Broccoli Treatment for Prostatitis / reducing Estrogens

Learn all about the Broccoli Treatment and how it can help with Prostatitis, lower Estrogens via DIM, and other potential benefits for boosting libido, etc.

i’m into my second week of this and i feel pretty good.

Hi guys,

I took broc treatment for a few weeks just before Christmas.

During this, my estradiol was at 86 (50-200)
Testosterone was at 35 (10.5 - 30)

I felt pretty good right up until the end of January, however i’ve gotten progressively worse since then. I had great morning woods, 2 spontaneous erections and was beating a solid pecker on a regular basis.

After brock treatment i started getting discomfort / numbness in my testicles. this has yet to subside.

Would it be wise to do broc treatment on a regular basis?

It doesn’t sound like your testosterone is improving much, estradiol looks good though.

I’ve heard DIM the active chemical in the broc treatment has anti-testosterone effects.

It has more of an anti estrogen/estradiol effect That is why you can find it on any body building site. If it was simply anti test, you wouldn’t see it there.

DIM is an anti-androgen. It inhibits DHT from binding to androgen receptors. I found Propecia on a bodybuilding site once too. The whole premise is that when DHT is blocked, more testosterone is the result because it is not converted to DHT anymore. Insofar as broccoli, I’m under the impression that DHT is not blocked from forming, just that it is blocked from reaching androgen receptors, similar to equol me thinks. If that’s the case then I would think the same amount of testosterone exists. For someone that doesn’t do all their research, they might think that broccoli blocks DHT from forming (a la Propecia), instead of simply blocknig DHT frmo attaching to androgen receptors, but still allowing it to form. Read below. … ncer.shtml

It is also my impression that many bodybuilding articles, even those written by “doctors” have incorrect information, as I’m pretty sure many people with phDs can get their degrees through vague online schools.

If the broccoli treatment apparently normalizes people, would this not help with slurring of speech caused from Propecia? I started eating a head of broccoli 9 days ago, primarily as an alternative to Propecia, and then I stumbled on this and apaerntly it can help with side effects.

It seems I can relate to almost everything with my experiences. Before I knew that Propecia was messing with me I was on a diet. I used to eat nothing but natural foods and always recogonized that when I ate broccoli it made some of my symptoms go away for a few hours, so weird how it works. I remember going home to cook on my lunch break and after I ate broccoli it made me in a happier mood. 100% noticeable. As far as sexual benefits I dont know, never paid attention since Propecia had me pretty much emotionally numb.

If this broccoli thing works, how long does it take to work? A week? Month? Months? And is the effect a lasting one?

hi there…

Broccoli Treatment works as supplementary treatment against BPH, Prostatitis, IC (interstitial Cystitis) and urinary tract infections (including vesicula seminalis infections). Broccoli Treatment has preventive effect against prostate cancer too.

Broccoli treatment, i done it.

It works by its antibacterial action, its circulation aspect and its effect on lowering estradiol (the broccoli contains lost of this).

I don’t understand what broccoli juice is? does he want us to boil it, then run it through a juicer? can we just boil it then eat it? lol

Why wouldn’t eating more broccoli have the same effect? Shouldn’t it be the same thing? It all breaks down the same way in the body …

Tried it - followed it the whole way. My opinion - limited benefits. I took the DIM capsules and had a much better effect.

I followed this website

I followed it exactly for more than 2 weeks
When Im on it, I urinate a lot less. 50% of nights while using the treatment, I can sleep the entire night without waking.
After completing the treatment, I dont get that annoying tickle/irritating feeling in my penis for over 3 months now.

The reason its prepared in a specific way is detailed on the above website

Just to be clear, you boil the broccoli…but ultimately consume only the water/broth?

Yes and no,
You can consume the broccoli, and its good to, but it should be eaten at least a 1/2 hour or more after you drink the juice.

Sometimes I ate it. I think the juice was the part that helped more.

how do you guys swallow the juice? it tastes so bad.

Broccoli treatment is ordered for prostatitis, which means prostate inflamattion.

Propecia (hypothethically) causes involution of prostate, in common words: prostate is shrunken.

Question is: could broccoli (or DIM-caps, even better) help for shrunken (or involuted) prostate?

Further, if bacterias plays role in PFS condition, than antibacterial effect of broccoli-plant should have its point to PFS-treatment.

Oscar,Mew hit your comments/oppignions.


I ate a lot of broccoli raw for weeks before noticing tons of dead and alive bugs in it… :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Unfortunately I’m lazy to get rid of those bugs and you should probably take care of the bugs even before boiling the broccoli.