A long-term PFS sufferer says he is cured from the disease after undergoing this protocol

JoeKools said he was using a 1/2 inch needle, and my doctor has prescribed the same for me.

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Great , do you plan to take the vitamins alongside hcg or after cessation of the protocol ? don’t you think it’s risky to take vitamin d3 every day for 6 months ?

I plan to take the vitamins and other things JoeKools listed. They just came in today, and I’ll note the brands. Thanks for bringing up the D3. I will look into that and ask my doctor.

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Is the HCG recommended for people with normal LH and FSH?

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I seem to have normal to low LH and FSH, and have finasteride induced PFS, with all the typical symptoms, and will be sharing results as they occur. My recent numbers are below…

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Hey, how exciting! I have been a lurker here for the last couple of months, but can`t help to wonder about these data sources. How many, who, when? It feels like we should have an open-data source in the forum relating to recoveries/crashes and methods, otherwise it becomes hard to tell these claims from rumours, which we don’t want them to be, specially in good news like these!


I finally got the prescription in and the injection needles for the hCG from a pharmacy. The doctor prescribed 5/16 g31 needles, which the pharmacist said were diabetic needles. They are small and very very thin. They are not typically used for injection into a muscle. Usually a 1” needle or longer is required for injections into a muscle.

I’ll reach out to JoeKool about his needles again, but it really appears as the hCG was subconsciously injected, which is into the fat, and not intermuscularly, as he suggested. In all honesty, I couldn’t inject myself with the thicker, longer needle if this was required. I’d have to have it professionally administered. There seems to be an entire science around injections, and a serious risk if a thin needle breaks off, which is why I will not use these thin needles on muscles.

I took my second injection of 250iu hCG today, in the stomach, and am now also taking the accompanying vitamin E and D3, and other items before sleep, as per the protocol. The stomach also seems to be where men and women who are prescribed hCG for fertility treatment take their injections, and I am hoping to be asking a fertility endocrinologist about the difference and effect of the injection types on hCG.

Nothing to report yet, except I don’t like needles, but I found this injection to be painless.


Hello i started This too and took 2 dosages already i feel worse ed should i continue


I’m sorry you’re feeling worse. Where did you get the hCG you’re using? How much did you take and how? I would really suggest asking your doctor.

When we take vitamins or other supplements, they may wash out of our systems. These injections are something new for me, and I’m only getting them from a medical professional because of the risks involved. Having said that, I feel the same after 2 injections.

Hey, buddy, good luck with your protocol, sounds very promising according to Joekool! I wonder how many info/experiences have you gathered on HCG mono? I saw his OP and apparently a couple of his friends are trying it, too, is there more on it? Luckily a breakthrough for us!


I am keeping hope up, and it’s the most I’ve had in 12 years. Honestly, I’ll be happy with some progress, or any progress that doesn’t need continuous drug use.

In researching hCG, I saw quite a bit of medical research that showed ED improvement and other positive things, including a rise in testosterone.

This 250iu is much less than the amounts used in research, but it’s also for a much longer duration. A couple of people on the other forum indicated some sort of success, and started feeling improvement before the 10 weeks JoeKool did. There were even others attempting to take credit for it, which, to me, is a good sign.

We would all benefit if there was some sort of medical documentation or study available on those “cured”. I know if it works for me, I’m going back to the dozen doctors I’ve seen over the years and subpoena their records of me if they don’t communicate the outcome.

Having said that, if it fails, I’m going on clomid next, and if that fails, I’m lost until something else comes out.


I always have in range but low LH but close to 0 FSH. What’s weird is that my sperm isn’t watery all the time or low volume

Good luck dude!

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any accutane sufferers trying this HcG protocol?

Looks promising, I have low LH and FSH as well…

can somebody DM me where you can even get this stuff?

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I buyd the hcl from pharmacy, 250 iu i took , But i read others online gets worse To from hcg

Before the hCG, in one of my various endo visits, I had the doctor (the same woman, who within 3 minutes of seeing me conclude my issue was “performance anxiety” and suggested antidepressants for it) run a ultra sensitive estrogen test, to which she said “ok, but it will come back normal, and you’ll have to pay for it”. Well, it didn’t, and the numbers are below. Curious what the numbers are of those others that took the same test.

It will be interesting to see if there is a drop in estrogen and an increase in testosterone as I continue to take the hCG. Third dose is tonight.


It’s been all over the forum. Just type HCG. I know you asked for recent new ones though.

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I’ve proposed something like this before. I’d willing to chip in and help collect examples of people getting better or worse from various supplements, meds, lifestyle adjustments, and so on. No one else really seems interested though, but the recovery stories thread is the next best thing.


updates please from those trying, i read the joekool thread and this is very interesting


I just completed my 6th injection of 250iu of hCG over the last 2 weeks, and have nothing notable to report, aside from waking up earlier, and needing less sleep, but that may be unrelated, as I’ve been traveling.