22yo, italian, 15 propecia pills, my story, help wanted.

I think I’m also slowly recovery. For me, I really didn’t experience any other side effect other than complete ED during day time, even though I still get multiple night erections while I sleep. Not sure what is going on.
I’m going through acupuncture sessions right now and it seems to help. Based on their philosophy, they try to stimulate your own internal organs to do their work so they’ll recover naturally.
However, I 'm not sure if there are good acupuncturist in Italy though. It is very important to use a good one. The one I use is locally known for infertility.
Hang in there, based on what I see on this thread, you’re recovering well.

what means white gums? immune problem?

Ok i guess i need to calm down and stress out, i got PFS so now i have to focus on my own recovery.

Now it’s one month off the drug, and things just got really worse for me.
I have almost all the symptoms.

First issue is the sleep. I wake up at 5 everyday and just dont know what to do and outside is really cold. at 10pm i am so tired.
Digestive problems. i can barely digest the food. I have constipation, diarrea, bloating.
i have libido one day a week. i can have sex with my gf in that day but after sex i can feel some pain downstairs. but the sex is the last thing i want to care about for now. I need to focus on my total body recover

BTW, My penis is wrinkled now, since two weeks ago. And i dont know if I get morning or nocturnal erections anymore, should i take cialis or l-arginine to help blood flow in the night?

i had my bladder and prostate checked with ultrasound and they told me they are ok. i told them I have some urinary symptoms but the urologist didnt know what to tell me ( and i went to a private hospital, one of the best in italy ). I think the urinary and the digestive problems are linked to damage of the nerves around these organs, something like a autonomic neuropathy.
Doctors just dont believe me. they tell me you are fine, dont hide behind finasteride ( like i have sex problems). that drug is safe!!! Damn… it’s so frustrating.

i have dry eyes and broken lips, cant wear lenses.
I am loosing adipose tissue and fat in my body. my legs and arms are so thin. and also my face is crashing down.
I have pale gums and pale nails, probably iron deficiency anedonia.
i dont sweat at all. and i dont produce sebum anymore.

I really dont know where to start to heal. seems like everything in my body is not working and i am crashing down.

BTW, i guess i have to do it for my parents and my gf. So now i am taking my things and i am going to the gym.

Have a nice PFSday everyone, keep you updated


Hi, I’m actually doing much better now. After reading all the postings from people who recovered completely, I observe that the key thing to recover is to eat healthy and live healthy so that it’ll allow your body to recover naturally. After I figure that out, I decided to see a locally well known acupuncturist who specializes in treating infertility and all the various issues with hormones. I thought about acupuncture because it is a practice which stimulates your own body to heal itself. To my surprise, after I mentioned my problem, he smiled and said he actually has successfully treated a number of patients from propecia with ED problem. I was thrilled to hear that and started my treatment right away. I think after about 3 treatments, I felt connection down below again. Originally I felt completely disconnected, can’t get any erection what so ever. Now with about 2 weeks of treatment, I got 100% erection this Sunday and actually had sex twice on that same day. However, I think I’m also experiencing some discomfort on my abdominal area. I’m not sure if it is prostate related. Its kind of on and off. However, I noticed that when I exercise and I have a lot of heat build up in my body, I don’t feel it then. I think I’m going to ask the acupuncturist to see if he knows what’s going on.
The acupuncturist is mainly treating my liver. He mentioned that liver actually produces the substances which are used by the genital to produce certain male hormone. Finasteride actually damanaged the liver so that it is either not producing or not producing enough substance for the genital to product male hormone, and that’s why ED and many other hormone inbalance related side effects occur.
I’m continuing my acupuncture session to see if my ED problem will continue to stay away.
Besides acupuncture, I also started eating more healthy and exercise regularly. I think like other people mentioned, weight lifting is good also. According to the acupuncturist, muscle and rigorous exercise will also produce male hormone; however, that is not the most efficient way to produce male hormone. The most efficient way is to heal your liver so that it’ll produce enough substance for your male hormone to produce internally.

