brain, use to frequently you will get an opposit effect driving your own production to low.
You will get problems taking it 2 weeks straight 24/7 though at this point you will probebly not be hooked, but feel fisical disturbance.
you will probably feel discomfort even after 5 days of 24/7

so why did ithappens recover using it 1,5 mouth non stop …???

I understand what you re saying but if it were like you re saying ithappens should be dead,but he isnt and feels good …that’s what I want to do … ( and if I m not wrong paulwaters did the same as ithappens ,took it before bed and for long time and he didn t die but he recovered,so I thank you so much for the advise but I think I ll do what ppl have done and recovered … hoping it ll happens to me too )… anyway thank you popo for your interest !

…more xyrem (ghb) is prescribed to be taken before bed,medical istructions tell it,so that’s what I ll do .

non-stop---->24/7 is non stop once in the evening is not 24/7

I meant the risk of getting an fisical addiction is minimal taking it 2 times a week.

I know people who take it once a day in the evening for months, they stop without mayor problems.(so this will probably be not as addictive)

I know people who take it many times a day for weeks, who get in
trouble. (not mayor yet) just sweating feeling uneasy and those type of thing.

Now in my country drugs are export number one, a lot of users and their experiance over here, in forums and alike.

My post is mainly based on my experience, and a lot of experiences i came across in my country.

To get fisical addicted you need to use every 2 to 3 hours a dose even at nigh,t when you do this you can get addicted fisical in under 3 weeks, the longer the more severe.
When you stop under this condition abrubtly you have a fair chanche to die.

For mental addiction you only need to take it, till you like it, and want to do it more often.

All In All GHB helped me dont know how much exactly, talk to ithappens he didnt seem to want to stop ghb forever, only take it now and then.
A little mental addiction, wich is no problem just needs to stand strong and not take every day for days on end.

Still from my experience maximum benefits,or minimum risks are, when maximum is 2 times a week, i feel days after taking a dose a positiv effect so no need for every day or 3 times a day

Every day use is safest if one dose it taken a day, after 1800 hours fisical addiction is not likely this way, this is a mental adiction already though.

Try it and you will understand what i mean
You likely will be ok, just use you,re mind and look at other peoples experience.


Been loosely following my routine for the past couple weeks and im feeling wonderful. Not doing or taking anything right now and am on the verge of being 100% once again. Im close and will keep u posted.

what dosage of ghb did you take?

thoughts on phenibut?


hi ITHAPPENS,you give me the biggest hope ever…i ve 2 questions for you : I know u used ghb to sleep ,after that u used a cream with dhea and what else u used to recover more than these two things?

I would ask you if you could write a detailed list with all your steps just because I would like to follow your process (now I’m using GHB to sleep)

Another question :how old are you ?
…and more did you do something for candida ?

thank you so much like always.

So with Phenibut, the effects are only temporary as with 3pm, but with GHB it will repair everything? Do you believe it will repair all types of iatrogenic damages such as psychiatric medication induced ones or just Propecia induced damages?

Yo ITHAPPENS,waz up? still doing well? are you at 100% .

Let us know .: )

Sorry i haven’t been able to update much recently as I’ve been busy between work, summer plans, and vacation. Let me just update my situation. To be honest I dropped most of the other stuff I was doing and just still took xyrem when needed. The other things weren’t bad but i just felt like they weren’t doing much. However, I have also been using quercetin (however u spell it) daily and i do feel it has helped a lot. Besides that though sexually things are fine as said before and while i didn’t feel fully recovered like i did around 9 months ago I still felt very good. The only thing that really was still somewhat a problem was getting my sleep on a consistent schedule and more so how my body was doing from physical standpoint. I still felt bloated at times and was unable to lose the weight i gained, my metabolism was so so sluggish, just didn’t feel right in that area etc.

However, I can say over the past month or so that has started to subside and im feeling better greatly. Im hungry at normal, hours again, my body can process meals, and overall I feel almost as good athletically as I used to. It keeps improving everyday and I feel like I’m getting closer to being 100% soon, it’s exciting. As far as things that helped I can’t really say it for sure with scientific evidence but from my experience all this improved greatly from being outside all the time this summer. I really feel like just the extended time in the summer sunlight has helped with my vitamin D levels (which I tested low in a year and a half ago) and just overall I feel a lot better after spending time outside now. I know it sounds stupid to just say go outside and i dont say its a cure all, but the sun is the greatest source of natural vitamin d you can possibly get and all of it helps increase dopamine. Otherwise ill be sure to keep you updated on everything.

I can’t wait to hear more. perhaps we need to create a timeline. So, basically, you’ve been taking Xyrem irregularly during the summer? Well, I won’t ask too much because I think that aside from reading this thread a timeline is needed.

Do you have a daily exercise routine of at least 25 minutes of cardio while taking Xyrem currently? I’m wondering how long you might go in between doses of Xyrem just by getting adequate exercise and (hopefully) good sleep.

my timeline on xyrem was basically 2 months of straight use in the spring of 08 followed by irregular as needed use throughout. I don’t take it that much if at all anymore as I just don’t find it as necessary to what I’m trying to do. To update I still feel well and am improving surely but slowly. An interesting thing to note is that I basically had not touched alcohol for pretty much an entire year and a half up until this past weekend as it made me feel like hell and i didnt get the response I used to get from it. However, I went up to visit my college friends and decided I was ready to try, and it absolutely had the same effect it used to. I was drunk and horny and loving life etc. I’ll be sure to update again when i get the chance.

great to know u re still good ithappens…for me i really feel better but still not where i was before propecia…i m at 80% i 'd say .

i m working 12 h /day so i dn t have time to come on the forum.
Im still waiting the researchers response that will arrive soon to study our case cause i already paid 2000 euros to them (friends of my father) so when i ll have some news from them,i ll not forget to give you all some news… i love you guys .

Dont know if this was posted but saw:

Good Post Golf