186 brain genes damaged

Ok, thanks for warning. I live with this shi* about 17 years. I had many girlfriends and only with Tadalafil and Sildenafil I could have sex and a great sex,but this is why I am single now. I don’t want take so much pills every day… Some days I could say"baby I am very tired" and didn’t take pills. Tadalafil is the best one,I have many hours of feeling my penis.Without that,my penis is dead… A small peace of dead meat. With Tadalafil it comes more blood inside and he is bigger…I want to be normal! I have enough! last month the police came to my flat and took all my pills.
Now I have problems with German law,because it was maaaany pills. They think I am a seller. That’s why I couldn’t buy some illegal stuff from Internet now and I have to find a person who sells some stuff,what I want to try. Sorry for my bad English again :slight_smile:

AR-dysfunction is one of the epigenetic-changes that are caused by Fin and it’s not the only problem.
Blocking 5aR isozymes causes accumulation in substrates (T is not the only substrate for 5aRs), and decrease in products, (DHT is not the only product), which causes a lot of epigenetic alterations in the body because 5aRs ubiquitously expressed in the body and involved in a lot of enzymatic reactions.
not to mention blocking 5aRs to different degrees
and also Fin inhibit epinephrine synthesis by blocking PNMT R
and probably directly inhibiting AR to some degree R

I don’t mean this as a negative, but I wonder:

Who amongst us really knows what that post means?

PFS has messed up my mind, and I have no idea what I’ve read! Mind you, in school I tested at genius level but my mind is scrambled eggs now.

So, serious question, how many profess to understanding the science in the previous post? Jim


Is there any list of these substrates for it and byproducts it produces? I wasn’t aware of what else it deals with besides DHT.

from Wikipedia

Cholestenone → 5α-Cholestanone
Progesterone → 5α-Dihydroprogesterone
3α-Dihydroprogesterone → Allopregnanolone
3β-Dihydroprogesterone → Isopregnanolone
Deoxycorticosterone → 5α-Dihydrodeoxycorticosterone
Corticosterone → 5α-Dihydrocorticosterone
Aldosterone → 5α-Dihydroaldosterone
Androstenedione → 5α-Androstanedione
Testosterone → 5α-Dihydrotestosterone
Nandrolone → 5α-Dihydronandrolone

any Delta(4)-3-ketosteroid (which means has ketone group at carbon 3 and double bond between 4-5), whether endogenous or exogenous is substrate for 5-reduction.
you have 5aRs 1, 2, 3 and 5bR

Fin also inhibit 5bR hence digestive problems.

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Sorry for using you as google here but thats good enough to get me started! I never thought of an accumulation problem at the receptor after the dysfunction of it, in fact I don’t think anyone has thought of that one. I’ll do more digging into this myself.