Arrogant doctor on Reddit denying the existence of PFS

Bit of a random post here, but whatever. I stumbled on this thread on r/AskDocs, about a guy experiencing brain fog after quitting finasteride. This is how a doctor responds to him. I’d imagine I’m not the only one who got pissed off reading this.


Is he a hair loss Doctor ?

Based on his post history, he appears to be a plastic surgeon.


I don’t think there’s much point in looking for or involving yourself with this stuff, we know it’s out there and that it’s going to happen.

Take comfort that this will come to an end, we are getting more support, visibility and evidence and that will only grow as time goes by.


At least someone has to call this guy an idiot imo. He is a proper educated idiot. I don’t know, I can’t stand this behavior, calling him idiot is less rude than his talk about all those people suffering from PFS…


Typical fucking douche bag doctor with a god complex



It’s a classic, majority of medical system denies this syndrome unfortunately.


Yes, but more and more people are getting onboard as time passes. We are where we are, but things will get better.


If that dr look at the actual PFS patient’s data, he won’t be able to argue anything.
Normal Hormone Profile and Cholesterol
But a patient with severe impotence…


It took decades for post SSRI syndrome to be taken seriously, the lies that pfs is “nocebo” will persist for longer but will end eventually.


That was on my reddit post! That doctor even messaged personally to say I was “dumb and needed mental help”


You should post a screen shot of what he said on the forum/reddit. Under no circumstances is that an appropriate response from a physician.


Keep screen shots on these bastards so when the truth comes out we can prove how we are treated by the medical community!


How do I post screenshots here?

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It looks like you can click the picture icon on the window where you are writing a new post.


TBH i am glad there are people like this dr on social media, let them enjoy the ride, let more people enjoy the benefits of finasteride, a (future)pfser can help and contribute to our cause not a healthy person, more pfsers will make our case more valid, it might sound cruel but there are already a lot of resources and forums which cry out loud that this shit is dangerous, so there is not much we can do to prevent people from taking it, people who are taking it nowadays are ignorant as fuck so let them enjoy their ignorance, a few days ago one of my friends(knowing that i hate finasteride) was telling me how great its working for him guess what i didnt confront him at all even told him yup i might be wrong and symptoms are so fucking rare so take that magic miracle as much as you can

First do no harm (Hippocratic Oath), many doctors seem to have forgotten it.

I hate most Doctors in general when I crashed in 2012 and was close to ending it all they were worse than useless and basically mocked me when I tried to explain to them what PFS was.

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You are a twisted, selfish person and terribly misguided. Very disturbing you would do that to anybody, let alone your own friend. You could double or triple the amount of patients with PFS and it wouldn’t change a thing for you in terms of chances of getting better. How much have you even “contributed to our cause”?