Brand Spanking New Theory: Most modern men have some form of mild-PFS, it's just worsened by Fin

Here’s a theory I’ve been wrestling with for some time.

I believe PFS is caused by a completely fucked male hormonal system, and that most modern men actually have semi-fucked hormonal systems.

I’m 25 years old and literally all of my close male peers (8+) wrestle with ED occasionally. That’s not normal! That shit didn’t happen in the 80s.

We all have reduced libido, all of us are seemingly low-T, and all of us didn’t feel this way when we were teenagers. We barely drink, we barely do drugs, we all get varying degrees of anxiety, insomnia, depression, lethargy, stomach issues, etc. Sound familiar?

Take a look at the average 25-35 year old man, 90% are seemingly under hormonal attack by something.

There’s a bunch of theories floating around for the Low T worldwide: is it the estrogen in the water, the plastics, the shitty diet, the lack of exercise, epigenetics? No one knows, but it’s as clear as day that modern men simply don’t have healthy hormonal systems, and it’s getting worse with each generation.

Quick aside: It’s not just T, hormonal systems need to be super finely balanced to work properly. In fact, it’s not just PFS users who have bad experiences on TRT. Take a look over TRT forums:

All you see there is people who are struggling to find a balance with their hormones. These aren’t PFS sufferers with ill-health, these are completely normal young men who take up TRT and find it completely inefficient.

Anyway, back to the point: So what happens when you give a guy who already has a non-optimal hormonal system a drug that’s designed to further fuck with the hormonal system. Well, you get a whole bunch of unpredictable health issues aka PFS.

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.


im unsure about the ED part but IMO i think a lot of people “could” have very mild cognitive impairments and not really catch it. same with what youre saying.

ive always thought PFS might be much more spread out than we thought, though not sure how much more.

but i could be wrong.

Well with the global push for veganism and phyto and xenoestrogens everywhere. Fluoride in the water. Fertilizers and antibiotics in foods. Men aren’t what they used to be. I would imagine men before the industrialization era were like porn stars until they died.

I agree with your theory, I’ve had many guys my age ask me about how to stay hard. I’m 28

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It didn’t happen in the 80’s? How can you be sure of that?



We need technological intervention to fix modern peoples hormones; like nanobots or gene editing or something. We’re probably not as far off that tech as we think we are, as long as there’s a global push for it.

Imagine a world full of people with perfectly dialled in hormones:

  • Testosterone, Growth Hormone, Estrogen, etc. All dialled in to ideal 20y/o levels
  • All men under 60 jacked, robust, motivated, with a teenage libido.
  • All women under 45 slim, energetic, healthy, and have amazing skin.
  • Anxiety, depression, obesity, sexual dysfunction completely eradicated.
  • People are healthy and working until the age of 85
  • Healthspan increases drastically, Lifespan reliably increases to 100s-110s.

Idk about you guys, but I want to live in THAT world. And it’s not as unrealistic as you might think to see it in our lifetimes if there’s support for it.

I made a hormone test after pfs and my values are far out of rage. I have extremely high testosterone and especially free testosterone. Before pfs it was obvious for me. Now i feel like someone with a hypogonadismus. See what i want to say ? Its not our hormone values that cause this shit.
I agree that there are more pussies than there were in the 80 s but today parenting is completely different than it used to be. There were always slim and buff guys. It hasnt changed much. Maybe a little cause of the points you spoke about but in my point of view deniable. Of course many men today suffer from ED. The expectations go higher and higher. In every area including sex.

I’ll be honest, I can’t be sure, I wasn’t alive.

But just talk to any older person about it.

I’ve asked older dudes what them and there friends were doing at my age. They usually say something like “oh yeah, getting smashed, doing drugs, and fucking bitches every weekend lol”

And I just compare it to every mid-20s person I know: Depressed, barely drinks, low sex drive, slightly chubby, in a boring af relationship where they lazily watch netflix and barely fuck.

At some point you gotta ask “what the actual fuck happened to 20 somethings” It’s like 20 is the new 40.

I did crazy shit like that when I was a teenager, but I literally can’t now, and niether can my friends. A couple of my friends tried to do MDMA on this new years and their weak ass bodies couldn’t hack it - they were like straight up fucked for like 2 weeks.

i experienced the same but i took finasteride with 18 and since then my libido decreased and so on. so i cant say if it would have happened to a small degree anyway. i have no comparison. as a teenager i was like you

Most young people these days only have until like 20 maybe 22 years old before their health starts going to complete garbage.

In my opinion, and according to my theory, you taking fin at 18 merely sped up the process.

According to my theory, if you took a strong healthy 18 year old from 1940 and gave him fin for however long, it would barely affect him because his health would have been robust enough to completely bounce back from an offset hormonal system.

Males are now more comfortable talking about issues such as ED than they were 30 years ago.

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There are papers that suggest that younger men get hit harder with finasteride side effects than older adults.

There’s more going on though:

I didn’t have any symptoms of PFS prior to taking Finasteride whatsoever.


i get what you mean. But that would mean before second world war nobody would have got pfs from taking fin. I dont think so. Especially the guys here with a strong libido prior to fin got hit the hardest here.

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This is a theory that was postulated on another site I frequent, that we weren’t at our best pre-fin. Not a new theory, but don’t let that discredit you by any means.
There are a lot of factors that are causing this. Sedentary lifestyle job creation in tech and desk jobs. People aren’t on their feet, having to work, create, and thrive in order to literally eat. Mineral composition of crops have deteriorated from over farming. The food we eat is often junk, and doesn’t provide enough vitamins and minerals. Probably vaccines cause issues (I only say this because CNN is against anti-vaxxers and that pretty much tells me everything I need to know). Increased circumcision of newborns causes brain damage. Birth control is excreted through urine, and the molecules are too small for most city water treatment filters to filter (same with antidepressant medication). Overprescribing of prescription drugs. Flouride. Lack of vitamin D.

The list is rather large, so it’s not surprising to see some negative affects.


No we don´t. Technology is part of the problem here. The further we stray away from nature, the worse we become I think. But I absolutely agree with a lot of the things you say in your first post. I bet its something in the environment, either through air, water or food, or all of these combined.

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Which other site would that be?

Could you link me?

I used to think like that. But realistically we’re never going to be able to ditch technology, not on any mass scale.

Besides, the damage is already done. If you went through puberty in the modern age no amount of nature bathing and paleo dieting is going to put you back in ideal hormonal range.

The best thing we can do is to pimp technology to our benefit – it’s the only realistic solution.

Where are these papers?

I think you really hit the nail on the head with your original post. Attached picture helps support your point.

Something is very wrong with men (and women) nowadays. This is true across cultures and across the world. Obviously, some men are perfectly viral and healthy, but they appear to be an increasingly smaller portion of the population.

Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that 4 percent of procepia users gets some degree of persistent sexual dysfunction, and that 1 percent of people exposed to BPA plastics gets some degree of persistent sexual dysfunction, and that 2 percent of people exposed to round-up weed killer get some degree of persistent sexual dysfunction, and that .5 percent of people exposed to birth control in the water supply get some degree of persistent sexual dysfunction, and so on with all the thousands of man-made substances people are exposed to on a daily basis. It’s easy to see that even if the chances of any individual man-made substance inducing persistent sexual problems is low, the sheer number of potentially damaging substances modern man is exposed to pretty much ensures a man will suffer ill effects from at least one of them and perhaps additive effects from multiple.