Any thoughts

I have been doing the broccoli treatment 3 days now. One thing that has changed is i can power piss again.

A recent abdominal ultrasound I had revealed signs of past episode(s) of pancreatitis. If I had to put a marker on it it was during a period when I thought I had irritable bowel syndrome for a preiod of several weeks. Need to study the calender to see if it was while I was on finasteride, or after quiting.

I had simlar problems kazman but i know i had been off the drug for a period of time, maybe a month.
I also had an ultra sound but they found nothing.
I have a gastroscopy and colonoscopy scheduled for over the next 2 weeks.

I had this and have been diagnosed with crohns disease. Will keep you posted fellas.


Do you know exactly how they come up with this diagnosis? Ive had a tube both down my throat and the rectum twice. They couldent find anything and said all looked great.

What are your symptoms?

Sorry to hear that man, i take it there is no family history of this?

if you guys go wikipedia looks like all of us have symptoms of this disease. it is basically inflamation of any body parts, even eyes as well.

No family history.

Going off the wikipedia page very few of my symptoms are gastrointestinal related, they are mainly extraintestinal.

It is crohns ileitis, of the small intestine, in addition there were pleomorphic ulcers.

Diagnoses was made via colonoscopy, very good doctor preformed procedure.

Its quite common that a diagnois of chrons change as its hard to distinguish from ulcerative colitis.

I know i have had ulcers in the past cause i could feel them. Had a bout just before christmas when i also was experiencing brainfog for the first time, always after a meal. This started just a day after eating the first gluten (that im aware of) in 6 months in form of a bakery that i couldlent resist in a weak moment.

Im sorry to hear you have this but its also good for you to have something diagnosed to go on. Im sure within a short time you will feel alot better.

your symptoms beeing extra intestinal, what exactly does that mean? Chrons isent exactly connected with neuro damage and similar like celiac for instance.

Have you and the doc discussed medecines for this? I know cortisol is used during a flare up but also there a few alternatives for controlling it day to day. What are you going with?

Get well soon!

will let you know when i have answers to all these questions.

it is strange, I have also got the problems with my small intestine. I was scheduled for colonscopy but I requested cancelled as my lower part is very fragile I am scared it may cause immense bleeding.
When I went to emergency twice in 2009 Doctor told me that I have inflammation but even after CAT scan he could not find the source. He said maybe it will die but we know now our bodies are constatly having inflammation.

Also I have no doubts our guts are now a lot weaker and compromised. sometimes when my symptoms get worse I have very nasty farts. the smell in no way is normal, it is just very very nasty and unusual. In the last days of SP I had started this nasty smell daily.

I am completely over the brain fog, it is relentless. If i was to kill myself it will be because of this, not ed.

Sorry to hear that. You should take comfort in the fact that some recovered from brainfog by diet alone and with your recent diagnos of chrons theres a very good chance this will improve when you have been on a proper diet and whatever treatment your doctor and you decide upon. I had my first brainfog ever this xmas from beeing glutened but it was just there for a few days. Horrible feeling! Best of luck

tim, have you ever tested cortisol? Low cortisol would explain the fog. I remember you saying b complex and vit c helped, these are two treatments for adrenal fatigue.

hope you’re ok out there!

My blood cortisol was normal…no chance to get any treatment soon the city is ruined.

Low cortisol DOES NOT explain the fog. Low pregnenolone does, because it boosts neurotransmitters. The pathways are Pregnenolone -> Cortisol and Pregnenolone -> Progesterone -> Cortisol. You can have low pregnenolone and high cortisol, and still have the fog. But, if you have high pregnenolone, you will not have any brain fog. You may have fatigue, ED, etc…, but no brain fog.

Tim, I suggest you to get some transdermal pregnenolone and try it. Don’t bother trying oral pregnenolone; it doesn’t work in most people. You may need a prescription in New Zealand.

Anyone here tried hydroxyzone?

First time yesterday night. Good mood, no anxiety, sleep apparently was deeper brcause i spent an amazing refreshed day.
12,5mg at 8pm, went to bed at midnight.
Was totally functional in the meantime. And also today. High sex drive as well.


Ill keep postibg if it works again tonight and next days

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So…im sorry to let you know that i only felt 100%on this first day of hydroxyzone.
2nd i took 12,5 as well but slept horribly duribg the 3rd third of the night. Felt horrible the whole day.
3rd took 25mg and got the same experience as the 2nd day.
4th day i took 37,5mg. Slept a bit better but the day was horrible.
5th day took 25mg. Horrible day.
In fact i didnt seem to sleep well enough.

At that point i decided to stop. Im sorry i know i wasnt stable with the dosages but i dont feel that is what affected me in a negative way.
After the first half of thr night i seemed to be constantly waking up, then falling asleep, then waking uo, then falling asleep. It wasnt real sleep.

First time i tried trazodone i experienced the same first great day, even withouth having slept too much (i actually slept less than my normal 5-6hours)…

So either soemthing to do with 5ht2a or i dont know.

Truth is i cant rrpeat the experience.

Has anyone tried myo-inositol? Its supposed to antagonise 5ht2a…

Has anyone ever tried a vitamin c IV