What is your interest in a video containing pictures of the side effects from Propecia?
- I am interested, and I would supply anonymous photographs
- I am interested, but do not have/will not provide photographs
- I am indifferent
- I do not think it is a good idea
- Other (please explain below)
0 voters
Hello everyone,
The idea of creating a video containing photographs of our side effects was discussed in this thread:
I have a friend that can create a decent video (he created a wedding video for me). I would create the script and he would put it together.
But first, I need to gauge whether or not I would have enough material to create a satisfactory product. This would be completely anonymous. Your pictures would be used for the video and maybe a thread on this site.
I will not create a video unless it is going to have enough of a “Wow” factor. I am interested in doing this, but I will need enough “shocking” material or it just won’t really have the effect I’d be looking for. I’d be looking to include photographs that show any noticeable change to the way you look (face, skin, penis, etc.).