Brand Spanking New Theory: Most modern men have some form of mild-PFS, it's just worsened by Fin

Just because men are having less sex now than they were, say, a decade ago, it doesn’t mean it’s due to endocrine disruption. In fact it’s unlikely that 10 years would make that much of a difference in terms of diet, etc. What would make more of a difference is the advent of social media and the complexities it brings with it. Furthermore the whole ‘me too’ movement and the notion of requirement of ‘consent’ is likely to contribute to the decreased level of sexual activity men are involved in.

Alleged hormonal changes within the past decade in men seems to be quite an unlikely explanation for this effect.

I think that endocrine levels have been getting consistently since worse since somewhere around the middle of the century.

It’s not like it’s completely dropped off in the past 10 years, it’s more that the consistent reduction didn’t have a pronounced effect until it got to a certain level where the effects are becoming very noticeable.

We’re at the point where perfectly healthy young men are finding themselves almost completely unwilling to have sex. Social media didn’t do that.

Think about it this way: Hypothetically, if you were to gradually lower a healthy man’s T level, starting at 800 then lowering down to 200. He probably wouldn’t notice that anything was really wrong until he got under 400, and even then he probably wouldn’t take it seriously until it got under 300 – Now think about that on a society wide level, our levels have been dropping for years, but didn’t start to have an effect until things got really bad, i.e 2010ish

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Yup, test levels have fallen DRAMATICALLY for the last few decades yet this is kept quiet. We hardly hear about this but this should be very shocking news.