AUTOHEMOTHERAPY...has anyone tried it?

-Another update

In order to determine if the effects of AHT were real or not, I stopped my AHT protocol for about two months. Since I stopped doing AHT, I have stopped getting acne, and also my EQ has decreased somewhat. I’m going to begin another cycle today. I think it will be tough initially to get back into the swing of poking myself with a needle, but I feel that the mild benefits are worth it, furthermore, if I can manage it, I am going to try doing it for much longer and see where it gets me. (If possible maybe I will do it for around 6 months)

cerebrolysin is on the way!!! can´t wait to start using

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Keep us updated BD

Does this stuff really work ? it sounds too good to be true.

Cerebrolysin I mean it sound like a scam.

I cant see any reason why not to try Autohemotherapy I’d feel safer injecting my own blood than taking the likes of clomid etc.

I was just about try Autohemotherapy this evening then I found out that the syringes I have do not have needles. It looks like I have to buy the needles separately.

Can anyone confirm if its normal for syringes not to come with needles ? I have never done this kind thing before.

Just tried doing Autohemotherapy I put the needle into my veins but I couldnt get the blood out.

Does anyone know how to do this properly ?

Seeyou was doing it with some regularity.

To do Autohemotherapy you need a syringe that can suck out blood there not easy to get.

seeyouinhellmerck: have u continued with your AHT? any updates? acne coming back?
I had TRT done and got pimples a few days after it, 100% sure it was the trt.

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Nos atualize quando puder, obrigado

I attempted Autohemotherapy but I wasn’t able to get enough blood out of my arm.

Extracting blood is not as easy as it sounds.

Did you try?