ASPARAGUS - "Protodioscin"

It is the 5AR enzyme inducing activity, I am not sure this is a problem with androgen receptors, even though that seems to make sense and may be part of it, the issue I believe is damage to the body’s ability to produce 5AR enzymes. I finally am feeling better with raw asparagus, I am continuing the Tribulus protocol though along with it in hopes that it will do the same thing as raw asparagus.

Justquitdut- did you read published pfs studies ?
This time im asking seriously no offense.

In fact I did, the study for example on penile tissue being affected by PFS vs non PFS sufferers, the researchers concluded that the tissue was different possibly due to androgen deprivation. That is consistent with my theory, if there is damage to the body’s ability to produce 5AR, it would result in androgen deprivation to tissue. I know that it is 5AR as I inject test and couldn’t figure out why I would sometimes crash and sometimes feel good, till one day it clicked. Along with positive feelings and improved symptoms comes my oily skin, when I crash my oily skin stops. Let me add that my oily skin has NEVER stopped before, except when I first took Avodart and blocked the 5AR enzymes.
If my skin were still oily while I had these symptoms, I would not be so firm, but the amount of oil on my skin increases as my symptoms improve. When I want to know if it is in my head or I am really better, I look at my face. It explains why a lower dose of test works, I have enough enzymes to reduce it to DHT, but when I run out my legs start having muscle spasms and my hormones shut off. It is not that they shut off, it is that there is test and no 5AR enzymes to reduce it to DHT which regulates estrogen. As a result I get water retention and puffiness in my face, most guys would not notice these things, but I do, so at that point I take an anti-estrogen (arimidex). I only take it for vanity mostly, I don’t want to look bloated or puffy, but I have noticed that sometimes after taking Arimidex, I feel better.
That doesn’t make much sense except that perhaps this can create temporary estrogen dominance and arimidex alleviates it. Coincidentally Protodioscin is an inducer of 5AR enzymes and it is helping people on this forum (me included).

Diagnosis of 5ar deficiency:

I have already seen all that, it doesn’t apply to us, there are no known disorders of someone having born with normal 5AR activity and all of the sudden it shutting off. Also, these babies were born with the 5AR II enzyme deficiency I think, either of the 2, I forget which one.
Anyway, there is the 5AR 3 enzyme which is responsible for visual and neurological function, sound familiar? The first 2 deal with masculinity and muscles and libido and all the stuff fucked up in us. When I start getting better and producing more 5AR enzymes, my symptoms improve and I have SIDE EFFECTS of 5ar enzymic activity simultaneously, oily skin, hair loss etc…
When you are on hormones, it is easy to see this is the case as you know when your hormones are high and low. It is my belief that our bodies will adapt and recover, but believing that is impossible will make it impossible for you. Remember that in placebo cases in studies, people actually had lower DHT because they THOUGHT They were being given a 5AR inhibitor when it was a placebo, a significant amount too, explain that, belief is powerful.

The mind is powerful, who knows maybe asparagus is nonsense but my penis now hangs normal, I have had 15 straight days of wanting to have sex 3 times a day, my focus and energy are better, digestion is 100 percent

If it’s placebo I would take that

It is not, I have tried everything, this is the only thing that is consistently working, however, don’t discount placebo, you must think positive and know you will recover, when I started to listen to the neysayers on this forum I felt worse.
Placebo doesn’t work on me because I am very familiar with all sorts of drugs and I don’t believe till I see them doing something, plus Asparagus worked without me knowing. The 2 weeks prior to my last recovery, I had eaten a lot of asparagus, only put 2 and 2 together much later on.

That’s solid. Eating raw white asparagus right now

Tumble, report back and let us know, the more the better, yes it tastes much better cooked, but raw works. Just keep eating them and you should start improving within a day so long as you have enough testosterone in your body. How are your testosterone levels? Even if they are low you should feel something, apparently Finatruth was completely shutdown, and he has turned back on with this protocol. I believe the key to treat this condition is Protodioscin due to the 5AR release.

Will do. My test levels are bottom range, but I can build muscle well.

Ran tribulus for 1 month, just recently. Experienced a strong 4-5 day recovery.


I’ve been eating 500 grams of raw green asparagus every day for the last 3 days, and today floaters in my left eye, which I have had since my crash a year ago, seem to have disappeared. I also had an erection this morning, which I have quite rarely. I am not sure improvements happened because of asparagus, but it is possible.

