186 brain genes damaged


Remember what awor told us…Androgen receptor overexpression is the cause but it itself is a result of dysregulated genes…idk really what to make of this because I dont know which genes control Androgen receptor response…

Keep digging I suppose and going forward I just wonder if someday if all these studies lumped together will lead to litigation?


I mean we’re talking thousands of genes throughout the body

I know zero things about this not even a little bit
Would you have to address each gene specifically to fix it or what?

I know some have mentioned Crispr but again
How realistic and option is that?

Idk…From what little I understand and have been able to piece together it sounds like something is wrong with the androgen receptor protein itself…Its not being made correctly anymore…

Nadine hornig hints at that in her interview…

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How is something like that even addressed?

genetic engineering alone, this issue that, in theory, epigenetics is influenced by the environment, does not seem to fit in many pfs cases.

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Ok so?..…

I’ve got a bit of a chicken and the egg question that’s bothering my impaired brain

Did these changes in the brain cause the PFS symptoms or the PFS symptoms cause the change in the brain?

I feel like there’s so much we don’t know


Do you guys think a brain implant could help us? Something that maybe stimulates the hypothalamus with an electric current? I know Elon musk’s company is working on this technology


Didn’t he say the opposite? Overexpressed AR is the cause and due to that there’s a domino effect causing many more genes to be dysregulated?

He did…Ar overexpression is the cause because over 200 known proteins interact with it…BUT he did say the overexpression is a result of something dysregulated…And that something is genes…

So no an implant wouldn’t work because if this is in fact what’s wrong it take “gene therapy” to treat the problem which is in the future…

I dont understand how it all interplays together either but if you have damaged genes then you are gonna have proteins that are most likely irregular or non functional or even toxic…

I don’t know if it’s at all due to the over expression, DHT is used by BodyBuilder in much higher dosages. And these cases are not known there.

They have nothing to do with each other…

I have a scientific question.

Does “up-regulated or down-regulated genes” mean directly “epigenetic-modifications(Methylation, histone-modification etc)” ? Altered genes expression and epigenetic-modification are completely the same thing?

According to the researches, finasteride brings out thousands of alterations of gene expressions (upregulated or downregulated) in brain and body. So, does it mean that finasteride caused thousands of epigenetic-modifications?

on the other hand, we have the theory that what causes pfs is some epigenetic-modifications which make AR-function distorted and useless. I understand it is the cause of pfs. I don’t know how many epigenetic-modifications contribute to AR-dysfunction. But, it must be not so many.

Then, do the researches reveal that besides epigenetical AR-dysfunction we have “other additional” thousands of epigenetical dysfunction? Is it truth? I feel something strange… If that so, we have not only one problem(AR-dysfunction) but also thousands of problems…

Anyone, could you teach me?


I think,this PFS has changed our AR and the result is,that this one of our problems is.
I think it is a reaction of our Y-Chromosom and everything is in dysbalalance. I think it goes up to our Brain. A Chain reaction…My opinion.And if we find a solid way to balance our AR and DHT,our Brain genes and everything will repair it self,after a bit Time.
Sorry for my bad English.
We are all in the dark and try to find the light.
I started with ALCAR. Sport can change our gene to positive side. But most of us have no time,no power for sport.


Yeah that is what is noticed with my remaining issues, I recently just had more success with getting all of skin sensation back online but after a brief window with unrestricted pleasure and sexual reactivity it just toned itself back down. So now I can fully feel temperature and everything completely but I still have the sexual dysregulation thing and I noticed with that a lack of being able to sweat (I can technically but I found the temp needs to at least be over 85 degrees and under some kind of other stressful condition) It’s there but at a lower baseline and my sex drive will increase or decrease with my usual circadian loops but I have a feeling what is going on as a core issue that the androgen receptors system in general got thrown out of balance and it’s very difficult for them to “put the wires all back together” correctly.

The other day on here I forgot whose story this was in but you can probably find it by searching “coconut slice” as they found a mechanic in their situation where they would be able to modulate their symptoms by eating coconut but not entirely consistently and for example if they took a new supplement the reaction and chain reaction would somewhat change which would take place over days which also points toward everything being there but completely dysregulated not just in the androgen and androgen receptor bubble but in all that can fluctuate with it too.

My symptoms are, lack of concentration, can’t think of words, general IQ decreased, shrinkage, no libido and ED.
I had my testosterone and prolactin tested last year and the results were normal.
Unfortunately I didn’t have DHT tested.

Yeah I had all of that myself, I still have bad memory issues and my cognition tends to fluctuate during the day with it being the best starting from 5-8 PM. Sometimes it’s harder to get going especially when I have an overlapping immune response going on but I don’t know if that’s because the connection from brain to genitals is so weak or I have a dysregulated neuro-immune loop that is also messing with the receptors. It’s so hard t tell with this bizarre condition, I just kept experimenting and noticed all these weird consistent quirks about it in my case.

A lot of people have normal androgens or even high testosterone with higher SHBG with this. Was on the reddit the other day and some people with the higher test reading also had the elevated SHBG with it but I think really anything can happen. My body for example did really funky stuff in different areas of it like I have much slower growing leg, arm, and chest hair but my facial and neck hair is now so fast, thick, and black that most men are perplexed. It honestly looks comical.The hair on my head is now extremely dry and even more gross and weird looking than it was before, I just keep it shaved.

Everybody has another problems with their body’s. The little change our hormones or genes have chain reaction of all particles in our system. And we attacked with Finasterid our system,which is not only in work with our"The man" Hormon/Gene or AR. It causes many symptoms. It is working with other Receptors and so on…Maybe we changed something in the prostate and this caused a lot of confusion. That’s why I say prostate because I not only took Propecia, but also dutasteride because I had prostate pain and it went away. Then FPS started. I also have a strange feeling in my prostate when I ejaculate, as if it is blocked. Nobody knows 100% what causes which hormone or receptors, which other receptors or similar. We only know what science knows now, but that will change at some point and people will say, “ah this and the Rezoptor doesn’t just do that, but also this and that”… Next I will inject myself with DHT (Masterelon) ,without T. I will also try proviron. I don’t know which one to go first, let’s see which one I get first. My testo is in the higher normal range.

Be careful with shocking the system, that’s where a lot of people go wrong. If you’re going to go ahead anyways it’s probably be best to experiment with extremely small dosages and go for stabilization and homeostasis which I’m sure if how I’m staying afloat with the occasional hiccup now and then.