I honestly feel that we need a seperate presence to organize better. A separate website dedicated to the mental side’s would be great, along with a friendly link up and relationship with this forum, because it would allow other’s (who feel frustrated that the mental side’s, are not getting enough attention with the media, news, research, doctors etc.) to organize in one spot.
I really would be interested to know, percentage wise, how many of us are really out out there with, mental side’s being the predominant health issue. A separate presence would be certainly helpful to many hear who are primarily focused on curing our horrific mental side effects. I did do a phone interview, with the hartford courant newspaper(it’s still online on their site), and often mentioned that I suffered mental side’s, but after reading the story, it seemed to not come off that way. There is far too much attention paid to the sexual side’s as their is still a fascination with sexuality, and link’s up rather well towards the vain side of thing’s like hair and appearance, which the media is always salivating to hear about and report on.
We live in a very vain society, and I feel that exposing the mental side’s more, would add to our credibility from a sociological perspective, and more of a compassionate response from the public. We need people to feel more for us
The public needs to hear something about the mental side’s to create a balance and outrage.
This would benefit us all, including the sexual guy’s out there. The pendulum must shift, so that the general public knows, that this drug is capable of actually turning a previously healthy young mans brain, into a severely altered one, memory loss, spacial memory issue’s, brain fog, and a form of cognitively altered reality dysfunction. Imagine the reaction to a story like this!