A clarification on my correspondence from Dr Mohit Khera (Baylor)

Oh wow
I just emailed him about his video on YouTube regarding Shockwave and Stem cell treatment for ED then I checked here

In regards to what I emailed him about he seems very honest and genuine. Again, just based on the video I watched because he is very honest about shockwave and P-Shot scams
It’s probably why many didn’t get any relief from those treatments.
He says only certain forms of shockwave work and one outright does nothing which of course tends to be the most common used one
ALSO he says PRP true cost is 50 dollars but we’re charge 30 to 60times that. 1500-3000!!! To think I almost did it. Fuxkin bastards. I get they have practices to pay for and staff but for real tho!!!

Anyway I look forward to his email and I’ll post whatever he says
Does anyone have anything good or bad to add about him if they have experience with the doctor?

This will fall on deaf ears, but this community is so needy I would bet that he may even regret agreeing to work on our behalf. Having 1m people email this one doctor who agreed to help with us many years ago, isn’t going to be useful for the whole community and it’s going to stigmatize us.

Well when I emailed him I didn’t even know he was aware or working with PFS.
I was contacting to inquire about shockwave and stem cell
Not that I have to explain myself to you
And also, guys are scared and desperate
What do you expect them to do?
So they reach out to someone who might help

I know Jose Theodore was on it. He was a goalie for the Canadiens and other teams. As far as I know he doesn’t play anymore. Wouldn’t be shocked at all that this poison ended his NHL career

For me the word is “entitled”. A lot of complaining and expectation to be compensated for wrongs, but precious little effort to actually do anything themselves. Case in point the endless repetition of TTHCWP out of laziness to so much as use search function and see it’s all been tried before. The second anyone proposes actually doing something that might take anyone forward, such as public outreach or patient group advocacy, suddenly widespread total offense taken. “I’m not here for that. Someone owes me a cure and I want it to me now.”

Do you whatever you want, but I am just pointing out that a lot of people don’t like to work with PFS patients or do research for them because the community is so needy. I’m not judging you at all, having PFS is horrible and its not your fault that you got it. But I gave up on relying on the PFS community so that I could just live my own life. I’m returning here to give you guys some tough love to let you know one of the reasons most people in the scientific medical community have abandoned us.

The work I do now for PFS is to benefit future generations of people to get PFS or take Propecia. I’ve accepted that I do not believe the current level of PFS research activities will prob not help me before I can heal myself. I’m pulling myself up by my bootstraps to a make a name for myself the best I can. It’s horrible but it’s better than doing nothing for myself and expecting to be saved by something that will never come.

Yeah, sure. and those celeberties went to Moonman1 to tell him their secret.

No one has came to me to tell me anything. I’ve created a number of “friendships” if you will, off this site, but also thanks to this site. Moreso when I lived out in SoCal.

You know what is funny about you comment? YOU actually have been PMing me on another site, but didn’t even know it was me haha! I am ViaSwiss at FrankTalk lmao


That makes it more valid for me.pm’ed you on the other site

Is there anyway we can convince some of these guys to pitch in? They don’t even have to go public…