Additional Changes

The above summary tables nicely shows the huge variability we have with these syndromes, not only between drugs, but also among individuals (not shown, overall ranges shown below). A consistent and therefore significant trait can be found when a full row in the above table has the same color (either green=increase or red=decrease shades).

2: Increased greatly
1: Increased slightly
0: Stayed the same
-1: Decreased slightly
-2: Decreased greatly


Please choose an answer for each point in time that most appropriately describes the…

  • Immune: frequency you catch infectious or viral illnesses (including common colds, flu etc)
  • VocalPitch: change you observed in the pitch of your voice
  • Oil: change you observed in the oiliness of your skin
  • Acne: change you observed in spots (acne) or skin breakouts
  • Wounds: change you observed in the time it would take for cutaneous wounds to heal
  • Sweating: change you observed in your sweating
  • FacialHair: change you observed in the speed your facial hair grows
  • Balding: change you observed in your male/female pattern hair loss
  • BodyHair: change you observed in your body hair growth
  • Thirst: change you observed in your thirst
  • Appetite: change you observed in your appetite
  • SmellTaste: change you observed in your sense(s) of smell and/or taste
  • SemenDensity: change you observed in the density (thickness) of your seminal fluid
  • Refractory: change in the length of your refractory period
  • AlcQuantity: change in the amount of alcohol you consume
  • AlcTolerance: change in your tolerance of alcohol
  • AlcPleasure: change in the pleasurable feeling you experience from alcohol

…compared to before use of the substance/drug you associate with the development of persistent health problems.