I’ll post more update in about a week.

hey all guys, i just want to post an update. my health is deteriorating.

my crash was really bad, it took me 2 month to understand what the fk was going on with me.
i had one of the worst post finasteride crash. i lost weight ( thinning arms and legs ), no more hair falling, digestive problems, insomnia, teeth pain(verybad), groin pain, prostate pain, testicular pain, brain fog, depression, episodes of shrinkage, dry skin. i turned in a zombie.
i can perform but my libido and health is very down so i avoid sex, i dont produce pre-cum and my semen is shit.
i also completed my studies and now i can concentrate on recovery, sometimes i feel i can do it, sometimes i really feel so hopeless, i have too many bad symptoms to fix.

my t levels right after stopping were these:

t 4.29(2.80-8.00)
fsh 6.18 (1.5-12.4)
lh 3.96 (1.7-8.6)

now my levels are these:

t 2.9
fsh 5.2
lh 1.8

i already went to 5434223 doctors here in italy and spent tons of euros, they all know shit about this conditions and they say my hormone levels are TOTALLY FINE for my age! and what about my semen i questioned? same answer from doctors. i really really really would like to find a doctor who takes me serious, i saw that in europe we have hertoghe, i will try with him in the next months.
i read the stories about blunted and chi, they went through a big crash like me although they didnt have so much pain all over the body. i can live with brain fog insomnia and dead penis but not with this constant pain all over my body. prostate, groin area, balls, now mouth gums and teeth.
this makes it impossible to not think about it. my androgen deprivation was so bad that my gums have receded and i feel like a castrated piece of shit. but i am not dead yet, so i have no reason to give up.

here it is what i am planning to do:

eat healthy, push with the gym (my muscles now react good and i sweat more) and running and sprints, using progesterone cream and start clomid in the next days, because i read that doctors in usa try this approach first to get away from secondary hypogonadism, and the sooner the better.
i dont know the doses, what about 12,5mg of clomid every other day for some months? or 3 times x week?
also i contacted a water fast clinic in hungary, i will do a water fast for sure, at least 14days.
large dose vit d and c, cause i am low of course

what to say, in the end if nothing works i will do the stem cell therapy in usa and i will fix myself

i will report back, give me advices and wish me luck

good luck man! There is a way out of this for sure, dont lose your faith. Sorry to say this but stem cell therapy wont fix this problem.


I did a everyday self-made Clomid/Progesterone treatment of three weeks and it went good I think. I don’t have brainfog anymore, I think clear, I am more motivated and less depressed. I can understand people talking to me,
1 month ago I was like a zombie living in hell… can’t smile, can’t speak, can’t think, crying, couldn’t even understand tv, it was a nightmare.
Now I can somehow focus on daily activities. I am back to play instruments and joining my music for example, smiling more and joking 50% like before.
By the way I don’t think that these small improvements are related to clomid and progesterone. In the beginning of this nightmare I had a phone call with Prof Melcangi who is studying the mental sides of PFS, he said that usually the first three months post-drug are the worst and then mental sides like lack of motivation, lack of hope and depression begin to leave. He was right I think.
I tested my ability at the gym in these weeks, and it went well. I can run and lift weights like before, 2 months ago I was really fatigued and brainfogged. I suggest everyone to find a good and supportive personal trainer.
Sexually I can have sex, ejaculation are stronger but my dick is still a piece of rubber when flaccid. I think that this will improve with time somehow with constant exercise.
Prostate bothers me randomly throughout the day, still having some low abdominal discomfort.
Digestion is still a mess, sleep will improve.

Lately I found an anti-aging doctor who did some salivary genomic tests. Here what’s wrong in me:

Interleukin 6 : G>C POS. -174
Interleukin amplifies the inflammatory response to damages in the body-> he suggested high dose fish oil, lot of fish, low carb and no sweet otherwise insulin will spike generating more inflammation.

GSTM1: Genotype 0
EPHX!: WT (Hys/Hys)
CY1A2: HET (A/C)
This causes loss of enzymatic function, slowing the elimination of toxins which can be dangerous and cancerogen.
-> he suggested to add lot of fibers to the diet, so fruits and vegetables and especially crucifers like broccoli and detox integrators.

ADRB2: HET Gly/Arg
This type of gene reduces the cardiovascular and metabolic deficiency which leads to disrupted heart beat and high trygliceredis, but especially and most dangerous low level HDL and high level of Glucose in blood.
-> he suggested avoid fat meat, fat cheese, reduce sugar and 30 minutes intense training everyday.

