Balph’s Journey Pt 2



Hey ESG,

Yes unfortunately in Australia you can be sectioned against your will and they can give you whatever drugs they seem fit.

The good news is I no longer have to take the antipsychotics as the doctor deemed them unnecessary. I do, however, need to continue the Mirtazipine at 15mg. My plan is to take it for the duration of the stay (I believe 3 more days) and then taper off once I’m out. I’m playing with fire here.

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I’m so sorry to hear that. Our system is truly draconian when you’re forced to take drugs that can literally destroy you.

Is there a way to arrange a call with a doctor, or will they only speak to your family? I’m happy to discuss the condition with them calmly, as the President of a charity registered with the national body in Australia.


I’m really sorry to read this @Ralph. A very difficult time. I remember being in contact with papasmurf when he was put in hospital. That was a few years ago now. He got out after a while and continues his fight he seems a lot more functiional emotionally now and by his own words learned to live with pfs a little better. So even if things dont improve (which i hope isnt the case) you will adapt over time, we become desensitised. Its amazing what we can endure to stay in this world. There are a number of cases like this. Getting through this until a treatment comes along is something that is shared by all on here. I remember papa telling me that theyd give him the meds, hed then spit them out when they left the room . He viewed it as a game of cat and mouse and used it as some sort of coping mechanism. But he got out of what seemed like an impossible and daunting situation.

This feels like a very lonely path at times but you can see from this thread there are a lot of people rooting for you. Surely the Drs would be open to the literature and voice of reason that Mitch is offering up, if not it could be deemed as neglect, especially when there is overwhelming evidence to back you up. Try offering up the same to your folks so they have a better understanding. Easier said than done i know . As I’m blue in the face myself most of the time

Stay strong mate. Thinking of you. Hard to find the right words.


Do you sweat normally? Or do you sweat less or more now?

Thanks everyone. As Ryan alluded to, the support of everyone here is helping immensely.

I seem to be in the clear with the antipsychotics. I spoke with the doctor and he managed to remove them from my “treatment”. I’m sectioned until Monday so I am hoping to be out of here by then.

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Yes I sweat a lot less in general now. Rarely sweat at rest but I still sweat if I go for a run or something like that (which I don’t really because exercise makes me worse in my current state, hope that recovers)

Damn. Did you take any anti depressants or anti psychotics prior to taking fin by chance?

Also are you getting any hot flashes?

I did. I took Fluvoxamine on and off through my twenties for OCD but it was never a massive problem, comparative to this. Never took antipsychotics prior to fin.

I think going on and off the anti depressants is the precursor for most people here. The fin just pushed your nervous system to the edge. It sounds like you have pssd as well. How long before you took fin did you take the anti depressants?

Do you get any hot flashes? It sounds like exact symptoms I have but I never took fin. Just effexor.

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Yeah, prior SSRI use seems to be a common theme, but I think there are many cases of PFS with no prior SSRI use too. I’ve suspected I have PSSD as well, mainly because of the antipsychotic that crashed me for a second time. However, I think PFS and PSSD are the same thing. There’s just too many similarities. I’ve experienced some hot flashes but I’m not sure if it’s related for me. Could be.

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Just to add @Balph I’ve read through some of your recent posts and despite the gravity of your current situation/state you have offered up some strong words and encouragement to other sufferers. In my opinion this shows your strength of character courage and fighting spirit. You are a warrior you will overcome the worst of this and you will see this out until a treatment comes along. Hopefully youll be be out of hospital soon. Even though it doesnt feel like it. GOD is with us he will give us what we need even in the darkest times. Always hold on to that.Faith and hope has helped people across the globe for centuries.


Thanks @LazarusRy . You are a giant and bring strength to so many here including myself.


You seem self aware. Yea I can’t help but notice the connection with SSRIs. Although I don’t very many people get PFS with akathisia. That’s typically only in people with anti psychotics or depressants I see.

Either way similar situation as you. Dry skin, eyes, no thirst etc. I will say it’s gotten better and caffeine induced a crash in me that gave me thrust back but also gave me anxiety and cold chills back. Some sweating too. It’s weird what this does go our body.

Hey X

It’s good to hear someone talk about akathisia. It’s not really talked about much around here. I developed it from the antipsychotic crash. Maybe PFS and PSSD are different beasts but are caused by the same mechanism (receptor damage).

Good to hear you’ve had some improvements. It’s interesting that a crash restored your thirst too.

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Yea it’s not an ideal situation and I hate that you’re being forced to take mirt. It usually takes a week on the drug for the side effects to really start hitting. I’m hoping you don’t experience anything crazy

Yea no one really knows the dangers of aka and how relentless and restless it truly is. I’d take normal pfs or pssd over akathisia any day. I’m internally cold like you mentioned earlier as well.

That’s how I gauge how certain people are. Sexual dysfunction isn’t the worst thing to happen. I never took an anti psychotic so I can only imagine your pain. Those things are no joke. Keep me updated on your status

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Hey all,

So I’m out of the ward tomorrow and want to get off the Mirtazipine ASAP. I’m on 15mg. I’ve heard about it crashing people in a matter of a couple weeks, but some have lasted much longer or been fine. Should I taper off (say, 2.5mg per week) or should I stop cold turkey? I figure tapering is safer to avoid a crash? The alternative is I stay on it but I don’t like the idea of knowing that I could crash at any time.


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There’s no evidence to support that tapering off 5ARIs/SSRIs/SNRIs will help you avoid worsening. I’d just get off as soon as you can.

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Cold turkey it is then. Thanks.

Just saw all this

Really sorry you went through all of that

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