Baylor study delayed again

no problem. I am happy to help. By the way, give your opinion on Baylor research ? What do you expect from them ?

I don’t know what to expect from them but looking more and more like it’s not going to be published…

Now its 27 weeks. Average is 13 weeks.

Phil said he might have news this month.


Average peer review process is for an average paper that probably adds little to the existing body of scientific literature. Research on post-finasteride syndrome challenges the conventional wisdom so you have to expect it will encounter resistance and take longer.


Do the survey guys


Already did all the surveys and 23andme…

Here’s a guy back in 15 saying Khera telling him study be out…

My guess is they found a whole lot more than they bargained for…They have “spun” this with every excuse in the book as to why it keeps getting delayed…Will we ever see the truth…Even if it does publish now is it gonna be believed especially if it found nothing significant now?? After all this time…


sounds like we can only do one thing in that scenario

move on as fast as possible and get 1000 surveys done to get 7 figure funding so we can do our own tests in lightning speed without any illuminati interference


What makes you think that 1000 survey results will magically conjure up 7-figure funding?


To be honest, if Baylor finds nothing significant (next to Harvard), not even a million surveys will help. If that happens we can forget all about any real interest from the the medical community or any doctor to take us seriously (or a cure or whatever any of us positively expect).


what makes you think im promising a magical 7 figure sum?

the “idea” is that if we get “enough” data, it will be powerful enough to start raising funds.

now the situation is this: if you agree and are willing to take a chance, you will contribute to reaching goals.

if you don’t agree, its completely fine, i just ask that you take up your own plan that you think will work better, and start working relentlessly towards it

perfect example of conspiracies right here.

no offense, but if you have a better plan, please go execute it and show us the results.

this is how achieving goals in real life works. there’s no magic formula, there’s only a whole lot of uncertainty.

How is it a conspiracy? We have one well-respected university (Harvard) saying there’s nothing wrong with us, except maybe in our heads. If Baylor study presents similar results that support Harvard (I’m not saying that it will, but if it does), what do you think will happen? Good luck with accomplishing anything with surveys on an internet forum then.


Thanks buddy, good luck accomplishing anything by posting conspiracies

Some of Merck’s senior staff went to Harvard so there is a connection between the two. Maybe some of those staff attend Harvard functions. Merck probably have recruitment arrangements with Harvard and look to attract the best students.


How is this conspiracy talk? He is just saying that if nothing comes out of the Baylor study, there is a high chance of nothing happening after that. Since, if nothing comes out, there would be confirmed twice, both by Harvard and Baylor, that this shit is probably ‘‘psychosomatic’’. A conspiracy would be saying that Baylor gets money to skew the results, but he is just making some legit statements.


I believe the results of Brigham but they deviated from the agreed protocol…They took skin samples from the back instead areas that are rich in 5ar2…But if you read he clearly says it could be epigenetic effects causing persistent symptoms…

That is what Baylor is looking from understanding so if they find no epigenetic changes then it still wont be over because melcangi will continue his work…And as long as the foundation is around they will be looking to fund future studies out of the United states…


Dont know how realistic this is, but i would recommend to do further studies with melcangi. Co designing studies (awor or axolotl) for the University of Milan.
Because Merck cant have that much influence there.
And as you can see they have not because the studies of melcangi get published.


Listen, all I’m saying is, conspiracy theorists and other theorizers on here would be helpful if they drew out a plan to get big funding and then executed it rather than just saying “oh Idk for sure but I think xyz wont work”

Most people’s intuition is trash. What you feel/think doesn’t hold much weight

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mm. So u thinking we can start getting funds with 1000 plus surveys doesn´t hold much worth either, since what u think/feel doesn´t really matter, as u yourself said. Everything on here is theory, don´t know why it needs to get called out. Especially since it´s not a conspiracy theory he was talking about. He just said if Harvard and Baylor both find nothing, there is a chance of this disease being called psychosomatic. This has nothing to do with conspiracy, and u called it a perfect example of one. You theorize just as good as this guy did, by saying with 1000 plus surveys we can start getting funds.

But, I get your point about people doing nothing and complain. I read over that. I understand that.