Hi there. Since I knew of the existence of PFS I’m avoiding 5ar inhibitors and I’m just supplementing vitamins for my hair (biotin and vitamin C, D, E). Today I started supplementing zinc too, cause I discovered from my lab tests that I have low zinc status (877 ug/L, range 800-1600), but I read here that zinc is a mild 5ar inhibitor and some of you crashed from it. I’m supplementing 12,5 mg per day, do you think it is a safe dose?
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Did you end up trying Zinc?
I’m gonna try some Zinc Pic at 12.5 and go from there
I don’t see why you would want to introduce a new 5-AR inhibitor after you have been burned by one already. People here have given themselves further damage by this approach. Can you increase zinc via your diet without resorting to supplements?
It’s not as simple as Zinc being 5ar inhibitor (it also reduces aromatase enzyme btw). If your labs confirmed deficiency then you might benefit from boosting its level. Maybe try eating foods high in zinc? I’m not fond of supplementing vitamins and minerals anymore. That said, I did low doses of Zinc (2-11mg), Magnesium & vitamin C for a while and was fine. Key word here is “temporary intake”.