Balph’s Journey Pt 2

Great to hear, Balph! Despite my muscles being soft and spongy, I’ve been able to put on a lot more strength over the past 6 months and it’s great to get my body back in that place. It’s a slow process, but there’s no reason to think you can’t do the same. Keep taking care of yourself and putting your body in the right position to heal. I’m sure you’ll get there.

Everyone says this situation gets easier because you adapt to it, but I speculate that a lot of people are also subtly healing with realizing it. It’s just so slow sometimes you fail to realize the progress you’ve made over the months/years.

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You’re the BEST my friend, thanks for your response. At this moment i dont have more pain in that tooth but i suspect Its temporal and Will lead pain again.

Now im dealing with constipation too, i cant get any stool. Was like this for you? Any advice? I dont get movement bowel…have tried automassage bowel and at least could lower pain and flatulences

Keep your Battle my friend. I know that your cognitive (i also have brainfog and extreme anxiety) sides are exhausting but you’re experiencing improvements and thats good.


No worries :slight_smile: I’m glad to hear your tooth pain went away. I think it could be a one-off occurrence. I brushed my teeth this morning with no bleeding, so I think that’s a good sign.

Yeah I have massive problems with constipation since PFS. I don’t go for days and when I do the stool is as solid as a rock. I’m beginning to think I could be dehydrated, as I forget to drink water now (don’t have the thirst sensation currently). Interestingly my flatulence and digestion issues have improved a lot.

Thanks for your kind words my friend. The anxiety sucks but I am confident we will beat it.

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Thanks Rec! Your story is very inspiring and brings me a lot of hope. I plan to reintroduce strength training soon so I’ll let you know how it goes.

Totally agree with what you said about healing.

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I think that im also dehydrated, i dont have thrist sensation and i have big urinate frequency. Do you have any bowel movement? Before constipation It was constant and now i dont feel any bowel movements (0), only flatulences.

And i have anotjer question, dont u percibe a rare odor in your stools? Mine dont smell like pre fin, its like more chemical or sometimes without smell

Yesterday started eating low fodmap diet and also added kiwi and kéfir free lactose. Also keep doing automassage for bowel.Also drinkkng a lot (like 3l), but i spent more time in WC than in my bed.

Btw if you feel im invading your thread just let me know, this is hard to deal and i understand that some times we need our space.

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Not at all my brother :slight_smile: We are going through this nightmare together. I think it’s good to have these discussions here so others can benefit.

My stool smelt really rank for the first month or so of my PFS. Now it has started to smell normal again. I am still having bad constipation but I’ve noticed it is getting better as I drink more water and move more. Let’s try drink 4L of water a day. Starting today I am drinking 1L at a time four times a day.

Nice job with the diet. I’m sticking to a carnivore diet (with some fruit) and I’m fasting until the evening everyday, with cardio exercise before breaking the fast. It’s strict but I think it’s important we put our bodies in the prime place to heal.

I still have frequent urination but it feels like it’s improved.

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Hey all,

I’ll be taking three months off from the forum (for real this time). I need to try and distract myself as much as possible and, for now, the forum has done everything it can for me. Thanks for all your support and I will report back in three months time. If anyone wants to talk, don’t hesitate to PM me.


Remember to not take any supp


Hi Balph how have things been?