Baylor Study to release within 2 Weeks

Hi here admins can place this wherever they want just wanted to say Mohit Khera emailed me this today…

“Already accepted for publication. I expect the EPUB version to be out in the next couple weeks”.

Mohit Khera, MD


Did you initiate the conversation with him? Or did he just randomly inform you due to previous interactions you’ve had with him? He’s always been secretive and works quietly so this is very surprising to hear.

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I contacted him…That’s because once its excepted he can say what ever he wants it’s not a secret anymore…

I have no idea what he found but hopefully this is the end of the Baylor drama one way or the other.


Good news to hear, i hope they found something very important.


This is very good news. Thanks for posting. Let’s hope for the best.


You are sure he hasn’t mailed you on first of april? :grin:
Kidding, Let’s hope this to be true.
What about the rumor of 2 parts and that the important part will be released later in part 2?


Thanks for sharing. Hopefully something of interest in it.


Post finasteride syndrome study…

What happened to this? Have heard for the last 3 years it was completed and it was publishing “soon” Every year samething again, did it just never conclude? Is it not going to be published???

“Already accepted for publication. I expect the EPUB version to be out in the next couple weeks”.

Mohit Khera, MD

This is all I know and the entire conversation…Maybe the second part isn’t until next year…Maybe they decided to wait and release it all at once or maybe they are all just full of shit…IDK…But according to Khera himself it’s coming this month…


I hope we don’t have to wait another year or more for the 2nd part of the study.


Wouldnt he have hinted at something if they had found something potentially significant of therapeutic relevance? Anyway let’s wait for the publication and hope for some valuable new insights


Hoping for the best!!


I don’t know anything about what might be in the study, but if the thing we’re all hoping for isn’t in there, remember that there is apparently a second part and that other research will take place. This is going to be a marathon, not a sprint.

I’m glad that I don’t have to remind anyone in the topic so far, but anyone who is interested in research but hasn’t filled out the survey, please make sure you do. It is research that you have a direct role in.


any news ?

There’s no need to ask, anyone who knows that there is news will post it. Rest assured, that no post means no news.


Why post at all until there is to begin with?

When we reach climax, 5 days later ?

Looks like it was more bs…Don’t understand why this Dr keeps making false statements about this study for years now…It doesn’t make logical sense to me…


Why don’t you wait until it’s actually been two weeks? Also be aware the world has literally been flipped on its head.


Dude, on a polite way…the statements u have made here recently contradicting yourself in every other posts…In the last thread about khera being a secret agent for merck, no not really but he’s living high on mercks payroll etc…He s gonna “disprove” pfs as an actual condition?? ur posts make zero sense to me…I wish I knew how to set the software here to just ignore your silly posts and Pms you sent but haven’t really tried to yet lol…

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I guess I’m not surprised you didn’t pick up on the sarcasm. Dr. Khera is not a Merck agent, nor is he living high on Merck’s payroll. He once got paid $35k to do something small for them, which is a fraction of his annual salary. Very typical of medical community although it’s not good for the system.
He clearly isn’t an advocate for Merck otherwise he wouldn’t be doing this research.

He told you it would come out in the next couple of weeks, which means it was accepted to be published, but he doesn’t know the exact publication date. You haven’t even waited two weeks. The world is literally flipped on its head so timelines mean very little right now. There are members on this forum that have built up the expectations for this study to such a high degree that I can almost guarantee they will be disappointed.