Are we fighting a lost cause?

but isn’t “PFS” you have normal hormones but hypogonadism symptoms?

I do not have normal hormones?

Trust me man, I know my shit to an insane level but me and @joey10 and a few other ppl we have nothing else to go on except a prayer that the substance is somehow still floating around and binding to something that’s lowering 5 alpha reductase. I know it’s a long shot but most men on here have normal dht and e2 but we don’t.

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Exactly man that’s why I’m praying brother

Also think it’s strange my cortisol was elevated, but I don’t have cushings and it was elevated three separate times. Cortisol is removed by 5 alpha reductase.

I had elevated Cortisol on my first blood test, it was 748 range was something like 150-550. Other times it came back within range…

When I gained the weight back it felt like it was cushings. I got moon face, buffalo hump on the back, and waist fat.

This seems common among those with this condition. I noticed the same.

Welcome to the forum! I’m interested to hear of your experience with Accutane. What side effects you had, how they developed, how your recovery from that occurred, etc… Would you mind posting a member story?

Well for one make sure you don’t have cushings before you continue on this rabbit hole cause trust me it doesn’t stop. Also only a 24 hour urine test is accurate. But if you indeed don’t have cushings then damn man we have some striking similarities that are highly valuable

Basically took accutane, noticed no boner jerking off when i was 16 and little ejaculate, stopped. Side effects lasted a couple months and I did nothing and everything snapped back perfectly. Maybe a little decrease libido permanent. Maybe a little more anger than usual. That’s about it from the accutane sides.

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Thanks. I don’t hear of many mention only temporary sexual side effects from Accutane. It might actually be very common, but because it is an unspoken side effect, only those with permanent sexual symptoms bother to mention it.

Definitely have turned into a constantly angry person ever since taking it. Almost like how roid-rage is portrayed on TV and in movies, minus the benefits of steroids.

100 percent common but what 16 year old is gonna tell a doc oh something is weird with my dick / may not even know. Def common, many recover, I’m sure many dont

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I am sure my prostate is completely asleep. It is simply not working. I feel no pressure down in that area anymore. I can not force urine out, or “push blood” into an erection like I used to. All of this is probably due to my Low DHT levels. I also have this strange “dry, but musky” body odor. Its quite disturbing.

I believe the pain I have in my right testicle/right seminal tubes is due to the low dht weakining the prostate, resulting in low ejaculation volume and force. It is simply not being flushed out through the tubes, as there is no strong prostate. Anybody else think this?

Yes man

I had a itchy rash my whole life that developed since I was about 10-21 years old. Once I took a shower or washed my body with soap it got worse. It was all over my buttocks, and thighs, and biceps, even my lower stomach.

It was basically this

I remember going to my doctors when I was younger, and he told me that it was a fungal infection. He gave me cream/ointment for it. The cream did somewhat help but it never really cured the fungal infection, once I washed my self or got out of the shower, or even went to soccer practice/gym it flared up again.

Odd enough in summer of 2016. I noticed after coming home from work on the construction site and showering that the rash was dissapearing? This is also the time that I lost all libido, genital numbness, low semen volume and force. All classic low t symptoms.

I also added that I can not get a proper cold anymore in the last 3 years! Im wondering if this has something to do with an up regulated immune system? The diet I was eating was all vegetables, im Croatian and im talking about all kinds of vegetables not just salad. Rutabega, onions, cabbage, peppers, and some vegetables you guys have probably never even heard of we make soups of.

When I lost all the weight at 138lbs I was almost anorexic. I went to the gym and remember I had the worse gas and my farts smelt like FIBRE overload!! I guess it was because of all the cabbage and vegetables I was eating. My mother was also really worried for me and said I better stop this diet before I mess myself up but I didnt listen. She always complained of my skin being yellow/orange

I can not get greasy skin after eating mcdonalds anymore either. Its like the body is destroying “bacteria” that is essential for hormones/libido/body odor…

Your skin being yellow / orange??? Dude idk man. Clearly we re both atypical cases. I would rule out any and all liver diseases and weird ones. Like hemochromatosis or Wilson’s disease.

I have low DHT! and low e2! normal total t levels!
Endos are doing nothing about it.
I have elevated liver enzymes GGT+ALT, billirubin is elevated too.

D-heas elevated also…creatine+uric acid elevated. These are all liver/kidney stuff that are elevated…

ps. skin is no longer yellow/and orange, it was only during when I was eating high vegetable diet/starvation diet…

Id 100 percent go to a regular doc and ask for every test available cause that’s not right to have all of those elevated.

My primary care doctor was of no help… she basically was asking me what kind of childhood I have, and was questioning my integrity and honesty in my symptoms. I switched doctors and this guy is no better. He says my blood tests do not explain my symptoms and he recommended I see a sex therapist.

It’s all so disheartening, I have a clear issue. I have blood tests that are out of normal values. It is a clear dis balance in the body… I have read that liver/kidney issues can cause e.d in males.

I used to work woodworking, and picking up a chair would leave me out of breath. This is not normal for a “Then” 23 year old male who is fit, and does not smoke/drink/drugs/steroids

Yeah that’s so frustrating…dude honestly I’d do just everything you can to get into other docs especially with weird kidney and liver stuff

Hidden infection