Zuranolone- usage

Has anyone used Zuranolone out of interest ?

*Rather than obtaining stuff from the internet from dubious sources , has anyone tried it through the system (ie gone to their primary care /GP , had it prescribed properly etc)

Be interested to see the opinions ,


doesn’t it cost like $14000 for 1 month treatment session or something around that?
I’ve seen 1 post here where someone was able to get hold of it by being part of the drug trial. Apparently hasn’t helped him.

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Correct @solid_painting

Additionally and according to Melcangii there’s different Allo pathways so the treatment protocol delivery may need to be more tailored. (Nof sure if that’s feasible)

Some may benefit from it but its a big spend with no guaremantees.

I also believe Melcangi us seeking to get the go ahead for pfs ers to be given the opportunity to try it

It’s been approved in the UK though right ? We are cheap over here lol we won’t be paying that - they must have a way to have it feasible for patients , even if it’s obtained privately ….

I’m curious to see how it might help with some things like sleep , tinnitus etc

That’s cool ! Melancagi have been really helpful to the PFS cause over the years …

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