About to start Daily Tadalafil (Cialis). Really Nervous! Any long term success?

That’s interesting - I wasn’t aware of the vision risk there.

Personally I’ve found tadalafil modestly helpful. It is by no means a radical improvement. There is no change in libido level - it just improves bloodflow somewhat.

The vision risk would be enough to put me off taking it every day.

Cialis does nothing either standalone or combined with tadalafi, for me. Cialis does seem to have some undesirable side effects - vision changes, feeling of blood pressure increase… after trialling it out, I don’t take it.

Thanks @BibFortuna , that is somewhat reassuring!

About hearing loss I didn’t look at papers. It is mentioned in my general information leaflet and on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tadalafil. I am unsure how to judge this. Of course if millions of people take a drug some will report incidents that are not related. But (after finasteride) I also tend to think pharmaceutical information deliberately downplays risks.

~5mg helps in the erection department and lasts for good 30+ hrs but somehow it made me depressed. I assumed it does this through its anti-estrogen effects. I come from a low E2 background so this may not be a concern.

I don’t want to be a downer. But man, are you sure?

Because it is very unlikely. It may be a gradual decline on other areas so you may not even noticed it? As an obsessive person, even i didn’t realize my own changes. This trauma from the disease masks some issues i would say. So, think twice. You have to face with the harsh reality as soon as you can to fix it.

If you have ED, you should also have sensivity loss, muscle and nerve weaknesses, probably prostate issues and related things.

But, you are very lucky if you are really sure that everything is 100% normal except for your Bloodflow to penis. :slight_smile: That’s nice bro.

That would indicate a physical problem, maybe get a full MRI on your nerves.

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Started with 10 mg daily and having spontaneous erections during the day like 5-6 times. Just touching my penis and the blood flows. My libido got significantly higher almost pre pfs.
Imo this surely can help for the brain to penis connection.


To be fair with you and myself I have to make this disappointing post. After my last post my libido decreased from pre-pfs to really low. I started to take Tadalafil 10 mg for a little more than two weeks now. Having spontaneous erections and sky high libido. 2 days ago I started to take a higher dose, 20 mg. I have much more trouble to get or keep erections. Before I just had to barely touch my penis.

So I don‘t know if it is from the new dosage I am taking or the fact that I went out drinking again (1 night before decreasing libido).

Edit: got massive erection right now. But still Libido not the same as before.

I tried to go higher with the dosage from 20 mg to 60 mg Tadalafil. The erections are pretty good but the side effects are horrible. I couldn’t sleep this night (maybe just 2 hours). Got massive pain on my right butt on the ischias I think. This is a sign of weak muscles in this region, therefore the pain while sitting.

Maybe try a lower dose again, you seemed to have good results with that

60mg per day, are you nuts?? That’s way above the recommended dose.
Besides I would feel frightened that eventually it will wear off and then you can’t hop back on it if you really need it.

It is not that bad there are studies where guys took 1000mg of viagra. Of course there is a very small chance of getting blind but you can get that severe side from ‚normal‘ dosages too. I started from the smallest dosage up to the biggest.

The effect can not wear of. If it is wearing off your ED got worse but the effect of the pills stays always the same.

Why did you increase your tadalafil dose from 10mg to 20mg? It appeared to be working at 10mg right?

Yes it is working very well but I wanted more. The problem with tadalafil is, it is not stress resistant.

Example to understand better: When I am alone and touching myself my erections are at least 70% better and stays way longer erected. When I am with a girl I loose due to the stressful situation my erection rapidly. It is not working for adrenaline or fear. I hoped to get better results with a higher dosage.

I read on an other forum that one guy tried viagra together with doxazosine (alpha blocker) with positive effects. But I am concerned to try this.

btw: A higher dosage doesn’t mean automatically better erections. A lot of guys (without pfs) experience the same. They got better erections with lower dosages. The point is to find the perfect dosage for yourself. That’s what I am trying.

I agree. Higher dose doesn’t always mean better effectiveness. Looks like 10mg is your dose. I know how the stress can kill an erection.

I read an article about carnitine improving slidenafil effectiveness. But always be careful with supplements.

I take 5mg usually daily just to get “some” bloodflow. If I take it I can at least manage 50% nocturnals 2 or 3 times a week.

Doesn’t really bother me much, some occasional lower back pain. Sexually i’m a very bad case tho

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Ive been taking 5mg every other day. It really helps out but Pre-mature ejaculation is still present

Been on a couple of months of 5mg ED. 25mgs MWF. Don’t have an issue performing. Sensitivity does not seem to have improved much. Getting more frequent nocturnals.

I just came across this (i can’t see the full article):

My urologist suggested taking it daily(except for the day with any sexual activity, in that case I should use sildenafil). I’ve been following this scheme for several months.
I observed solid improvement in erection quality(the shaft finally returned to the normal condition, the tip has partially improved) and regular nocturnals/morning wood. Also there was some minor improvement in senistivity too. But no improvement in libido/sexual sensations/orgasm.

I have developed quite annoying tinnitus and weird feeling of tension inside my head(but absolutely no headaches or dizziness). These are likely to be the tadalafil side effects.

I tried to stop taking it for a few days to see if the tinnitus would go away and all the good effects would stay. Nope. The tinnitus never faded and I experienced even bigger decrease in libido and some ED.
I assume it could be a coincidence(I had some bad sleep those days).

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This is exactly my experience as well.

I can almost say that with Cialis I feel 90-95% recovered however i do not want to rely on this drug. Numbness is still an ESPECIALLY annoying issue off the drug

If Cialis makes this huge of a difference for us… there MUST BE a path to FULL recovery.


Also now experiencing constant tinnitus, I think as a result of the cialis. Not sure though. Seems like a very rare side effect — and it came on after months of taking cialis daily. Off it for a week and no change to the T.