Charles story

Hey mark,

My Post was related to gabapentin.

So just an update- I have successfully acquired Gabapentin and it has helped quite a bit.

I’m not cured totally, but there have been benefits:

-Sleep quality has improved immeasurably and I don’t feel as fatigued as I did before.

  • I’ve noticed that my brainfog has lessened and I am slowly coming back to my articulate, pre-propecia self!

  • Friends are commenting that I look ‘better’ and ‘younger’, which is true. There is a difference in my face. People who have known me only post-crash keep asking me ‘what have you done!?’, as if I have beauty secrets to share.

I do feel that the Gabapentin has helped. I am going to up my dose from 300/400mg a night to around 600 mg. This is my regime to date:

  • 2 mg of prescription Melatonin taken before a hot bath.
    -Once in bed I take 300 mg of Gabapentin. Lights out. Get a good nights rest.

I am doing a lot nutritionally:

1). no sugar, not even substitutes such as agave or maple syrup. This is easy as I did this before and am well aware of the toxic effects.

2). Limiting caffeine. I do not drink coffee but there are a few caffeine-containing beverages I am consuming because of their health benefits. The first is Matcha green tea. If you haven’t heard of this before, it is a finely powdered green tea that is incredibly concentrated. One cup of matcha contains more antioxidants than blueberries and spinach. Here is a website listing the benefits:

I have this everyday as I believe this is very beneficial for us- not only does it induce alpha wave activity in the brain but it is chock full of antioxidants and blood cleansing chlorophyll. There are numerous studies that cite green tea’s health benefits, especially when it comes to brain health. I always add fresh lemon juice to my tea as it apparently increases the bio-availability of the nutrients. There are varying grades of matcha green tea out there, the best I have found is DO-Matcha’s Ceremonial Green Tea:

Why adding fresh lemon will increase the benefits of green-tea:

Aside from Matcha, I also drink raw cacao. Again, research shows that it is a nutritional powerhouse, benefits the brain, enchances mood, and is one of the most potent sources of antioxidants. However, I limit myself to one cup a day, if that, as it can be very stimulating and along with the green tea may interfere with achieving a good night’s sleep, which is most important part of my regime. I also add a teaspoon of maca root powder and cinnamon to my cacao. The benefits of raw cacao:

The only other beverage I am making is Turmeric Tea. I have been reading up on how great Turmeric is for brain health and the prevention of brain disorders such as alzheimer’s. From my research I have read how even doctors are taking two teaspoons of ground turmeric a day for prevention. I add coconut oil (also great for brain health) to 2 teaspoons of turmeric and 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper which contains piperine- this is needed to increase the body’s absorption of turmeric.

One of many links on turmeric and brain health, this link also mentions coconut oil and cacao:

3). Food-wise I am sticking to a mainly lean-protein sources (free-range, organic chicken and wild salmon) with lots of fruit and veg. Every morning I start with a green smoothie- kale and spinach are the base, I add lemon, mint and fresh ginger. It tastes like grassy lemonade! I limit the green smoothies to one glass a day as spinach and kale are high in oxolates which can be detrimental to health in high doses- I don’t want to do more harm than good. Other raw vegetables I include in the smoothies are fennel, bok choy, and broccoli which are low in oxolates.

In addition, I choose sensible carb options such as sweet potatoes, quinoa, oats, humous and excluding all high-glycemic carbs which all turn to sugar once digested.

The only fruits I have are berries, as they contain the most nutrients without the sugar: blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and pomegranates. I also like to add frozen acai pulp to my smoothies. An interesting point about pomegranates is that the outer rind contains a lot of nutrients- perhaps even more than the kernels within. Since reading the article below I have begun to peel the rind and add it to some of the smoothies (it gets ground up in the blender):

4). Supplements. I prefer to get most nutrients from food but I think out bodies could use some help. I take a Centrum multivitamin, astaxanthin (great for brain health as it crosses the blood brain barrier), vitamin D, krill oil, alpha-lipoic acid, and I am about to start taking a Curcurmin/Turmeric supplement:

I’ve tried many astaxanthin supplements, but this is the one I noticed a difference with:

I’m hoping that the above will help, but I am not being nerotic about being ‘damaged’. Now that my sleep is sorted I think it is a matter of time. I have come on leaps and bounds since the initial crash in 2010 (I mixed propecia with prozac), time has helped to heal me but sorting my sleep out has definitely supercharged my recovery. Melatonin and Gabapentin are the cornerstones of my recovery thus far.

