wtf, they would lose their license? are you serious? just for pulling blood out of your body and then reinjecting it back into you? wow… that’s pretty crazy. i was thinking along the lines of that the MD probably never even heard of this, and people here could go to their doctor and ask them to try it and tell them about it and see if they would do it on them with a nurse or something like the guy said above to show them how to do it.
Yeah Oscar, I asked the question because I didn’t know, there’s no need for you to be a jackass about it. And this isn’t a matter if people “believe” it or not, it’s a matter if it’s safe or not.
I found all kinds of doctors in the USA who do this but they call it ozone autohemotherapy which I am not sure is the same thing. One thing that I am curious about is what kind of additives the Brazilian doctor is using. There seems to be a huge variation of what is used and this grape extract could be the driving force behind why this is working for all we know
oscar, now I’ve found out that YOU’RE the one that is clueless . here’s a list of doctors specializing in ozone therapy, including MD’s that practice autohemotherapy:
Is ozone autohemotherapy what braziliandude is getting though?
I want to get the same kind of treatment he is getting, but I’m not sure if this ozone stuff is the same thing
Yeah, the ozone isn’t the same thing. The thing I posted earlier said that ozone hemotherapy is when they take the blood out, expose it to the “ozone” mixture, then put it back in the blood stream… I’m sure those doctors could skip the ozone part and just put it back into the body or tell you more about it…
Yes, you need to get your facts right Bryce! Occording to that website, “Ozone Therapy is an umbrella term used for a wide variety of procedures (Ozone Protocols) whereby ozone is introduced into, or onto,the human body”. Although in your defence the website does also list 2 or 3 Naturopaths in the US (not MDs) and claims they offer autohemotherapy. The only exception seems to be ‘The Oasis of Hope’ centre, however they also use ‘spiritual support’ as a cancer treatment.
To be clear: Autohemotherapy is a process of drawing blood and then, without doing anything to the blood, injecting it straight into the Gluteus Maximus. Thats it.
I’ll ask my doc, he is open-minded. I’m a little afraid to cut myself a vein if I do it by myself.
However, is it risky to do it when you take drugs? I’ve been currently taking Levothyrox (Synthroid) and I had two shots of HCG those two last months. I was told urinotherapy must be avoided when you take drugs, because you can poison yourself drinking the body-processed drugs.
i don’t feel like copying and pasting, but there are a few MD’s on there, here’s one:
Dr. Curt Maxwell, M.D.
296 Ave A. Los Algodones
BC Mexico
(Only 7 Miles from Yuma Arizona)
Tel: 928-257-4873
Web Site:
Specialty: Prolozone, Major Autohemotherapy, Pain Elimination, Manipulation, Neural Therapy, Prolotherapy, Trigger Point Therapy, Specific Nutrient and Hormone Replacement Therapy (by testing blood, urine, and saliva).
you said i was clueless if i thought that doctors would do autohemotherapy and there is an MD that does it. in your defense, you say that the difference is that they expose it to ozone mixture, which makes it different than what brazilian dude does. this is pretty much the closest your going to get to it, and i don’t think these doctors would have an issue with avoiding the ozone mixture and just re-injecting it back into you if that’s what you wanted to do. but i guess it would depend on the doctor.
oscar, buddy… i took the first one off the list. here’s another one in the USA. you should try reading the website. there’s a few more in the US:
Dr. Joseph C. Chun, MD
Temple Pain Care Center
3030 W Olympic Blvd,
Suite 217
Los Angeles, CA 90006, USA
Tel: 213-480-1475
Fax: 213-483-7575
Specialty: Prolozone, Major Autohemotherapy, Minor Autohemotherapy, UV Therapy. We also offer infusion of rich concentration essential vitamins (also known as a Meyer’s Cocktail)
now please go back to your other theories and find the cure you’re looking for there instead of spamming the forum.
Guys the docs you are quoting are doing ozone therapy, I doubt that they do the “pure” autohemotherapy that the brazilian dudes are talking about. The terms “minor OHT” and “major OHT” are used in ozone therapy, when ozonated blood is slowly infused intravenously back into the body.
The “brazilian” autohemotherapy is simply blood (small quantity, around 10ml) taken out from a vein with a seringe and directly reinjected intramusclularly without prior treatment. Pretty much anybody could do it themselves with a little instructions and being careful. Its not even very risky. It would actually be foolish to travel to and pay a special doctor to do it…
Just observe the nurse next time you donate blood or are getting blood drawn for an analysis and you will be able to do this yourself. Then self-injecting intramuscularly is something the dumbest musclehead is able to do right by himself the very first time he uses steroids, just look for instructions or videos on the web. Shoulders are painless (even with a 23G needle, but get a 27G and you wont feel a thing) and easy to spot right. Plus no need to aspire to check youre not hitting a vein since you are reinjecting your own blood…