Advice needed? One month off the pill: giving it time or jumping on therapies?

Hello there!
I posted my story member about a month ago. After 11 monts without any big issues, I got hit by severe ED, stopped the drugs and felt what everybody describes here as " a switch coming off in my brain" one week quitting the drug.
I got my bloodwork results and show all the characteristics of secondary hypogonadism.
Lows FSH and TH
Low T
Elevated ACTH
High cortisol to name a few…
At least Ian explanation for the shitty state I have been dealing daily for the last couple of weeks: tiredness, impotence, no libido, brain fog ( getting better depending on I don’t know what), lack of interest, drive, depression, poor sleep.
I have always been careful of symptoms the first 6 months on fin. Checked myself daily on the classic ones : growth, the dreaded ED… When the ED occurred, the damage was done and other “less” obvious sides had sneaked : tiredness, being edgy which killed my relationship…
I would say my condition is steady. I havent notice any real improvement on impotence ( which probably increases depression) and fatigue comes and go. I went from 2 hours of sleep in the early days to 6 hours. I know it is not much and I dream constantly while sleeping, but better than 2 hours googling shitty stuff on the laptop.
Back to the point: I know people advise to “let it flow” in the early stages. Most people advocate this.
Since I was super reactive and quickly made the link sides / finasteride I was helped by someone who has an association in France which helps finasteride victims. I was given the right blood tests to do and they were forwarded to an andrologist ( a professor in Lyon) who is willing t see me in late august to discuss my case ( he is PFS "friendly won’t take me for a lunatic and will justify to my skeptical GP).
I don’t know the text book protocol for sec hypogonadism even if I read the interesting hypo hypo threads but they are 10 years + and hard to get for a kook like me :).
What is super hard is the constant low energy levels since I have T levels close to a 70 year old guy.
I know I will maybe be given “serious” hormones which could make things worse… I heard about Clomid, Andractim, T gel or other options.
I have no idea what to expect from this appt but will probably be proposed “options”.
I am lucky to be an holiday but getting back to work in a month and a half, I’m looking for ways to kinda function… No quick fix though…
Any thoughts, hindsights, personal experiences welcome.

EDIT: regarding impotence. Should I start viagra or Cialis to keep the life down there or leave it too?

It might take more than a year for hormones to recover naturally after you stop finasteride. Read this old post by Mew and look at the graphs from the paper.

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A YEAR? Bloody hell…
Thx for input.

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Your symptoms are very similar to Chi, take a look at his thread for a recovery protocol. I wouldn’t start taking drugs while your body is still in the early stages of recovery. PFS is very complicated we have no idea how drugs etc could affect recovery.
Eat clean, sleep and live a low stress lifestyle. Low level exercise each day on a e bike at walking pace might help use up cortisol to aid sleep.

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Thanks I will!

Cortisol is high for me…

Low level exercise each day on a exercise bike at walking pace might help use up cortisol to aid sleep. Do 30mins morning and early evening. Your sleeping 6 hours so cortisol is not a big issue. Low sugar diet, avoid white starch foods will help lower cortisol. It will come down as hormones balance etc no need to start taking supplements at this stage. You’ll come good.


What supplements do you advise?

None. You’re still recovering and are sleeping ok. You are improving all the time. Your body is smarter than you let it do it’s job. Don’t interfere, be patient. Find something positive to focus on and be thankful for all the things you can do.

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