14 Day Water Fast - My Improvements

I don’t see how this benefits your body? Starving your body damages your organs. I mean if your seeing results. Though couldn’t you do the same drinking heaps of water, antioxidants and easily digestible foods maybe caveman diet etc.

I just want to say that I started having symtopms in January and went to about every doctor there is. I went undiagnosed. They started dismissing how I was feeling and saying it was all in my head. I saw a movie Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead on Netflix and its about a guy name Joe cross. He eventually cures his autoimmune disease and loses a bunch of weight. Now I know that whats wrong with us is a totally different situation. BUT In Feb I did a Juice Fast for almost a month. I lost a bunch of weight and felt like I was 16 again. All symptoms dissapeared. This became my way of life. I continued throughout the months juicing and eating only natural foods and feeling better than ever. I was not working and so my financial situation called for an abrupt slow down till eventually I was no longer juicing every day nor every other day. I eventually didnt juice for about 2 weeks when I began to feel dizzy when standing. Then it went from that to being lightheaded all the time! AND Soooooo tired that I began to sleep and sleep. I didnt realize as all of my symtpoms returned full force untill sitting back and looking at what had happened. I had no Idea that Propecia was the culprit. I had juiced, lost alot of weight, looked better than ever, felt better than ever but once I stopped a total reverse in progess. I now know that The problem never went away but the juice gave a certain balance to my body and gave me natural healthy strength.

So heres what I am going to do. I know alot of people out there might not believe me but I know how you feel. I TRULY WANT TO HELP EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU. If I can. I am new to the site but I have created a youtube channel. I am going to start tracking my progress if any from starting back again. I think its important for everyone to make a youtube channel because it creates more awareness and support out there for people who might not know this site exists. I didnt know until it was too late but alot of people search youtube like they search google. So you never know. Also news and media and doctors look at youtube and many have their own accounts. So I will see what happens. Look we all know that theres no real cure to whats going on with us. But If the juicing works Id rather do that than pump myself full of stereoids only to have slight improvement and to return worse than ever.

Our bodies are natural. It needs Natural substances to Naturally Correct Itself. I am a believe in that much.
If anyone has any questions about the juicing you can PM me
I swear it has worked for me and I am sure it will work again.


What’s the name of your YouTube Channel? I am interested in following your process and see how you are doing this… I’m just about done with this crap. I have starting developing a brown spot on my fingers… Yet another side effect 8 months after stopping…


Hey Eric , My Channel is youtube.com/ExFinUser

I have no uploads at this moment because I havent been feeling well. I just came back from my ENT because im light headed all the time and felt pressure in my sinuses and was hoping that how crappy I have been feeling sleeping all the time, fever, bad headaches, red eyes that it was all due to the Sinus infection. Turns out there was nothing there and he didnt know why I was feeling like this. I went to my sisters house straight from doctor and she was yelling at me as I sat there and cried how I didnt feel good and she was yelling “Its all in your head! Youve got to stop this theres nothing wrong with you!” I had to walk away and on the loneliest drive home I now know why that kid killed himself. When you feel the way I do and everyone in your life doesnt understand or even worse doesnt believe you. What else is there to live for. I have some Adrenal specific tests that my endo is sending me for tomorrow morning, but I doubt anything will show up. I am in the worst way beginning to loose hope. I know I shouldnt but how can I survive in this life if noone in my immediate life understands. My Endocrinologist doesnt disbelieve me but she cant confirm as of yet that anything is wrong with me.

Does anyone else feel lightheaded/dizzy with headaches along with fatigue. ALSO I have a white tongue often when I feel the worst.
This is worse than not being able to have sex because its stopping me from doing everything I want to do. I cant work I cant do things I want to. All I can do is sit down relax and sleep because sometimes I feel so bad that I just want to call 911.

I will start the youtube channel up soon you can go there if your interested and hit the subscribe button that will alert you when I upload new videos.
Maybe it will help me to stay positive to talk to you guys about what im going through, what iv learned, Ideas and so on.
I just dont know what else to do.

