First of all one injection of testoviron dosage 250 one a month is woeful!!!
Testoviron contains two differing forms of testosterone ethanate and proprionate, one has a half life of a couple of days and the other stays in the body at a decent level of around a week!!!
Even in terrible old fashioned protocols of TRT 250mg would be typical every two weeks NOT four!!
You will be hypogondal on that regime three weeks out of every four!!
Furthermore you will be getting the rollercoaster effects of elevated estradiol from such a regime, or rather you would if you weren’t on an ancillary medication.
As it is this muppet of a treating doctor has also treated you with such a high level of selective estrogen modulator (SERM) that you probably also have low free testosterone and low free estradiol!!!
The worst combination possible…this is staggeringly bad medicine.
Your estradiol test is pointless because estradiol on tamoxifen is not a remotely reliable test of how much estradiol is able to work in your body because it is being blocked at the receptor level and not reduced in the blood.
You NEED a decent endocrinologist who will test SHBG, free testosterone if possible as well. One that does so whilst putting you on a proper treatment regime such as the more modern 100mgs every week injections of ethanate and who will look to lower estradiol IF high with arimidex (aromatase inhibitor). Then an estradiol test will be accurate and let you know whether estradiol is high or low as arimidex actually lowers estradiol in the blood.
With a proper testosterone protocol excess estradiol will be less likely and you will not be hypogondal because of the proper dosing schedule.
If SHBG is shown to be high that may necessitate the use of Danazol to reduce SHBG and free up crucial free testosterone…but you will know if this is required or not from the SHBG and free testosterone test.
It is possible that a correct testosterone treatment protocol alone will help.
If you think that the issue cannot be hormonal on the basis of this treatment thus far then you are about as far from the truth as it is possible to be.
You have been on one of the worst treatments protocols I have ever personally heard of!!!