Zambia Beginning to Warn...

I was pleased to read a column this morning in The Zambia Post (that nation’s most popular newspaper) by Kim Otteby titled “Low Libido?”

In it, Kim writes that Propecia “has been linked to not only a decreased interest in sex but also to full blown impotence.”

The full story here:

Zambia stood out in my mind because just last month, the PFS Foundation reported that Zambia is among 11 nations that accessed its website for the first time ever in 2015: … fic-up-37/

So it does not take a genius to see that the proverbial dots are steadily being connected around the globe.

In any case, in addition to being the health columnist for The Post, Kim is also founder of Umoyo Natural Health:

So I’d suggest that as many PFS sufferers as possible email Kim and fill her in on the full impact of PFS:

If we’re lucky, she’ll track down some Zambian PFS patients and write about them.

And wouldn’t that be great – having the entire African nation up in arms about Merck poisoning its male population?

Just remember: the more you reach out to any member of the media and tell him/her that you appreciate the good work he/she is doing, the better.

They love the feedback, and it will in most cases prompt them to cover the issue again at some point.

So email Kim soon and thank her for the complete impotence warning – and also tell her how bad full PFS can be.

This is an important medical issue for African nations. It is a huge market for Merck and anything which lets people there know about PFS is a great thing.

Thanks for that bump back into the queue.

And it’s true: there has been very little press out of Africa about PFS. So any little bit we cam spur will go a long way.

So email Kim now and start spreading the word.

Meanwhile, I will continue to scour the global media for similar opportunities.