Celebs another one to watch

The doctor told me it might “lower my libido slightly but if you come off it will return to normal” when I asked about side effects.

What hurts me is I came across an article called “why I will never take the anti-baldness drug Trump takes” but didn’t bother to read it. If I had I would probably not be here. So many ways in which I could have avoided this nightmare but didn’t. It’s truly incomprehensible.

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And I have a sweet girlfriend who loves me. I didn’t need this shit to begin with. I was perfectly fine the way I was.

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@Erik I was gobsmacked .They might think I’ve been the 1 in a million or some deluded uncle of their mate. Who knows but I’ll continue to enquire how they are. I thought my sister would have re inforced the point but j don’t think she fully gets it either.

One of my wife’s friends 20 year old son recently started accutane. The same thing happened. I told his mother who I know well and she’s aware of what’s happened to me. She basically rebuked me and said that the drug is monitored. I had to let it go.


Yeah that is really insane. I can’t understand why someone would take it if they had heard about this condition. Although one can could ask why I never googled it or thought about the fact that DHT might not be some trivial thing and might actually be quite important.

But ultimately it’s horrendous we live in a society in which drugs like this can be conceived, manufactured and mass marketed to innocents.

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Oh god no. I went to a HS graduation party for my ex’s daughter yesterday…a very rare outing for me since PFS and I felt very uncomfortable in that setting with my misshapen face and shrunken head and pale wasted body. Can’t even hide behind sunglasses because they look gigantic on me now. I noticed a group of kids where one of them had terrible acne. I wanted to warn him about accutane but I would’ve come across as the crazy old man in a horror movie.


I quit the drug 8 months ago and so far my face is not misshapen and my head does not seem to have shrunk. Is this the next horrible thing that’s in store for me then? I thought I had reached the end of the extent of this horror.

This situation is unending psychological and physical torture.

I feel for u and fully relate. Great that u made the effort we always have too. Insane that we’re made to feel like crazy fucks we should be given war medals for this. Just a couple of years ago i looked great and got the look off birds wherever I went. Not anymore. With the old personality I’d have still held court but that’s gone too. Like an old junkie now who can’t articulate clearly.

I can’t wait for the bounce. I.e. to return. I still believe it will happen. Life will be better than ever.

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After eight months I doubt it. Once PFS hit I experienced skin changes, sunken eyes, and facial collagen loss right away and it progressed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and everything in between very quickly and hasn’t let up. So if your body is still supporting your basic genetic structure then you’re likely safe in that regard as long as you don’t rock the boat with sketchy treatments.

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Appreciate hearing some good news finally. Hard to come by these days. I did actually shrink a bit in height but that was early on and I haven’t noticed anything like that since. Otherwise now I look the same as I did before, people can’t notice any difference.

I’m very sorry such horrendous things are happening to you. This drug is nothing short of one of the ugliest crimes against humanity I’ve witnessed.

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