Now that I am sleeping better I think the above will have more of an impact on my health. The only other thing I am looking in to is changing to a raw food diet so that I can reap the most from raw vegetables. This has been the best site I have found:

I am also continuing with my studies as I feel so much better after using my brain and reading academic texts. I feel as if I am being ‘re-wired’.


Hi jamielondon,

Good to hear your getting better.

Can I ask how long you used Gabapentin for ?

I took it for a few days at up to 900mgs a dose but I did not notice any improvements.

Hi Mark,

I am by now means cured. In fact, I think restoring sleep is the tip of the iceberg.

I have been taking gabapentin for one month so far.

Aside from sleep I am very concerned about my clicking joints/bones. I have dull aches all over my shoulders and my wrists are clicking as I type on this keyboard.

One forum member says he has been diagnosed with osteoporosis in his neck:


I have been researching and I am going to have a uric acid blood test- uric acid seems to build up if you have kidney damage and is the main cause of gout. Something is not right with my joints/bones.

One thing after the other…there goes not being neurotic about recovery.

Hmm, epilepsy drugs (gabapentin) are being connected to bone disease:

My clicking bones have only just started within the last two days- I wonder if there is a connection?

I think at this point I will go back to smoking weed for sleep!

jamielondon I also have acne all over my back. I think its a common side effect of PFS.

Given the success that posters have had with Xyrem it would be great if a study was conducted on PFS sufferers. My sleep technician baulked at me when I mentioned Xyrem but this was the NHS. Perhaps I should go private in the hope of securing Xyrem?

I know Ithappens, and he did not recover from his post-finasteride sexual dysfunction via the use of Xyrem.
I’m sure Mew will want to erase and ban this message/post here, but I am speaking the truth. You are barking up the wrong tree trying to get Xyrem, as his claims are fraudulent. Been there done that. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news! But I’ve wanted to say this for a while.

BigSoftie is a fraud too, jfyi…

Really Boston, and what makes you think that?

at the rate research is progressing and as we gain more momentum, it might be best to not try anything too drastic and do anything that can potentially bring new obstacles.

taking xyrem is a somewhat serious venture with an unknown out come.

not that my opinion really matters, but i would take a step back and try to sort of calm your body and slowly work up to things that may help.

whatever you decide to do, just be extremely careful. this kind of stuff is no joke.

Got any proof, Boston?

What is this nonsense about the fradulent claims od xyrem being of absolutely NO benefit?

Who cares if it does nada for the libdio? If it does get me into sleep and bring back my gaba then I am hunting it till I find it.

Because people (you) don’t like what I say here, and hence why I hardly post here anymore. None of you guys are treating the symptoms… Or really talk about successful good quality treatments for the problems. You’re all looking for a magical cure, which just doesn’t exist yet, but instead the trend on this site is just to Do Nothing and wait to get “cured” by a doctor. I think people often follow the lead of the leader.

Oh, so I got some Xyrem and tried it for a few weeks. ithappens helped me out with that. We talked on the phone a lot and talked about symptoms, and use, and recovery. Trust me…he didn’t have legitimate sexual dysfunction which Xyrem cured…

Nor did BigSoftie.
He was paid by Primordial Preference…or whatever that place was that was hawking supplements. He told me in a PM. I’m not saying those supplements do nothing, or don’t help… But he wasn’t “cured” through using them. It was all marketing.

I will tell you one thing, something that SHOULD be posted in the recoveries section or treatment section rather, as a sticky, is Dr. Hornsby’s therapy! Because it actually works. It may just be a temporary thing… and may be similar to Viagra, albeit without all the side effects because its not taken orally, but it actually really does work! And they believe that will actually have long term benefits, if you follow the program! Its becoming a real trend now too. The radio commercials just don’t stop either, here in Boston (a huge metropolitan city of millions of people), the ads have been playing on the sports radio station here for almost over a year now, and they won’t cut it off, it keeps playing. Its because it works. Its the new thing.

