Zoloft (Sertraline) Threatment

Today I went to see the psychiatrisc and he did prescribe Zloft / Sertraline 50mg to me.

Have anyone tried this medicine? If yes please tell us your experience, it will be welcome.

what are your symptoms?
maybe it will motivate you a bit more, maybe could solve sleep issues, but according to wiki (and wiki is actually very good in this), and especially at 50mg, it’s only going to inhibit serotonin reuptake… at higher dosages it could block dopamine reuptake as well but 50mg is a low dosage.

this means it will most probably make any sexual sides you have worse unless they are coming from true depression or true anxiety. maybe start at 10mg and check out whats your reaction. could slightly increase your mood…

anything you do, if you decide to try it, you need to keep it up at least for 10 days. that’s more or less when glutamate starts being blocked with ssri treatments, shown by some reasearch that came out end of last year. that’s when you will feel antidepressant effects…hopefully

i think if you want to try this route, you should try tianeptine…but good luck with getting that prescribed…

let us know your experience

Made me far worse, more suicidal and amplified my sexual problems

All SSRI’s are no good with PFS !!!

My advice would be to ask for a SNRI like Remeron

remeron is good. i couldn’t tolerate muscle twitches i got from it but clonazepam solved that.
i prefer trazadone though. no memory problems associated with remeron or any other cholinergic effects, and also blocks 5ht2a at very low dosage. should increase sex drive as well, the following day. all this as long as you don’t get priapism…lol…bloody drugs

I think that this could be good idea to discuss with your doctor too, appart from remeron:

  • tianeptine would be good for sexual sides and depression because 1) it blocks glutamate, 2)it raises dopamine (by lowering serotoning)
  • buproprion would be good for sexual sides and depression because it raises dopamine
  • buspirone, as its a partial agonist of 5th1-a…

I started the Zoloft this week and after two days I feel my symtoms is getting worse, I have facing now the same THETIGERSHULL’s feelings regarding his experience with that drug.

I still did not find anything that improves my sexual problems, penile numbness avoid me to start and keep any erection even 4 years after stopped finasteride.
I also suffer with brain fog, lack of concentration and reasoning and sadness. Because of these symptoms plus the sexual problem I went to the doctor.

I asked him for Bupropion but he prefered to start with Zoloft for 40 days.
and when I told him I used finasteride for 7 years and my symptoms started after the use of that poyson he put his hand at his head and said “ohh, I feel your pain”.

I can’t vouch for Sertraline (never tried it) but Remeron did help with sleep- its proven to promote slow wave sleep. Just my two cents.

Have you learned nothing. No no no to SSRI’s. Unless you want to die, no!