  • Jason

Hey Jason-
I know you feel terrible! But please don’t lose hope!!! I have been down that road too…I still have lots of side effects after being off this stupid med for 8 months (I was on it for 6 years)…

I currently have lots of digestive problems, some spots on my arms and fingers and some brain fog… but what really helps me is some vitamins, make sure I am eating the best way I can, going to the gym (which is hard but helps the most)…and lastly trying to keep the attitude that this will go away. Believe me I know what you are going through, I have been to 10 doctors and still have more new appts coming up, I ever switched to a new primary MD to a new MD because the MD I’ve seeing sine I was a teenager told me “I think you need to see a psychiatrist”… at that point I was at my limit… but I will never give up…

If I can help in anyway please let me know, I live in PA so if you want to chat on the phone at any time let me know and I’ll PM you my phone number…

I subscribed to your YouTube channel and looking forward to your videos, you could potential help hundreds/thousands of people…

I’m here for you man… you will get through this!


Thanks Eric I sent you a PM with my skype information.

I decided to do water fasting for 15 hours a day and realized something very good.

The temperature of my penis increased!!!

One of the biggest problems of post finasteride syndrome was that my penis was super cold. The temperature never rose during an erection. even with a hard solid erection, the temperature was super cold.

Simultaneously with the warmer temperature, the pleasure is much more intense. perhaps the fast water has cleared the liver and increased production of nitric oxide. the number of cores increased considerably.

I am not using any medication for 2 months.

Another thing I noticed in the last 15 days, is that my depression completely disappeared. I’m much more energy, I sleep well, and wake up in the morning without an alarm clock and fully rested.

My diet has been low glycemic carbohydrates. Excludes wheat. The only beverage is water.

How’s your hormones looking?

That’s one of the awesome thing’s about fasting your brain tells your pituitary to produce more HGH so that your fat stores is used as energy.

other stimulators of HGH.

number of factors are known to affect GH secretion, such as age, gender, diet, exercise, stress, and other hormones.[2] Young adolescents secrete GH at the rate of about 700 μg/day, while healthy adults secrete GH at the rate of about 400 μg/day.[15]

Stimulators of growth hormone (GH) secretion include:

peptide hormones
GHRH (somatocrinin) through binding to the growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR)
ghrelin through binding to growth hormone secretagogue receptors (GHSR)[17]
sex hormones
increased androgen secretion during puberty (in males from testis and in females from adrenal cortex)
clonidine and L-DOPA by stimulating GHRH release
hypoglycemia, arginine and propranolol by inhibiting somatostatin release
deep sleep
niacin as nicotinic acid (Vitamin B3)
vigorous exercise

Inhibitors of GH secretion include:
GHIH (somatostatin) from the periventricular nucleus
circulating concentrations of GH and IGF-1 (negative feedback on the pituitary and hypothalamus)
In addition to control by endogenous and stimulus processes, a number of foreign compounds (xenobiotics such as drugs and endocrine disruptors) are known to influence GH secretion and function

How are you guys that fasted and felt benefits doing at the moment? did the benefits sustain?

How much muscle can you lose in a water fast? Usually how long does it take to regain what you lost?

According to all the online literature I’ve read, the body tends to conserve muscle, preferring adipose tissue (fat!) and dead stuff (scar tissue, etc) as fuel during the fast.

I’ve humored myself and attempted a couple 24-hour fasts in the past month. Through these little experiments, I’ve benefited from increased “pelvic” circulation and general well-being. Benefits were nominal, but consistent with increased GH secretion. Though I was hungry, I felt much better not eating than stuffing my face.

If plans go as they should (cross your fingers and toes), I’ll begin my fast when November does, ending it on, dun dun dun, Thanksgiving! That’s a three-week nothing-but-(deionized)water-and-positive-vibes diet I’ll be undergoing. I’m busy carb loading (gaining weight) atm, as I currently weigh ~145lbs. It’s difficult, as I’ve lost weight as a result of the pills, fifteen or so pounds of muscle, etc., but I’ve gained five so far (fat).