Hell its the best treatment program I’ve heard of and know that will ALWAYS work, I’ve tried it first hand.
It may not be a permanent cure…but at least guys can have their sex lives back again, while we cross our fingers and hopefully wait for one… Their daily protocol costs about $2500 for the entire year…but they describe it as taking your dick to the gym! Hey, its better than walking around dickless, isn’t it???
I had trouble with the price, and wasn’t expecting a sales pitch like that, signing on as a long-term treatment was the only way they wanted to let me sign-up, idk, maybe for others it might be different, but so for me I just wasn’t ready to pull the trigger yet. They say its pointless otherwise, where I just wanted to try it first… But now, idk, I just kind of want to sign up once i can get the money. Its better than going sexless!

I could have fucked the most bootylicious girl last night who was here in my house hanging out with my roomate and I because she wants to rent the room…she was here for 5 hours!!! talking our ears off…but she was such the eye candy that neither of us cared!! She was a little on the short side, and with wider hips and legs…but with a huge rack! And LOVED to tell stories and hear herself talk…and has a beautiful flawless face. So sexy! She was giving me vibes all night. I would have fucked her brains out, and I know she would have let me!! Believe me, it was depressing! I chalked it up to my roomate as, “well, I would prefer she move in, so I just couldn’t let myself fuck her, bcos I didn’t want to fuck that up!” It sucks guys, believe me! She wanted to get fucked! Hottie 31 year old head bartender of a hotel restaurant/bar. Polished, smart, and a total flirt. And very well endowed!!

Anyhow, I REALLY want a fucking cure. I wish I had some money. I wish these studies would progress faster.

Now why don’t you guys start asking me about this treatment, huh!?! bcos its a treatment that actually works!

I’m telling you Mew et al. Look into this. You’ll get your sex lives back! You’re guaranteed, or you’ll pay nothing. Seriously. And they say without the side-effects of viagra.

Boston, no offense but your post for the latest doctor you’re promoting comes across a bit over the top, and almost like a shill.

What exactly is his “treatment” he wants you to pay $2,500 for? You didn’t exactly describe it. A quick Google turns up this: … by-pa.html

Judging from those links it’s simply injecting shots into your penis, probably similar to Trimix which can be done by a Urologist for a lot less. Not to mention the effects of shots are temporary, not permanent… that’s why you have to keep taking shots!

From what I’ve read and heard around here, nobody has been cured by injecting their penis… if anything, it may lead to fibrosis from multiple shots over long periods of time.

Anyway, for those who wish to try more treatment for erectile dysfunction, shots are another option if someone is not reacting to Viagra, Cialis or Levitra. Although, it could end up being costly in the long run.

Don’t even try to go this road. This is totally misleading. Mew will erase this message because he thinks I am discounting other’s progress…eventhough I am probably one of the most positive people on here…but I know a few things about a few of these recovery people…because I contacted and befriended most of them.
It happens did not really recover from Xyrem. Sorry to break the news. I BOUGHT Xyrem off of him! Yes, you read this correctly. He sold me some, I tried it for about a week or more, it was very weird, and year and half later I sold it all back to him. He and i talked extensively. Believe me when I tell you this. Forget about this treatment. He has partially recovered over time, like the rest of us… But Xyrem was not a magic “recovery treatment”.
Do Not Erase this message either.

Oops…sorry for the late response. Just saw this Mew.
Yes, it is an injection. I would certainly not do it daily… but once or twice a week could be good, in conjunction with a viagra, and sex…Keep the mojo going and the dick hard!
i don’t know about you, but the more I get it going, the more it goes!! and continues to go. Its like when i have a regular girlfriend, after a couple weeks if i am getting some good sex every day, my normal sex function starts to come back to semi-normal. If I go back to being single though, then ED and “dick issues” return! Sucks!
I need a full-time sex goddess to polish my wang daily! And then I can recover! :laughing: