Baylor Study to release within 2 Weeks

Well I think it’s went on for so long if he published and it said…“Go fuck yourself”…I would be happy cause that would mean its over and we can move on lol…Sarcasm I get it lol…

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My understanding is that it was accepted but he doesn’t control the timeline for when its published. Apparently they didn’t give him a publication date, or if they did it was just for the print version. He is probably the worst at estimating timelines of anyone I have ever met by a mile, but it will come. I think the journals are published every month, so if not this month for some strange reason, the next edition of whatever journal it is in.

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Wow that is good news obviously there are some that have seen the study…Hopefully this is it this time…

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I haven’t seen it but he told you it was accepted. At that point it is up to the journal to publish. I don’t know why he doesn’t know the exact date but it seems like it should be this month. With his track record, maybe next month to be safe.

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Well at least that means Merck didn’t stonewall the publication…hopefully…

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Why is it not good for the system?

When was that?

If he received a dinner from Merck, you would still be saying the same thing. Merck actually did successfully corrupt several doctors in this battle, but the outcome wasn’t anything like this.

Merck is mostly irrelevant at this point except for a few loose ends they need to tie up. It looks like they’re probably getting rid of the ownership to Propecia and Proscar by the end of the year, along with a large portfolio of off-patent drugs, although it may be delayed due to the virus.

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I will calmly wait for the study.
But I don’t expect it.

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Only responding to what has been said here, “Wow that is good news obviously there are some that have seen the study…Hopefully this is it this time…”.

If I have misinterpreted that, by all means remove my post.

I assume he’s talking about people who have peer reviewed the study. As stated, nobody on the staff have seen it and to my knowledge there is nobody within the patient community that have seen it.

You didn’t answer my questions. Your arguments make no sense.

I would like to hear.

Your questions are irrelevant. The study will come out soon and what it says will be a better indicator.


Looks to me like the whole thing got neutralized by Merck. But anyway, the biggest cost has been that people pinned all their hopes on it and made no other effort to pursue research. We only have ourselves to blame for that. Continuing to hold hopes for Baylor study would clearly be insane at this point. Anyone who is unhappy about that should focus then on getting more survey respondents from PSSD and PAS communities.

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im still optimistic for baylor

the usual conspiracy theories make zero sense

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I disagree. The amount of effort and funds that were invested into that study would make one insane to not hold out hopes that it pays at least some dividends.

What would be insane would be attempting to fund an identical study or any study for that matter given it’s imminent release. Hopefully we can steer in a more useful direction once we have gleaned insight (however much or little) into what the study has informed us as to the nature of our condition.


I agree, a big part of our progress will involve making sure that we capitalise on the research and structures that are in place.

Fairly often we hear about people saying that they are going to set up a research project or an organisation, but ultimately working with what we already have will get us there fastest.

That’s not to say that I think the Baylor study delays are at all desirable. I’m extremely disappointed.


Tomorrow will be 2 Weeks since the doctor announced the release.

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Yeah. But please take the survey anyway like the majority of us here. Thanks a lot


It is worth noting that Khera never said „two weeks“ but „couple (of) weeks“.