A statistical irrelevant minority - A list of pharma scandals and their "statistical irrelevant " victims - Stand up and fight!

Romans, next telemarketing company selling Finasteride and other dangerous drugs with online prescription, without a warning about long time side effects. It’s a question of time, we going to see the first romans pfs victim on propecia help or a Moral Medicine or pfs network romans consumer video.

The chemical mace for Akne, Benigne prostate hyperplasia, Hairloss, Depressions? There are softer and secure alternatives. Why the medical mainstream still believe in brachial and violent archaic 80ies castration medications?

  1. Akne can be treated in the hardest cases with laser therapy or local antibiotic and peeling treatment. For cosmetic reasons it can be used skin colored make up. No archaic castration and suicide drug, taken from the market 2010 by the roche family already, has to be prescribed to inocent children in their puberty. The fear of being not perfect and cosmetic fears are abused for pharma resellers profit.

  2. A castration drug, even not given to sexual criminals as inhuman, was developed as a last resort cancer treatment. Why now this sexual criminals castration drug is sold to elderly men much to early, just preventive, when even the surgery wasn’t a problem in the eighties allready.

  3. To sell a child murderer and sexual criminals castration drug (really discussed that way) to young totally heathy boys with fear of going bald is an unbelievable scandal once told as chemical crimes century.

  4. The absolute most creazy thing. Manhood made their evolution without chemical Puree stick in million peoples heads. It’s the most anti religious manipulation of gods work ever.


Awesome post men :black_heart::+1:t2:

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I am so happy when this research into the pharma scandals is rewarded. Making health and sexuality a commercial product without any ethical standards by big business pharma and big money business porn hubs it becomes more and more perverted, lightyears away from the hippocratian oath and and the basic human dignity of a woman.

The pharma failed with post drug syndromes and killed by cure and the porn failed with trauma and venereal diseases are thrown away in this big business games.

Lightyears away from etical pharma companies working to save uncountable lifes and the sexual revolution.

1994 already, 30 years ago, the German Medical telegram wrote about proscar (finasteride for benign prostate hyperplasia).

It is doubtful whether finasteride will save those affected from an operation in the long term. In order for the effect to be maintained, the 4-azasteroid would have to be taken for life. The long-term compatibility of the drug, which costs more than 1000 DM per year, is not guaranteed. Users of the prostate drug can suffer from antiandrogenic disorders of libido, potency and ejaculation and from gynecomastia.

Finasteride does not appear to be a therapeutically relevant breakthrough for the treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy, even if it reduces prostate size.

Why eatablished every fucking test magazine about testing every refrigerator for the “Wurstfach” (sausages storage) or the ecology of dog food and aboit this Medical telegram no one made advertisement.

Stiftung Warentest: 62 tests on dogfood!!

Ökotest: uncountable matches on dogfood!!

Medical telegram, nobody knows: 28 on finasteride!! Since 1994


##@&%— they knew this in 1994? It’s still on the market 30 years later? Excuse me while I cuss offline.

Why is it still sold for that purpose?Jim

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Dear @JimWildman! The German institution for young men with pfs is Prof. Michael Zitzmann from the Münster Medical University Hospital, Dept of Andrology. Hundreds of us german pfs sufferers make a pilgrimage there to humbly receive the holy Human Choriongonadotropin which is supposed in the before Greek and Egyptian antiquity already to heal us all from all the evil and give our genitals huge erections again.

If you read what Prof. Zitzmann thinks about the typical pfs “hero”, you’ll never wonder if finasteride is on the market even in 100 years:

A special type, who deal very intensively with themselves

Zitzmann: “It is striking that the affected patients are a special type, who deal very intensively with themselves, who do a lot of research and question many things. Irrespective of this, the 100 or so patients who have sought my advice all report the same thing, so that a certain physiological constellation could probably favor the occurrence of these side effects.”

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20 years of “Hamster Wheeling” (A victims scandal)

MERCK sells the dangerous drug and the post drug victims run the hamsterwheel. As more as finasteride is marketed, as more the count of the victims increase, as faster runs the grimly community in their hamster wheels dogged till the end of time.

I read the 2006 protocols, the 2006 lab tests, the 2006 theories, the 2006 hormones, the 2006 substances, members often from 2000 already, nothing changed in the “hamster wheeling” community for 20 years.

We all could have been warned :warning: