Are there people who were cured 100%

bumping this , please post if you have recently recovered.

Especially from sexual sides

I’m going to be honest.
I think most people who face side-effects from fin do recover, but their symptoms are pretty mild such as lower libido.

For most of us, our symptoms appear to be persistent and more severe (Physical & mental symptoms). I believe you can recover up to a certain point, but complete recovery for us may not be possible.

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Hey I recognize you,

Say If I never got mental sides but got pretty bad ED and lower libido ONLY. Is there a chance for recovery for me?

I only took 3mg total. (1mg split in 1 week , 2 week break then another 2 mg split over 4 weeks)

I believe there’s always a chance for some recovery.
I just don’t believe complete recovery is possible for most of us.

there are people who complained of those symptoms persisting, who then came back to say they considered themselves recovered. So yes, it is possible- but I don’t think anyone can predict the likelihood of recovery on a case by case basis.

Maybe I should create its own topic, but what is the official/scientific explaination to people recovering with just time, sometimes even suddently?
As I understand it, and I may be severly wrong since my understanding of these topics is very limited (please correct me), our androgenic receptors got altered on an epigenetic level. What kind of body mechanism would revert such changes exactly?
Maybe the research focus should be put on trying to emulate such recovery cases?

Nobody can answer this because all we have are theories and none have gotten proved as of yet.

We don’t really know that yet. It’s a plausible theory and the PFS Network (mods from here etc) is working hard to fund studies looking into this theory.

Epigentics respond to the environment, so it could be a number of things. Epigenetics are a very novel field of science so it’s not very well understood yet.

We must first understand the pathology of PFS, so we know what to look for. Otherwise it’s like finding a needle in a haystack.


Oh sorry, I thought that this study:

had basically confirmed the whole epigenetic theory and I assumed it was currently the accepted model to explain PFS. My mistake then.

You’re right, Baylor confirmed that a lot of gene expressions changes have been made. But we don’t know yet if the AR being overexpressed is the cause. But it surely is plausible and hence we need to support the PFSN as they’re conducting the studies to confirm it.

If you look at the few studies done on 5ARI and BPH tissue fin ain’t suppose to be able to alter that many genes that the Baylor study showed. Something have heavily malfunctioned in us, although that might not be much of a surprise to the ones who have been heavily affected.

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I would ask another question. How many people who have recovered have continued to write on the forum? I have looked at some cases, and in them the author of the post stops writing after a few months. He hasn’t written on the forum for years. He has no logic. If I recover from the disease, I would continue writing in the forum to encourage people, answer questions, etc. I would do it.


Yes. I am almost fully recovered. Been almost 2 years since I took that poison. My sleep patterns are probably the only thing that doesn’t seem to be back to 100%. But overall things are MUCH better than I was 6 months post crash.

What about libido? Did you have erection problems?

Only for a few months. Pretty much back to normal now

Incredible man, congrats for your recovery and for passing through this hell.
Sometimes I fear fin caused me brain damage, which is not reversible, but posts like you give me hope it is not the case.

Thanks. I still struggle with the sleep though. Which is really frustrating. Always broken and sometimes wakeup multiple times a night. Never feel like I can get into a deep sleep. Which worries me. Im getting some blood work done soon and ill share the results.

Hey man,

Thanks for posting this. Did you experience any physical changes to your body?

No I did not

Bad news for me :frowning:

nice post… you can add me to the list of full recovery


Screenshots of my blood work - Taken 7/12/22 (2 years after stopping finasteride)

Here are the results that are out of range

  1. HS CRP - 4.2H
  2. Thyroid peroxidase antibodies - 11H
  3. Absolute eosinophils (a white blood cell) - 534H
  4. Estradiol - 42h (high)

I have a meeting with a Naturalpathic doctor in LA next week that has met with numerous PFS patients.

Screen Shot 2022-07-27 at 11.46.52 AM

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