Through my personal experimentation, I believe that some of the best interventions available to us are the least invasive/most passive. In a manner of speaking, fasting is highly passive. I encourage all who have the time to try fasting and contribute to the data-pool.

Note: the positive vibes are crucial. Positive vibes, guys!

Hi everyone I thought I’d drop back in and give another update…why do I do this?.. because I think about the people who are going through this and it bothers me so I check on it to see how people are doing and read some stories.

Just about everything is still great, no brain fog, lots of energy (I play soccer and workout on a regular basis) I have sex every time I hang out with my girlfriend (about 3 times a week). My diet is the cleanest it’s ever been and I think that plays a big role in all of this. I was so dead set on getting rid of this that I went to all natural and as much raw as possible and it just turned into habit, I love it now and won’t go back (except for occasional cookie dough binges).

The only thing which is still persisting is my low body temperature. I have really low body temp, like sometimes it gets down to 96.2 and most of the time is between 96.7-97.5. I almost want to ignore it because I feel good all the time but my curiosity still gets to me.

I did some digging and called up some doctors offices which I visited before I was on propecia (started over ten years ago) and believe it or not they had my temperature records and the temps were low even before I was on propecia (there were only two recorded which isn’t a big data set). So at least for me I can’t say for sure that PFS caused my low body temp but it was the cause of all of my other horrible symptoms which I’ve discussed already. I’ve been doing some minor testing with people around me, almost anyone who I ask to take their temperature who is over the age of 30 has a sub-par temperature (around 97.7 at highest). I even gave blood and asked the woman who took my temperature “what types of temps do you usually see?” and she said around 97.7-98.0. On the other hand children I’ve tested (i had their parents take their temp) seem to come up around 98.6-98.7…so something’s up but I’m not sure what.

Side note: I’ve noticed that if I take a BIG spoonful (doesn’t work with a small) of extra virgin coconut oil it boosts my temperature and energy for the next 1.5 hours, it can actually get me up to around 98.5 but it always returns to low, you may want to try this and see how you feel.

Things I’m trying now to fix the low body temp:

I am doing mega doses of Lugol’s Iodine Solution 5% (I started at 1 drop a day and have moved to 6 drops a day) after reading research by Dr David Brownstein who recommends it for low body temp / hypothyroid issues (I see no improvement after 3 weeks on this but he said it can take up to 2-3 months). I am supplementing selenium and MSM as well as doing some flouride detox protocols as I have heard this can affect the thyroid (I’m a big self experiementer so I’ll try just about anything). I also have scheduled an appointment with an Endocrinologist this coming Tuesday to get blood-work done and test my T3 T4 TSH levels Rt3 etc and see where I’m at.

I want to reiterate that I feel fantastic, amazing, definitely the best I have in 10 years but am still persistent for perfect health, or as close as I can get.

Good luck

Is ejaculating/having sex/masturbating allowed in a water fast? Can it interfere with the efectiveness of the fasting?

today i’m on my 6th day of fasting and i can’t feel any benefits. I only have sexual problems, i think i have all the sexual problems one can have and this fasting is worsening them, my penis is smaller both resting and especially in erection, it is much thinner as if the fact i’m not eating is starving my penis, erection is very difficult to achieve, very difficult to maintain and it is not full at all, i can’t even call it erection, my glans is permanently small, even when the rest of the penis is quite erected, those 3 issues, penis size, e.d. and glans are much worse than before starting the fasting. Should i break the fasting? Can ejaculating/having sex/masturbating effect the result of the fasting?

