2012 Scientific Research Initiatives into the Post-Finasteride Syndrome - DISCUSSION THREAD

*****EDIT BY MODERATOR - The posts in this thread were split from the 2012 Scientific Research Initiatives into the Post-Finasteride Syndrome thread found here:


This thread is for discussion of 2012 Scientific Research Initiatives into the Post-Finasteride Syndrome. The previous thread is now locked and will continue to be updated by administrators.*****

Wow a lot more studies than I thought. Thanks awor. Btw I m at Merck hq I will tell them you said what’s up.


Thank you for the update. It is greatly appreciated. I hope you are feeling better. I am very optimistic for our future. Be well.

I think it might be a good idea not to mention any of this to any employees at Merck if you happen to engage them in conversation. Merck likely knows about these ongoing studies already, but I think it would be best not to draw any more attention to them than is necessary before the time is appropriate.

It doesn’t matter if they know what we are up to or not. There is nothing they can do about it. I am only working with institutions and people which have no conflict of interest with Merck (i.e. no financial dependence). The only thing I will not discuss openly is results, at least not until they are published.

Thanks for the update and all the hard work. You guys need to send a mass email to all the users to inform them of it and of the research that is taking place…

Thanks awor. Independent of whether these studies help myself and the community, I appreciate what you are doing.


I believe you mentioned $50KUS to complete the above studies. Is that correct?

Thanks for the update! I can only highlight again my graditude for everyone involved in this impressive work. Looks like 2012 will continue to be busy. I will gladly chip in with some money and - as someone from central europe who’s neurosteroids have obviously been messed up - I am willing to volunteer for the respective study.

Thank you!

This is really awesome news. Who are the people actually preforming the studies? Is it a University?

An Italian University/research institution.

Wow, that is great. Thank you!

While a lot of the work is going on in Italy, we are currently working with 6-7 institutions on both continents, the number of which is slowly but surely growing. We will not disclose more information than necessary about exactly who is involved, just out of precaution. It is a mix of Universities and research organizations.


Just 2 suggestions:

1.Why don´t we use this thread just for awor comments and awor updates, and create a new thread (close to this one) so people can comment about the updates that awor makes?. So people can find easily the most update info on the progress of this initiative and don´t have to read all the comments from other users?.

2.Why don´t we make a list of people that have the “more extreme” side effects so awor can contact them so they can use their cases to test on them?. For example a list with those that have the most extreme “brain fog” side effects. Another list with the users with just sexual side effects. Other list with people that have brain fog and sexual side effects.

For example I know a case that he has quite severe brain fog issues (cognitive problems and emotionally flat) and some sexual sides (no orgasms) but he can get perfect erections when he wants. I mean, this is a way so awor can have the kind of people that he needs to test some specific things.

Making lists of those with different side effects that would like to be a part of the testing with awor can be possitive. In those cases he can realize why some people have some side effects and no other kind of side effects and why.


This rules. Thanks for finally clarifying the situation with the studies awor. I really don’t have any kind of money with me so i’m kind of working on that right now to fix that. I do hope we can figure out some kind of funding/funds for this stuff.

no scheduled studies about nerves degradation ?

Still searching for more subjects in Europe for the first study??

Have we hit a flat spot again here guys?

excellent initiative who knows maybe a private laboratory do not think the finance initiative haiga more disease than the cure. in my case I’ve lost 12 years of my life I have 32 years and Howrah would pay back anything to do before.

Im still waiting for that breakthrough information that was suppose to be out 3 months ago.

Did they have breakthrou?