Zix (zinc, b6 mixture) PFS risk?

What do people on here think about this topical (mixture of zinc, B6, distilled water and ethyl alchol)? I’ve been looking on posts around here and seen some people say zinc improved their PFS and some suggesting it could cause PFS.

Any opinions on this it’s quite important to me

I have mild tinnitus on two separate frequencies. Usually it’s barely audible, but any time I am exposed to something 5-AR reducing, the volume of the sounds increase, and I know I am being inhibited. I tried Zix, and it had the same effect, and also lowered my libido. Very few members on that thread report it causing side effects, but they are not compromised, and we are. I would advise to stay away from it.


How long did you try zix?

I would urge extreme caution with anything containing zinc. There are topics here identifying it as a 5-AR inhibitor. There is a high risk that you open yourself to further problems. Things can always deteriorate far worse. You are here because you got damaged by a 5-AR inhibitor. Be very cautious about going near any others.


I got sides from saw palm. They went away fully within 3 days. Does that still make me a candidate. I’m so young to be going bald. Fuck man it’s either risk pfs or be in my early 20s and bald. Both would make me hate my life. Sure pfs is ten times worse.

Haven’t tried it. Thinking of taking it due to the components being stuff which we find in our bodies anyways. I don’t think it goes systematically in the same way either. I can’t stop thinking about my hair.

If you no longer have side effects - you need to see how great that is. You are free - you have your health - and you need to avoid any further brush with dangerous meds, vitamins, herbs. Personally, I stay the hell away from everything. I plan to avoid anything that isn’t treating a life-threatening injury. (I class PADS in that bracket but am ultra cautious and do not have anything on the radar to take for it.)

I had severe acne - the kind that would provoke random strangers to insult me in the street - but would take that over PADS any day.

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There is no comparison between PFS and being bald in your early 20s. Your hair is not even an afterthought, when you are unable to sleep at all, have constant pain, can’t feel any pleasure or any positive emotions at all.

I was in my early 20s and losing my hair just like you and thought it was the worst thing in the world, that I would be ugly, lonely, frustrated and underfucked thanks to my lack of hair. That’s why I took Finasteride, but guess what, it did not work. My hair went away anyway, I made my peace with it and shaved it off, started to work out, dressed better and improved my general outlook on life. And guess what, I had never been more comfortable with my look and was fairly popular with the girls. Unfortunately, the mistake of taking Finasteride still haunts me today with persistent side effects, while I don’t care about my hair one bit anymore. In fact, being bald has become a bit of a trademark as I look a bit like The Hitman.

Yeah, on average a full head of hair is better than being bald, but when you are confident, strong, funny, intelligent and well dressed, most people don’t give a crap about your bald head.


hi @Steve47,

I’m very pleased you got over your side effects. This forum is for those not so lucky who have symptoms that develop or persist after ceasing antiandrogenic substances. It is explicitly not a hair loss forum and this is a trivial issue compared to what members here are suffering.

The fact you experienced side effects should serve as a warning to steer clear. Many patients here developed serious unresolvable health problems on a subsequent use of the substance. Your future decisions are up to you of course and we wish you the best, but this isn’t the forum for your concerns.

Best regards

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