blood test - way

Please update us on how you came to obtain TRT and Tamoxifen – did you self treat or see another endo who prescribed these to you?

Your Total T levels are off the charts, probably why your E2 is high as well.

Free T looks pretty darn good… strange that you don’t feel ANY improvement?? Nothing at all?

Did you have SHBG and Prolactin tested as well for these latest tests?

yes, i’ve seen another endo who prescribed me both trt and tamoxifene…
i don’t feel any improvement, nothing at all, no sexual improvment… testosterone cause me more contentiousness, more powerfulness, acne… but no sexual improvment…
and this is why i’m abandoning the hormonal aspect, look at my last topic in the prostatitis sections!

(i don’t have SHBG and Prolactin tested)

I think its a case of “keeping the prostate pumped up”. I think you should maybe stick with it for a few months Way, and over time you may see improvements.
I’ve heard Testosterone keeps the prostate functioning. When we were just “shut down” for months/years, the prostate experienced problems. With this healthy new supply of Testo, you may need many months to recover, as the prostate recovers from atrophy.
Stick with it man!
Why stop now. 3 months is not enough time.
Maybe 6-9 months, no!

If you are being monitored by an endocrinologist this should be safe, right!

Maybe the reason you don’t feel any improvement is because your estrogen levels are off the charts??

I would bet the likely reason your E2 is so high is because you T levels are WAYYY beyond the normal range, and all that extra T is aromatizing into E2.

If you could get some Arimidex prescribed to bring your E2 under control, you may see improvements. High Estrogen levels in men can reduce sexual function and surpress the HTPA.

What kind of protocol does the Endo have you on? Shots, gels, dosages, schedule?

boston: but first of all shouldn’t i cure the inflammation at the prostate? and see if i feel better? how do you value my inflammation (light/serious)?
if a continue the trt for month and month i risk to shutdown my endogenous production of testosterone and so fall away the situation…or not?
if the prostate restart to work correctly, my hormones should get more balanced “automatically”?

mew:on friday i have an appointment with the endo in order to value the situation and stop/modify the protocol. during this 3 month i have done:
1 puncture per month of testoviron dosage: 250 ml
1 pill a day of nolvadex dosage: 10 mg

i think that if there is a hormonal factor in my sexual problem, i should “feel something”, a little change, a little more sensation during this 3 month… but during the cure i don’t fell anything, nothing at all…

in this case supressing of the HPTA is already done with the TRT.

Oh, I’m sorry Way. I thought you already had a plan for a PCT treatment with something also.

1 puncture per month of testoviron dosage: 250 ml

I’m no expert but I was under the impression if you are injecting T, you should do so every 2 weeks or therebouts, depending on dosage… but there are many protocols out there… if Hypo were here I’m sure he could comment.

Yes he is surpressing his own HTPA’s endogeneous T production, but even while his T may be high via TRT, it could be possible he’s not seeing improvements due to elevated Estrogen levels.

Yes, try to stick with it way. Do some HCG with it, but stick with it. You’ve come this far. Lower the E2.

sorry boston, i don’t speak english very well, what is the meaning of HCG? :wink:

First of all one injection of testoviron dosage 250 one a month is woeful!!!

Testoviron contains two differing forms of testosterone ethanate and proprionate, one has a half life of a couple of days and the other stays in the body at a decent level of around a week!!!

Even in terrible old fashioned protocols of TRT 250mg would be typical every two weeks NOT four!!

You will be hypogondal on that regime three weeks out of every four!!

Furthermore you will be getting the rollercoaster effects of elevated estradiol from such a regime, or rather you would if you weren’t on an ancillary medication.

As it is this muppet of a treating doctor has also treated you with such a high level of selective estrogen modulator (SERM) that you probably also have low free testosterone and low free estradiol!!!

The worst combination possible…this is staggeringly bad medicine.

Your estradiol test is pointless because estradiol on tamoxifen is not a remotely reliable test of how much estradiol is able to work in your body because it is being blocked at the receptor level and not reduced in the blood.

You NEED a decent endocrinologist who will test SHBG, free testosterone if possible as well. One that does so whilst putting you on a proper treatment regime such as the more modern 100mgs every week injections of ethanate and who will look to lower estradiol IF high with arimidex (aromatase inhibitor). Then an estradiol test will be accurate and let you know whether estradiol is high or low as arimidex actually lowers estradiol in the blood.