ACE: HET (Ins/Del)
This bad gene increase the risk of insulin-resistance.

PPARG2: WT Pro/Pro
Another bad gene which leads to diabetes mellitus type 2 and again insulin-resistance.

Again another bad kind of gene which leads to diab mell type 2.

Risk of slow metabolism

VDR (vitamin D receptor): HET(C/T)
This was the most interesting thing for me, because low vitamin D is a culprit of PFS. He found a genetical problem with vit D receptor which can lead to osteoporosis, breast cancer and compromised immune system. he suggested vit D supplements, but again the exercise everyday.

These testes were all useless i think, but in the end the doctor found what a good PFS guy should take and especially do. Nothing new i know. Improve the detox, 30 minutes intense training everyday, vit d and fish oil.
And the paleo diet would be perfect for this weird genetic predisposition to diabetes, which i think it was fina induced.

Here it is what I will do:

I will spend 3 weeks in a fasting retreat, trying to go for 2 weeks water fast and 1 week of slow refeeding.
I will take an holiday in a hot place, sunbathing all days.
Come home, stick to strict paleo diet, training 4 days a week, taking vit D, fish oil, multivit and testo booster. Will add HCG to the mix when they will arrive in the box.

Wish me luck and keep the good fight

Dude, post in the thread “profile” it is detailing progesterone use and improvements.

Hello guys, such a long time I don’t log in.

I would like to say that when I CRASHED and in the following months I had a very painful version of PFS.
It was not simple, and depression and brain fog were almost worse.
It was not simple go to the gym with prostatitis and lower abdominal, tesitcular and teeth pain.
My penis shrunk in the middle and my cum was nonexistent. My stool were pale and urine white.
My legs became thin, lost 6 kilos in 4 days. My hair stopped falling. It was hell.

Desperated, I tried everything to cure myself. Supplements, other drugs… All useless…
So I went to Hungary and supervised by a doctor I fasted for 10 days on water. It was very very difficult and I didn’t know if it would have worked. They were great and supported me through the fast.
During the fast I read tons of books about fasting and its great power of healing. I started to believe in what i was doing, but first of all I started to believe in myself again. And after 10 days and 8 kilos less I looked like an idiot.
BUT, something happened in my body… in the days of refeeding when I drank only juices I felt my old self coming back. I started to laugh again, smile again, and so I left this forum for all this time till now. My prostatitis was cured.

After fasting I went to the gym a lot, I worked on my body, I transformed myself. I hav never been so muscular and strong in my life. I trained 3 days a week and did sprinting before every session. But of course I am still training now. Never took a supplement.

Then I travelled to beautiful places. Dubai, Thailand. I had still some problems, like a bit of pain after ejaculation, depression and the shrunk penis with “scars” on the gland.
Libido was very low stil but I ve never gave up. I found a new job in my place that took a lot of time and energy. My mind started to work again and forgot about PFS.

Now I am still in Thai with my GF, and I remembered about all the nightmare Ive been through and I thought about you guys. So I logged in for the last time just to tell you that in Semptember 2013 I crashed hard and had all kind on symptoms, I was planning to suicide too. BUT, here I am now August 2014, 100% cured. I really never believed that this day would have come, but here it is. Sex is 100% pleasure, I can come multiple times in a day, my libido is good, I am always happy and I am planning my future.

So guys, stop putting stupid supplements in your body, they are all useless, your body is 100% self healing, you just gotta give it time! And training, make it a part of your life, and eat as clean as you can but don’t stress too much.

Find something to be happy for.

See you guys, and FUCK YOU MERCK! I hope someone will pay for all this pain someday


Im 23 years old and i took 4 days at december 2013, unfortunately for some of us time doesnt heal us. Im bad as my first crash state. Glad to hear that youre recovered.

did you recover you penile shrinkage? how much did it shrink?

Thanks for answering

and one other thing: Did you have any changes in your face? fat loss or more feminin looking face?

This should be on the recovery section.

Congratulations on your recovery

Hello guys, how are you doing?