Well, first, I know some of you guys wanted to hear about my fasting experience and I’m really sorry that I was absent from the site for so long. I’ll be writing about it in the next days, but I wanted to answer your question, esermon. I haven’t have such serious sexual sides, but I had strong erections during the fast and I used masturbation to fall asleep every night of the fast as sleep was really a problem. I also saw an improvement in size during and after the fast. For your question, I don’t think you should stop the fast for that reason. I don’t see how it could worsen your symptoms, at least permanently. The fast is removing bad stuff in your system from which your problem originates and you’re not adding to your problem. I know that I felt very weak during my fast and I wonder if it’s not the fact the you’re tired that explains it. I know I see a difference in size when I haven’t sleep (as you might know, you produce testosterone while sleeping). Have you been sleeping badly since the beginning of the fast? Also, are you doing a complete water fast? Just to make sure we’re talking about the same thing.

today 7th day of fasting, yes it is a water fasting. Actually i don’t feel weak at all, i feel normal, as if i was eating normally, i felt weak only the second day and the morning of the third day. I had problems with sleeping only the first or the second night i can’t remember precisely, tonight i woke up while sleeping, it never happens normally, but it was not a problem i fell asleep not more than 5 minutes after, sleeping is not a problem. My pfs consists only in sexual problems, i don’t have braing fog, anxiety, fatigue etc. only sexual problems, now during the fasting libido is quite good, premature ejaculation is present but it doesn’t seem to be affected by the fasting, i had similar issues even before fasting but i’m absolutely sure the fasting is damaging my penis, it is so thin particularly in erection it is also a bit more curved towards left than before, my e.d is much worse than before, i can say i’m totally impotent now, and the glans!!! Oh my god the glans even when the rest of the penis is a bit more “erected” the glans stays small, empty. And i repeat i’m 100% sure problems with penis size, e.d. and glans are due to the fasting. My question was is this a standard procedure during the fasting or it’s just me that is responding to the fasting so badly, as i think?

In my case, the sexual problems didn’t seem the most prominent in my symptoms. I felt so fucked up mentally, emotionally and physically (tiredness, weakness, loss of muscular mass) that the fact that I wasn’t getting good erections and that I wasn’t horny like I use to be just seemed normal because everything was going haywire. We would need someone with important sexual symptoms who tried fasting to tell how it went for him.

My problems are mostly sexual. I did an 8 -day waterfast a couple of months back. I stopped because I felt so weak and had lost close to 10 kg’s (something around 20+ lbs).
What I noticed on day 5 and onwards I had super vivid dreams, more vivid then I can remember ever dreaming.
Sexually I felt a little better, but no lasting benefits whatsoever. I would not do it again. Maybe these 15 hour fasts yes, but not for a longer period. But everyone is different.

You wouldn’t have to insist a lot to make me admit that water fasting is not necessarily a pleasant experience. For me, it was very tough, but when your life is pure hell and you’re totally desperate, it’s something that you’re able to accept. What I can say is that for me, yes, it changed something and it was worth it. But you have to know that it makes a difference if you do it one week, two weeks or three weeks. For example, fin made me very sensible to some substances and I couldn’t use Minoxidil 5% because it made me unbelievably anxious. After 14 days of fasting, I was feeling very calm and well and I thought: I feel very different now, why not give it a try? Well, I had the same reaction as before. After doing 20 days of water fasting, I had to use Minoxidil 5% and to my surprise, I didn’t have any reaction to it. The weight loss is of course disconcerting. For me, the worse was the way my face looked, all bony as if I was dying of cancer, but I was going to the gym before the fast and my body didn’t looked so bad at the end. I mean, I was too thin and it didn’t looked normal or healthy, but it wasn’t as if I was going to die of starvation in the next hours.

i broke my fast during the eighth day yesterday, actually i regret it even if i don’t think it can help me at all i could have tried to fast for 1 week more. Now my sexual condition is not as bad as during the fasting but not as good as before the fasting. If tomorrow or the day after i start a new 7/8 days fasting can the effects of this new fasting add up to the previous one or when you break a fasting you start again from zero even if you have eaten for just 3 days or so?