With a proper testosterone protocol excess estradiol will be less likely and you will not be hypogondal because of the proper dosing schedule.

If SHBG is shown to be high that may necessitate the use of Danazol to reduce SHBG and free up crucial free testosterone…but you will know if this is required or not from the SHBG and free testosterone test.

It is possible that a correct testosterone treatment protocol alone will help.

If you think that the issue cannot be hormonal on the basis of this treatment thus far then you are about as far from the truth as it is possible to be.

You have been on one of the worst treatments protocols I have ever personally heard of!!!

Well, dont tell him to leave his only doctor yet. Way, maybe you can adjust your dosages yourself, and or show your doctor a page written by hypo.
Of course erase the:

Maybe he could at least work for you for the time being until you do find another endocrinologist who you can see eye to eye with.

With the level of incompetance shown by this doctor he needs to get the boot. This has not been some minor error here, this is abysmal medicine.

If way tells me wheer he lives I can see if I can come up with an endocrinologist or a list of contact details…so he can see about getting something approaching decent treatment.

thank you Hypo…
i’ve seen a lot of endocrinologist…but this doctor is the primary doctor (and university teacher) of the endo division of an important Hospital in Italy.
thank you mew for your advice, but i agree with hypo, what can i do in order to induce the doctor to rethink that protocol and treat me in a right way? i think nothing…
he is overweening, proud, is a teacher… i will never able to change anything in his consolidated theory…
during the last visit he tell me i should see a psychologist…

we are hopeless, with this doctors…


Look at page 683 of this book, it outlines common protocols for TRT. … 1-PA684,M1

i’ve seen… :cry:

I have taken a screenshot of the pages so that you may print them out and bring them with you to your appointment to show the Endo, if you want to.

These are from the book “Endocrinology and Metabolism by Philip Felig, Lawrence A Frohman, M.D.”, Published 2001 by McGraw-Hill Professional.

Good luck, and maybe Hypo can find you another Endo in your city who would follow these protocols.

if it were that easy why haven’t you taken to your dr for treatment as you are in the same boat as he is?

The testbook is outdated, it is YEARS out of date and should NOT be quoted!!!

250ng per two week injections of ethanate are only used by endocrinologists and doctors with outdated thinking you do not understand the impact of such treatment on estradiol and free testosterone levels or in fact the rollercoaster effect of high and low testosterone levels.

Decent endocrinologists currently go with the 50mg twice a week or 100mg per week protocols or doses and injection frequencies thereabouts.

FAR better protocols for most people.

More level testosterone levels, less of a rollercoaster effect of highs and lows, lower estradiol levels, higher free testosterone levels as an average, superior lipid and liver profile etc etc.

hi guys, here my last exams…it’s a full image of my situation… i need your help in order to understand what’s the problem! thanks!

Free Testosterone: 9.90 pg/mL -----------------------------(8.69 - 54.69)
Diidrotestosterone (dht) 967 pg/mL -----------------------(155 - 533)
ACTH 42 pg/mL ---------------------------------------------------------(9 - 52)
Estrone 133 pMoli/L -------------------------------------------------- (37 - 370)

Glucose: 95 mg/dL -------------------- Range: (60 - 105)
Cholesterol: 210 mg mg/dL --------------(125 - 200)
Albumin: 45.6 g/L --------------------- (35 - 50)
AST: 23 U/L ----------------------------(5 - 41)
ALT: 34 U/L ----------------------------(6 - 55)

Estradiol: 21 pg/mL -------------------(12 - 41)
FSH: 2.4 mU/mL -------------------------(1.4 - 18.1)
LH: 3.1 mU/mL -------------------------(1.7 - 8.6)

Total Testosterone: 2.67 ng/mL ---------(2.80 - 8.00)
SHBG: 22 nmoli/L -----------------------(13 - 71)
DHEAS: 2680 ng/mL ----------------------(800 - 5600)
Progesterone: 1.30 ng/mL ---------------(0.28 - 1.22)

Prolactin: 8.8 ng/mL ------------------(2.1 - 17.7)
PSA: 1.16 ng/mL ------------------------(0.0 - 4.0)
FT4: 0.95 ng/dL ------------------------(0.70 - 1.70)
TSH: 3.06 uU/mL ------------------------(0.25 - 5.00)
Cortisol 192 ng/mL --------------------(50 - 260)