
My sleep has been shit for months. I caved and got zopiclone. It works, but, I’m worried about the long term… Like if I’ll need a stronger dose or if I’ll be able to taper off it.

I’m taking 7.5mg about 10 times a month.

Wondering if anyone has been on it for several months and how it’s going?

Zopiclone is pure poison! I was on it more than one year, on and off trying to come off several time. If your body get used to it (in my case after a few weeks) it is extremely hard to come off. After 5 months of very hard withdrawal with almost no sleep, heart problems and panic attacks whole nights long i am now off.

Don’t take this drug LONGER THAN A FEW DAYS!

Agreed, its ok every once and a while. If you take it every day, you’re asking for trouble.

Fuck. It’s already losing effectiveness. This was a bad idea.