Baylor study delayed again

I wonder what the motivation is for publishing two parts of a study within three months of each other rather than just a single publication…


Nah it is fine, we are fine (deadpan).

Ah here we are again…6 years later…August 21st 2013 the day the study was announced…Anybody here remember that day? Never heard of this mess then and was living a great healthy life…

Jesus Christ, I was 15 back then. Libido up to the roof, hanging out with friends, playing computer games, laughing all day…


Oh gosh same. I was 14 and about to start freshman year in Highschool.

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If I would have to bet I would bet on baylor being another nothingburger. I know that this goes against the reporting of some people who have said something more significant has been found.

What to you would not constitute a nothingburger?

Just keep waiting, hang in there brothers, the study are going to be released.


I wonder what will this community think if nothing comes out from the Baylor Study. I have been thinking about the Harvard study and we all were so quick to dismiss their results. But would really Shalender Bhasin risk his reputation -and Women and Brigham’s reputation- knowing that another study was about to come (Baylor)?

I feel like even if with time our evidences are almost zero, we will always find an excuse. I hope the Baylor study finds something significant, but I have never in my 8 years of PFS felt less confident. I hope I am mistaken. I unfortunately start to think that we have some things in common with people who develop illnesses and pains that are related to brain problems.

I don’t want to offend anyone who thinks different than me, just expressing my current opinion. If someone thinks they can convince me otherwise feel fry to reply.

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personally i dont see a reason to be skeptical when Awor was the guy that designed the scopes of the study.

its like saying you dont trust awor for designing it correctly to give significant results.

so far hes the only person thats done anything in a whole 10 years so i dont see a reason to doubt.

thats my line of thinking.


It is not Awor who is doing the research, so it is not Awor fault, so please stop…


Please don’t put words in my mouth that I haven’t said (I assume you are answering me). I think it’s great that studies are being done to know if there is something wrong in androgen receptor expression, and I paid hundreds of euros in the past to support PFS research, and will donate again if I ever come back to a stable financial situation.

What I am saying is that we need to be aware of our possible cognitive biasses.

Having a different opinion, or talking about possible outcomes is not saying that I don’t trust someone, it’s just having an opinion, and debating is something healthy.

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I dont think there is something sinister going on at the research institutions. I just think that PFS is not an easy issue to solve, especially because you have so few people who are affected (i.e. small sample sizes) and because many researchers still dont acknowledge the full symptom spectrum.

What annoys me is when people make claims that something has been found and then it turns out that nothing significant was achieved.

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I won’t say that the problem is precisely that PFS is not easy to solve, as I always say that the problem is money, and then you are right about that only a few are affected compared with the amount of people taking the drug ( money ), and if in top of that we are in a crusade to stop people to take Finasteride, then this topic never will be of interest for the medical community to be solve.

Yes, even though its honorable, its like digging your own grave. It does not surprise me, that researchers, who often acknowledge only half of the symptoms, that, due to few people being affected, are working with tiny sample sizes, and tiny funding amounts, are having trouble finding an answer. Especially because they also have a “correlation bias” instead of a love for inventing a causal theory based on the complete symptom list.

With cancer, we still have no cure but billions have been invested. And dont try to convince me with the boring old tripe, that “big pharma” does not want to find a cure. Do you know how profitable a patented cure would be for the company that first got there? Remember: Cancer will keep breaking out, the cure would therefore be in high demand forever. Sometimes people cant accept the harsh answer: Its very hard to cure cancer. Death is part of life, and cancer is a big killer. Its not easy to deny the grim reaper :D, and a cure for cancer would be a big step in that direction. haha.

What annoys me the most is when people claim they know whats going on “behind the scenes” and then it turns out nothing they promised came true. It really leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe something more significant has been found this time. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

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Where did I say you said that?

I am describing what I think its like to constantly come up with conspiracies on this site when it has no concrete positive effects.

Study might be garbage? OK then. instead of crying about it, lets figure out how to get the surveys to a 1000 count so we can get funding and do our own tests that wont be tampered with

you should read it again

Which is why we all need to pull together, PSSD, PAS, all post drug syndrome patients. We are more numerous than is given credit for. We are slowly assembling but it needs to be more people and to happen faster.

Every time someone joins us here, make sure they know they’re in the right place and are welcome. This is better for them and better for you.

In case there’s any doubt, I’m talking to everyone, not a particular person.


They don’t want a cure for cancer and it’s ridiculous to think otherwise literally hundreds of billions have been thrown at it and they are still using the same treatment from the 70’s chemo and radiation altough diagnostics have improved. People need to die off because of overpopulation! Go take a quick glance at who sponsors cancer research uk and the u.s which you’ll find on their pages it’s multinational companies like the car industry, food industry all the biggest contributers. Cancer is a man made disease caused by man and only man as is a dozen other diseases including PFS and the only time it might reach mainstream is when a celeb gets hit by it.


There is no conspiracy in saying that the Harvard study found nothing. The conspiracy is saying that the tests are tampered.

Agreed, that’s why I have been sending messages to old users, have contacted people that don’t belong to the forum, etc. I hope you are contacting people too.