Hi everyone, long time i don’t write here. I’d like to expose something weird i think i noticed about this whole crap, at least regarding to my own symptoms.
Before writing i made some search and now i’d like to expose what i suppose is happening to me. You may already be aware that some of us have new allergies while others claim have no more allergies.
Now the story i want to tell.
Years ago, when i still used to take the poison (aka finasteride) and didn’t know was so damaging, i started having very itchy throat and chronic cough around every august/september. That was the period in which i used to turn the air conditioning system on, in my bedroom. Then i noticed a moldy odour coming from that object and when i asked my brother to open it and clean it (he cleaned it with bleach), it was full of mold indeed. After the cleanse, i had no more symtoms for a while but then appeared again: i can no more enter my bedroom without having itchy throat and chronic cough, even without turning the system on! We opened the system again and looked clean inside…
Now i sleep in another room, and my parents think i’m completely crazy.
And if things were not enough hard yet, read this: i cannot touch objects that stay in that room, i cannot use my desktop computer, my chair, my table… even if i bring them somewhere else… NOTHING! I tried, but i started having that itchy throat again!
And i’m the only one at home having these problems… and this makes my parents think i’m even more crazy than before…
Making some research i saw that exists a thing called sick building syndrome, a number of symptoms due to airborne things such as molds or formaldheyde… but in my case i wonder if finasteride made something to my immune system or if i should just do something to my room… but what? i already cleaned everything with an anti-mould spray but i t doesn’t work…
Should i use an ozone generator? Should i use a “ionizer”? These objects seems pretty expensive and can even destroy materials such as aluminum (oh no! my computer…) or plastic… (oh no! everything i’m supposed to work with!) Or is it just PFS wreacking havoc in my immune system? Should i focus on my pfs instead of my room and the molds?
Uh, i also noticed i do not tolerate any kind of conditioned air anymore, not only in that room, but everywhere… i got a light itch in the throat everytime i’m exposed to conditioned air…
What about you? Have you noticed anything similar?