So thanks for the tip JustQuitDut, I really appreciate your dedication in solving this!

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Hi Finatruth

What kind of asparagus is best, White or Green?


Another person who it’s helping!!! Today I am so focused, again on train thinkng about sex and started to get an erection.

I take 30-40 spears daily of green

Consistent with my theories that this is damage to the 5AR enzyme production, I also build muscle easy, I have a feeling most guys here do. I have a feeling we all have similar genetics, my background is Russian, body type is mesomorph, I am willing to bed most guys here are mesomorphs.

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Finatruth, if we can get everyone on this forum to try raw asparagus, we could conduct our own studies, fuck doctors, no one is helping us. The endo I made an appointment with cancelled it, my HRT doctor is clueless about it, the egocentricity of doctors not wanting to admit they are out of their league.
I believe that Protodioscin is the key to this, but I have yet to find anything that can work like raw asparagus, I am going to start looking for more Protodioscin supplements. I upped my dose of the Tribulus to like 2 to 3 at a time several times a day. I didn’t do the Asparagus today and wasn’t as good as I was yesterday, so I am about to go eat a bunch, seems to be right now the only thing that works.

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never-again, the Protodioscin may even help to repair the damage done by this condition, in other words, perhaps it can reverse it. In rats it seems to resensitize androgen receptors, but that has not been proven in humans. I do not believe this condition has to do with receptors, but with actual 5AR production, but I leave all possibilities open.
Since this chemical does both, can’t hurt, but it is the 5AR enzyme production that is helping us all, your visual and neurological problems are because you are lacking the 5AR 3 enzyme, it is responsible for ocular and neurological functions.
No problem, I plan to solve this problem and find a treatment or a cure and share it with everyone here, I will not give up until I do, and I am very resourceful and I have a lot of resources.

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FORGET Tribulus, it caused a mini crash and killed my libido, I am quitting it immediately, raw asparagus is the only thing that definitively worked. People have reported too much Tribulus kills the libido, so so much for that. I am sticking to the raw asparagus protocol, it seems to have worked. Right in the middle of a fucking date my libido died. The strange thing is my muscles are big though, so this has never happened when my muscles were pumped, so must be the tribulus.

Isn’t it more likely that your libido is naturally changing and you’re attributing it to whatever you recently tried? It’s typical for humans to try to create patterns when they’re not necessarily there. Correlation doesn’t equal causation. Think of the many religions and superstitions the human brain has been responsible for.

Not at all, I quit Tribulus and it returned the next day, this whole time for the past 3 to 4 months, however long it has been, more like 4 months, about 14 or 15 weeks, I have to check. Everything works together, oily skin, muscles pump, hair loss, increase libido. This time with Tribulus, libido decreased all of a sudden, other stuff still was working. I have read several people report that Tribulus can kill the libido, even the poster who said it cured him said that happened to him.
It isn’t the Tribulus that is helping, it is the Protodioscin, so why ingest an unpredictable herb with potential to kill libido when I can just eat raw Asparagus? The key is Protodioscin, but with Trib might come Protodioscin and some other effects that are unknown, it would screw up the equation, we need to take things one step at a time. One drug at a time, otherwise we won’t know what is helping or hurting, that was why I started raw Asparagus first, then Trib, so I know for sure it is the raw Asparagus and thus the Protodioscin.
I was taking high doses of trib the whole tim in an attempt to NOT take raw asparagus as it is bothersome, but in the end I found no benefit on Trib and would always have to eat more raw asparagus and then felt better. I think Trib increased my natural test too much and used up my 5AR enzymes, with our condition, testosterone must never be higher than our compromised 5AR production, I recommend DHEA as DHEA induces 5AR activity and already 5 alpha here has said DHEA helped him, helped me too.
Also, I know it was not just libido because I got muscle twitches in my legs, that happens when my 5AR enzymes are used up. I may try the vitamin IV therapy again even though it is like $145, but it really worked and I would love to see if it actually helps me when my 5AR is low. My theory is when 5AR is low it creates secondary problems that result in vitamin deficiencies which explains why IV vitamin therapy worked. I do not believe oral vitamins can do shit, I have tried, I may continue though.
I plan to go to whole foods today and look for some asparagus supplements and experiment with them.

I am adding MACA root to my protocol, I forgot that MACA root had amazing effects on my libido, I advice everyone here to go on MACA root as it is safe and effective for male hormonal stuff. I am not sure of the exact action, but everyone reports it helps libido.