Hi all,
I am 28 yr old male. I had been following topics of drugs that are used for hair treatment for about 4 years. Only a few days ago i took a serious measure and consulted with hair loss specialist. He suggested me Minoxidil, Finasteride 1mg and Follihair (multivitamin and mineral formula for hair growth). I bought a 1 month supply of all the prescribed medicines.
I did not open the minoxidil pack after reconfirmation from many friends that it`s a life long drug and would have severe impact on hairloss post discontinuity.
I have always had rock solid erections in the mornings and just fiddling with my testicles for under a minute would be more than enough for a rock solid erection.
Yesterday, i had a plan to start Finasteride along with Follihair. I took 1mg of Finasteride and 1 Follihair tablet yesterday at 11:30 am and went to bed. Today, i woke up at 7:00 am without any erection. Seems like i lost my libido and have become fully impotent within 9 hours of drug usage. Should i discontinue on the first day itself, or is it normal on the first day for libido and erection to drop from 100 to 0. Or does this mean a permanent damage? Will i ever recover? How long would it take on an average to recover from these side effects? Can i still continue on the course as doctor had asked me to try it for 3 months?
Any help / inputs would be greatly appreciated.