A question for those who have attempted trt and felt temporarily recovered...


Did your balls shrink on TRT?

Was you diagnosed hypogonadism and has your Body shut down its own natural T now?

Also, how’s your libido and sexual function?

Testicles atrophies with large doses of exogenous testosterone, yes.

I developed secondary hypogonadism, but it hasn’t been proven. My testicles atrophied during treatment with Propecia, and they didn’t recover when I stopped the treatment. All the doctors could see was a borderline low testosterone level. I benefit from TRT, and have been prescribed testosterone by an endocrinologist.

My libido has been very high lately, and erection quality has been fairly good. I still have ED, but the erections are usually good enough for intercourse. I’ve also had frequent erections lately, and I have woken up with morning erections on some days.