Since my second crash, I have had so many sides develop that my quality of life is effectively zero now.
Here is what I am dealing with:
- Muscle wastage has started
- Loss of subcutaneous fat in forehead, feels like brow bone is sticking out
- Anhedonia
- Burning genitals (seems to have subsided)
- Penis shape change
- Fatigue
- Phantom ammonia smell (seems to have subsided)
- Tinnitus in both ears
- Clicking joints
- Muscle twitches / spasms
- Bone and teeth pain
- Jaw and face pain (jaw is receding slowly)
- Diffuse hair loss
- Body odour change (smells like cat piss)
- Can’t feel thirst
- Dry eyes
- Dry and cracked feet
- Complete insomnia (I can’t sleep at all and I now get brain zaps when I’m about to doze off) I can only sleep with Ambien and only gives 4.5 hours
- Songs playing in my head all the time
- Intense lower back pain
- Extreme anxiety especially in the morning
- Dry hair
- Food intolerances, get bad stomach pain after eating anything that’s not simple foods
- Burning sensation in brain in the morning
- Chronic constipation
- Food not digesting properly
- Sharp pain in my left nipple
- Painful throbbing hands and feet (my feet haven’t stopped throbbing for two weeks)
- Bad reaction to any medication (pain meds etc)
- Zero stress tolerance
- Sharp pain in muscles
- Congested sinuses
- Pimples all over body
- Eczema
- Exercise intolerance (muscles don’t respond to hypertrophy training and cardio makes me worse, no endorphin hit)
- Constantly have to urinate
- Changed sense of smell (everything smells chemically)
- Akisthisia
- Coughing up phlegm for no reason
- Cold hands and feet
- Sound sensitivity
Sorry for the grim update but this is the reality of my situation now. Stay away from antipsychotics!
May we all have peace.