I haven’t been here for more than a year and many things have happened. The reason why I logged in again is because I received MANY emails from people asking me what to do in order to recover. So, I am just here to help and give you news and support. Yesterday I also casually read an article about “guevedoce” (look it up on the internet) and how 5alfa-reductase was discovered and finasteride was created. Damn, when I read those article I felt very angry. If those guevedoce guys of Dominican Republic are for real then everything that happened to us makes more sense. I think you guys all know about this topic but unfortunately I just found it out.

Anyways, I’ve been feeling 100% fine in the last months. Sometimes (twice a month) I still had some penis shrinkage (narrowing) mostly when I was feeling cold. Low ejaculation too and had some minor prostate discomfort when I had an increase in libido before sex, trembling between anus and balls… you know better than me… but now nothing of this anymore. I havent done a fertility test so I don’t know if I have any damage, I don’t care for now. My hair have finally started to fall again ( and I learnt that falling hair doesnt mean receding hairline, I wish the doctor who gave finasteride could have explained to me about it ). I started to masturbate again as usual while before I was totally avoiding it. I pursued my master degree in Finance with best results as a proof that my brain is perfectly working again. I still remember the day I had to discuss my bachelor thesis and I was totally into PFS and I couldnt even make a sentence. I had so much balls pain in the first months of PFS I thought I was gonna lose them, and once I saw my gland basically bleeding while I was in a restaurant restroom, can you believe it?

So what have I done. Well lately, I travelled to some other countries and I met some girls, I had crushes on them and I had the best sex of my life. Obviously, I broke up with my girlfriend and the day we fought was very sad, BUT i was contantly looking at her naked legs while we were sitting on the grass and got a boner! I know it sounds ridiculous but again this is a proof that I recovered completely, I guess?:wink:

Maybe I was lucky because I tried water fasting after just 3/4 months into PFS or maybe I was supposed to recover, I really dont know. What I know is that I did the water fasting supervised, so I did it in the right way. I still recommend it to everyone that emails me.

Lastly, i just wanted to say that we guys have been through real hell. Well, I’d say something even worse than hell and none will fully understand us. We suffered and we almost gave up sometimes. But let me say this thing. Because I went through this hell I matured a lot, I can bear pain and bad feelings easily. When something bad happens to me, now I can face it easily and I feel blessed becuase of my new strength. In the end, paradise and hell are just here right now, we decide every instant where we are. If you give up and feel depressed you end up in hell, it’s a fact.
I learnt a lesson from this horrendous experience, and it’s a life lesson. To never give up, to wake up everyday with a smile on your face, to be friendly with people around you (especially your parents or wife). I remember how I was feeling and I know it’s a difficult task to accomplish. You gotta find inner peace before you can spread it to others, and that’s why water fasting helped a ton. It gave me mental strength, I thought I could do everything after it! So in the end it doesnt matter how bad you feel, it just matters how good you will feel once you are recovered. You guys can’t imagine how happy I was when I knew I was recovering and I could go back to my life.
I really hope you will all feel the same one day because it’s pure paradise!


thanks man

Great to hear. This should be in recoveries.

Hello guys,
it’s been 2 years since my last post, wow time flies!
I just came here again cause yesterday Chester Bennington suicided. This event not only shocked me but also it brought back a lot of bad memories of when I was depressed due to pfs.

I just wanted to tell all the people with sever side effects due to pfs to think twice before committing anything stupid.
Many people have gone through pfs years before you. They fought it and got cured. We are not particularly strong or smart, we are just normal people who choose to cure instead of spending our life complaining on this website.

Here is a tip: when you feel very bad, embrace your pain, make it yourse, dominate it, and finally control it. Think about it, all this pain one day will just pay off. PFS will be the thoughest test in your life and once you overcome it, trust me, life will just be much easier and pleasant than ever.

As of my situation, I am doing very well, I’ve been completely cured from all the sides for many years and I never had a second crash.
Time fixed everything? No, mindset is the key. First get your mental issues fixed, then work on your recovery, whichever path you will decide to follow.



Hey, @queg.
What’s the name of water fast facility?!
I would like to try the water fasting, but I need a pofessional water fast monitor!
Many thanks

Hi @queg

Did you have any changes in your face? And what changes did you have. Did your face recovery?