Cannabis Oil as a Treatment?

For those of you who haven’t been to Dr John Crislers forum, he has a section on PFS amd other related issues … fferers.8/

I’m going to check if I can qualify for medicinal cannabis. I have very little experience with it, and to tell the truth, I can’t say it helped much with sleep when I tried it with PFS. But I was thinking maybe there are some strains with less THC and more CBD or other components that would help.

Interesting news legal Cannabis Oil is going to be sold in the UK.

Taken from ukcbd’s website

“Our CBD is a natural constituent of Industrial Hemp oil…Industrial Hemp is naturally high in CBD and naturally low in THC, whereas most Cannabis is just the opposite (high THC, low in CBD)”

This is not the same product it is taken from industrial hemp, in the documentaries charlottes web is oil extracted from the actual plant and is often sold as a thick dark coloured oil in 10ml tubes/syringes. I’ve not heard of people treating serious medical conditions with industrial hemp. It is not about how high the cbd level is, it’s about extracting an oil with the complete cbd profile needed to treat medical conditions, industrial hemp does not meet this criteria despite their claims.

By now I would think you would have tried every oil known to mankind. Still no cure eh?

Hi Andy,

Do you think this product is worth trying ? … ds=CBD+oil

Hi Mark,
If you are going to use CBD it should be made from the plant rather than from hemp. CBD from the plant is expensive for long term treatment and I believe it would run beyond £3k. THC treatment will cost north of that figure. Many of the CBD plants contain THC so it’s unlikely that you could buy these things over the counter in Europe. The US still seems to be the No1 place for all things relating to RSO. As of yet no PFS patient has come forward with a cure from either CBD or THC. The best improvements I’ve heard about have come from THC but I don’t know if those changes remain after discontinued use. The oil is no good for my anxiety so my journey here has come to a natural end and I’m focusing more on diet and stomach health these days.

Hi Andy,

What do you think of the idea of making the oil at home like Rick Simpson advocates. That would cost a faction of the price of buying the oil plus you would know exactly what was in it.

I’m thinking whats stopping me from growning these plants in my garden.

Hi Mark

It’s a fair point and would require some research. Growing the plants is not so easy, I’ve talked with legal growers in the US and they all said it took several attempts to get it right. Doing a 3 month course is a big commitment you would probably be unable to work or do much else while on the treatment. As we have had no PFS guys claim to be cured with RSO we don’t know how much would be needed, it could take more than 3 months. Folk also need a good mental tolerance to the oil, for some it could cause more harm than good. I don’t really know how far you are in the thought process. But growing your own would seem by far the cheapest route.

i tried growing it and it worked like a charm 1st try. its not hard at all! just buy an automatic flowering plant.

now, the problem i had was MILDEW fuckin mildew ruined the plant. so be careful and put the plant isolated from others …especially tomatoes lol

Where you able to make any Cannabis Oil ?

ididnt try it. i still have the crop i have made but what should i do with it, it has bloody mildew… argh

anyway, I will start this week another plant. i know cannabis can help me. maybe not a cure though

anyone cured by rick Simpson ?

what about the people who’s crash after fin was caused by smoking weed?

Hi guys. My mental sides is getting better, but the other day i tried hash and the next day I felt almost fully recovered mentally. The kind of hash I take usually causes me to have excessive amounts of thoughts which is the straigh opposite from my mental sides of taking propecia. Im already getting better naturally so its not something I personally will put time in but it felt really good to have my brain work somewhat normally.

Hi All, I just want to ask if anyone ever tried using medical cannabis as an alternative meds? I have read many articles about medical marijuana and how it can help you in terms of chronic pain, bone injuries, eating disorder/anorexia, anxiety disorders and panic attacks, inflammation, even cancer and a lot more. Like this article about a marijuana strain from . Cbd and thc are also new to me and I don’t even smoke. If this is true I cant find any solid conclusive evidence that speaks to its efficacy. Any personal experience or testimonial would be highly appreciated. Thanks

Hi there guys! I’v heard a lot of time from different people about the treatment using CBD oil extracted from hemp. So, my issues is that I’m tired of this headache and I want to improve the situation. Do you recommend to heal with CBD products. Does it really work? If yes, what do you think Hemp Depot US online shop? Do you recommend to buy CBD oil there? Thanks for your advice!

Unless you are buying in a legalised state then I don’t think you are able to source a complete cbd product which may contain low amounts of thc.

Not sure that CBD oil can cure every thing, but it can cure chronic pain, anxiety, sleep disorder, cancer cells, depression problems.

I’ve smoked a lot of thc in my time with pfs and experimented with cbd oils as well and none of it helped any pfs symptoms