Quick question for everyone. Has anyone crashed after using vitamin D or when using it?
Quick question for everyone. Has anyone crashed after using vitamin D or when using it?
I had been taking finasteride for about 11 years when i started taking Vitamin D, Calcium, and Iron (because of bone loss found at age 34 which I think is finasteride related.) Within about 1 month I lost all my sex drive and my dick developed a painful sensation to the touch at all times. I was already planning to quit but once I experienced that I quit immediately.
I have stopped taking Vitamin D3, Calcium and Iron because I was travelling (and lazy) and things have been getting better but I’m not sure it’s related…might try them again and see if the problem gets worse.
What was your experience?
really…? do you honestly think that can cause you to crash?
I am the longest user. I have been on VitD since November 2009. All I can say without it I might have died. I had strong metallic taste in my mouth, pale yellow teeth due to loss of enamel, weak bones etc.Not able to walk or turn the door knob. After taking vitamin D all is under control thanks God. Some people reported negative sides after taking vitaminD. I don’t think it is directly related to vitamin D but rather due to increase in Testosterone. Our body is reacting negatively to Testosterone. Almost all of us are now reacting badly to DHT cream like Andractim. why?. Whereas transgenders successfully grow their penises and muscles (go on youtube to see many videos) by applying Andractim we successfully lose sensitivity of our penises and it becomes even smaller after applying it. Also many hypo-gonadal get better on normal or slightly higher doses of T injections we feel worse or develop gyno on Agel or T_injections. I have talked to some people who are taking Vitamin D and they did not tell me any negative sides. We are different now.
thanks that was what i was thinking.
This post is friggin ridiculas.
My neighbour and friend is clinically low Vitmain D. He was given vit D shots, I think thoug not sure about 50,000 IU per week.He is talking two Tabs daily now for the last 2 years. He never reported any sides whenever I asked him repeatedly.
any of you guys who have negative vitamin d reaction have hashimoto? (or think you do?)
or you got tested and that is not it?
it is funny, i starting using vitamin d3 maybe a month or so ago. i ran out the other day, and went a few days without, and i definately felt worse. i bought some the night before last … last night i did 2000icu, and today i have done 4000icu, and i already feel much better. i cannot say anything bad has happened, although i am definately one of the short term users so maybe other people have had other experiences. no complaints here though…
ok so it actually helped you. interesting. have you ever gotten extensive thyroid testing done or had anything close to thyroid issues?
sorry bryce, no clue on the thyroid at the moment
I have no idea what u meant by this sentence. Were you trying to say hypogonadal get better or worse by t injections?
It is clear. we don’t respond as expected to TRT. I got water retention and felt worse after few weeks.I had to stop it. Some develop gyno. Where as normal people (who got hypogonadal as a result of testicular injury or use of steroids) respond good and feel normal on TRT. In fact there two boys on this forum who were on TRT for years before using fin.their TRT stopped working after taking fin.
I hope now you understand what I mean.
My situation was very serious but still stable but unfortunately I made a mistake, to try Vitamin d3 (Dibase Cholecalciferol 50.000Ui) a single dose and I got seriously worse. Since I had a total loss of muscle-bones, I decided to try the vitamin in question. Within half an hour of taking it I had a worsening of all neurological, physical and sexual symptoms. After 4 days I wake up one morning with new symptoms I list:
Total anesthesia to the body
Tingling of the limbs
Very dry skin
Pale, de…
I urge everyone to stay away from vitamin D.
I tried to take 50.000UI of Vitamin d3 (a single dose) and I crashed! Can Vitamin D3 also not help but get worse?![]()