A question for those who have attempted trt and felt temporarily recovered...

Was it incredibly noticeable? I mean did you go back to having sexual thoughts, and both spontaneous and easily sustainable erections?

im 2 weeks in to trt and morning and nite time erections are frequent. very few dreams let alone sexual. slight libido improvments first 5 days after jab. coming up to next jab and libido is zero

Probably because you feel amazing having that surge of testosterone in your body again. I’m not sure but I think because naturally your body secretes testosterone at certain times of the day and synthetic T is flowing at a steady rate, I think you wouldn’t feel that different over time. Rather than natural fluctuating levels.

What are your levels like Donkey? I’m in the situation where I can try TRT or HCG. Personally i’d rather not do TRT just because the risks and longetivity of it. I’d rather sit back and try other things before rushing into it.

Just had blood drawn last week after going about a year without insurance. All I could afford to have checked was my testosterone unfortunately, even though the blood panel was meant to test about 12 different things. Got to love shit healthcare. I’ll find out my T levels on Thursday. Last time I checked was about 14 months ago (a couple months after I came off of Propecia).

Where were your levels? i’m thankful blood tests are free in australia…i’ve tested mine every week for the last 3 months keeps going down.

free in UK to, so I have tested my frequently. Mine also continued to drop to he point I am now no longer in normal range. I started TRT 2 weeks ago. One thing for sure is the fatgiued has improved.

Did you try HCG or anything else? i really don’t want to resort to TRT.

i have just foolowed advise from my doctors and so hcg was not offered. whar are your concerns over trt? im only triailing it for no more than 6 months which apparently is safe. any longer and your body may shut down its own production. but then again if your T levfls are declying like mine it may have done so anyway.

Well i’m only 21. I want to have kids one day. Don’t really want to commit to something like that without trying other things. I’d rather not live than be on TRT.


trt can be an injection once every 3 weeks, gell applied to your body or a pill. its not that bad if it works for you. i wish i started earlier as i have a numb penis which could be permenant now

I’m not sure, I’d rather not live the next 60 years of my life on something synthetic and not being able to have children, Depresses me a lot even thinking about it.

im not sure what the fertility issues are. i was lucky enough to have 3 children. i would like 1 more but that looks unlikly

Lucky for you. Well synthetic hormones shutdown the pituitarys response to hormones because there area already active hormones in the blood stream. LH AND FSH are reduced down to almost 0. Depending on your systems condition it can either go back up.

did you notice any water retention? after TRT? I had a lot.
which T injections are you taking?

None yet but it has only been 2 weeks.

Im noe sure what T injections hey are but I have my next load on friday so I will ask.


How did you get on with TRT?

Are you still on it?

I might be heading down this route too.


TE/C? It should be administered at least once a week.


Are you still on TRT?

What amount?

Gels or injections?

I’m still on steroids - but I can’t call it TRT when I’m blasting. I crashed hard recently, while being on TRT, and decided to try large doses of testosterone and see if that changed anything. I’ve gone through a lot of Arimidex lately (0.5 mg when needed), so I’m going to lower the testosterone dose. I don’t need more than 100 mg a week for replacement. That puts me in the high end. I’m doing fairly good on high doses of testosterone enanthate and moderate doses of nandrolone decanoate at the moment.

I used Testogel for a month, and then switched to injections. I’ve tried TP (S.C.), TE (I.M.), TU (I.M.) and Sustanon 250 (I.M.). I’m currently using TE (I.M.).