boston332's story

I share all of these sentiments. For me weight gain stopped when I stopped consuming refined carbs for the most part. Only time off and eating paleo helps. Nothing has got me back to normal except the few times of random recoveries in 2.5+ years. Bloating is exactly the right word. It’s almost like a diabetic. Strange why I never test positive for this. It’s the first thing every doctor checks and it’s always negative.

Ditto about digestion. You eat but don’t get energy from the food. I went to a point where I was getting energy from nothing. Now it’s a bit better but still not normal. Getting sick for the entire day or multiple days comes also from any sugar, caffeine, or alcohol for me.

When I quit eating carbs I lost a lot of weight. I would go so far as to say I would have starved to death. I don’t think the liver is converting proteins to energy efficiently. Definitely cannot think without some carbs. But carbs make me bloat up so it’s a catch 22.

Still cannot resolve sleep patterns. I’ve spent the last three days lying awake until 3-4 am. I’m not taking melatonin now. Melatonin was helping but I was feeling more and more sleepy during the day. My sleep patterns are just wrong. I’m up too. Peeing at least 2 times a sleep.

I hope you will get some relief too. I’m skeptical about myself. The only time I feel better is when I’m mildly active all day long so the muscles cannot get cramped. I’m becoming so paranoid of anything out of the ordinary or treatments because I have a stronger opposite reaction to everything so far.

What’s awful is not being able to look at your own reflection in the mirror. I really don’t recognize myself anymore. I held an old picture up for my girlfriend and she couldn’t believe it was me.

I have the headache too. My theory is that it comes from using the computer or laptop. I’m right handed. I extend my right hand to use the mouse. The muscle structure is weak and pulls the neck out of alignment and the weakest link suffers, which is the muscles in the neck that run up behind the ear. Mine got so bad it went to the jaw and aggravated the nerves of my teeth, left side. I almost got root canals because of this. However discovered the correlation between the extension of my right arm to use the computer and this and drastically cut down the time and force myself to walk around every 20 min and do movement/resistant exercises with bands. It’s the only way it’s manageable for me.

Since seeing shippen im assuming you have had your cortisol checked. What was the result? Sorry if its in the thread allrdy…

Mine did come back to size. Still varies but its okay now for the most part. Even had some curvature return to normal. Dont think its low dht btw. If that was the case you would have had shrunken penis on propecia not after when you quit. Dident really have it on propecia, only after. Perhaps i did not notice tho i was asexuall on propecia but crazy horny when i crashed.


Nope, neither Shippen or Jacobs have tested my cortisol. Neither have mentioned it to be honest.

Thanks for the reply and glad to hear you went back to original size, at least for some time. I havn’t at all yet, neither flaccid or erect. I remember when I took my first Fin pill. I felt my penis retract some. I’m guessing from the immediate drop of DHT. Pre Fin I was above average. I developed early. I got pubic hair and was muscular even as an adolescent. I played sports all throught school and I seemed to bigger than anyone. I’m praying when this is all said and done I got back to my pre Fin size.

Thanks for the reply

Amazing really. You should make sure someone do test it! How can they put you on trt without testing this i dont understand esp if your other bloodwork was in range.

Good luck!

I think I’m going to do a 24 saliva.


If you do any cortisol test, definitely do the 24hr saliva test. My ACTH test came back close to doubling. My doctor thought those results were fine. Techinically the level is supposed to double, even coming up short of doubling indicates a problem.

Then when I did the 24hour test, which provides a much better idea of your levels throughout the day. It was pathetic. I was in the tanks at the 8:00am reading, when it should be the highest.

Do you suffer from selective memory? Your saliva test showed you morning cortisol on the high side as per your post below. Then you speculated that the morning sample was flawed in your own thread. Im assuming you did this cause your symptoms match adrenal fatigue just like so many of us. But lets keep track of the facts. Your morning cortisol are far from tanked according to the actual test you did.

I just got my 24 hour Adrenal Test results and I thought I would post them immediately, so I could get some feedback. Hopefully someone has a good idea where our numbers should be.

8:00am 0.44 (range 0.04-0.56)

12:00pm 0.07 (range< 0.04 or = 0.36) They didn’t really provide a range for noontime, but you have to imagine it should be inbetween the two.

5:00pm 0.03 (range<.04 or = 0.15)

12:00pm .05 (range<.04 or =.09)

Unfortunately I have huge memory problems after fin, don’t know about Boston 2009…

This is a HUGE problem for me too. I literally dont remember doing very important things.

I usually have pretty good memory so perhaps i dont understand how things like that can relate to memory. I think its something completely different but then again fin is a nasty drug :slight_smile:

Given the poor memory I can’t tell you where, but this has been discussed on the forum. Fin blocked production of allopregnalone and dht which are both needed for the brain. Search around in the studies section.

Can anyone recommend a reliable lab for a 24 hour saliva? Looking for a comprehensive test. ie cortisol, e2, test, etc.

Depends on wher you live. In europe we have geneva diagnostics that supposedly have relilable labs.

For sex hormones id use serum tests.

Check the labs section of

Labs taken May 7, Friday (edit- 12:10 pm)

Cortisol AM 6.9 , range 4.0-22.4
Total T 642 , range 250-1100
Free T 140 , range 35.0-155.0
e2 52 , range 13-54
HGH .5 , <= 10
IGF-1 6f , < or = 34

I had only taken about half a cc of T in the 10 days prior to this lab. e2 is high of course. I’m setting up a consult with Dr. Jacobs for next week.

well, your morning cortisol is garbage, as you probably know… should be real high… as you already know… igf is probably low as well, which is expected, as you alrdady know…

You mean you took the test at 12:10 pm?? Cortisol AM needs to be done around 8 am. Also do the saliva test for better diagnosis.


Your AM Cortisol level is that of a healthy person’s close to bedtime. It’s horrible. No kidding, you should address that one. Maybe do the ACTH and if you confirm you’re not producing enough consider HC.

I imagine you feel very tired by noon time. Is that a fair statment?

For the IGF-1, what is “6f” or is that a typo? I thought you said your IGF-1 was very high.

Bostonusa idk how in the HELL you felt good on HC. HC didnt do absolutely anything for me… very strange, and my AM cortisol is just as bad as boston332 maybe worse… Weird thing is I don’t have much fatigue… just every now and then, but I find that it kind of reflects what I eat…

as for igf, I was confused about that as well.