5AR fails to return to baseline levels!I found PFS on pubmed

The pxr agonism option is very risky, i saw many horror stories with cipro a pxr agonist…worse shit than pfs so really maybe not worth the risk… If you want to try it better check if you have the risk alelle first…
Maybe dexa is a safer option and better as it also acts upon gcr…

Not even sure what to say about this. Either madness or pure genius. Either way, well done. Be nice to have one of the PFS docs look at this and see their thoughts.

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Basically my idea is that finasteride made a drug to drug interaction with itself or one of its metabolite through pregnane x receptor inhibition. This interferes with cortisone clearing, glucocorticoid signaling and vitamin D metabolisn among other things.

Any word yet from the researchers? And anyway to track down a researcher for Merck who designed finasteride in the 1990s? These guys will know the drug very well, and may be retired enough to help us. How could we find the name of a scientist who worked on this for Merck?

what an excellent idea. I don’t know, how can we find who monitorized the clinical trials?

No words from that researcher…I will email another one

The cunt that brought you fin…


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I got this Poly MTHFR shit. I am doing a 23&me… Not sure if that can be used to find more methylation problems or not.

Oh and I have high DHEAs last 3 tests… And low cortisol.

I am taking T shots, Cortisol, and now l-methylfolate for the MTHFR shit. Feeling a bit better but still feel mentally altered in a bad way.

this mofo…he’s 85, probably got that far because he didn’t take the drug he made. I doubt he’ll answer emails at that age, even if we managed to get his email address.

Regarding 23andme, apparently is useful but it’s complex stuff. After 1 year I’m still digesting things. I made an analysis on paper but I need to take blood samples and those are expensive because no doctor will prescribe me them as they know shit except the 10 or 20 worst diseases they studied at univ and have easy diagnostics

I love the analysis. How will you compare your samples to your theory? Regarding supplements, before I knew I had PFS, homeopathic doctor gave me b complex, zinc, dhea and d supplements. 48 hours of amazing recovery, then crash.

Hey any word back from any on the researchers? Who did you contact? We are all desperate for answers and I think targetting these studies can’t hurt, this one especially. These guys have all looked at blood samples and perhaps tissue samples of folks damaged by a similar acting drug. Maybe they have some additional data sitting somewhere they didn’t think important at the time that is telling for us. Will it lead to a cure? Doubtful but it spreads the word and may inspire some of these researchers to further former studies. I agree this was a great find.

There’s a big old thread on cortisol management.

Just dug it up FYI as it wont show on a forum search.

Seems like cortisol management is very important, but there are people who got no benefit from supplementing it. Maybe their dosing was off or they didn’t do it for long enough. Another “one size doesn’t fit all” puzzle regarding PFS.

Did anyone buy this publication sciencedirect.com/science/ar … 6014000831?

Keen to share with my endo at next appointment if anyone has it.

I don’t have it, but this is the study they released in 2013. Would be nice if they offered course of action regarding all this mayhem.

No doctor would rightfully do this, because we’d all line up and beg them to try, but after publishing an article on this, it would give us all hope if the authors theorized potential therapies that could help us. If only someone here had access and could pick their brains. So how to right these altered levels?

I believe this was the preliminary Italian study that led to the present study on PFS launched at the University of Milan by the same group of researchers. The Uni of Milan study is trying to explain the root cause of this condition. It is the most promising study to date, although the north american studies, and all other studies for that matter, will play a critical role in solving this puzzle.

Has anyone brough this study to the foundation’s attention? or the Italian or American researchers?

Well, does anyone have their contact?

Here guys read this one:
